Where IT


1436 Publikationen

Jürgen Jasperneite und Ulrich Jumar, Kommunikation in der Automation : Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2024. Lemgo: Institut für industrielle Informationstechnik - inIT der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, 2024.
Mike Neelen , Tobias Ferfers , Alexander Biendarra , Phillipe Saey , Sebastian Schriegel , Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Investigation of complex cybersecurity-attacks on synchronisation and Time-Aware Shaping in a TSN-Network" in Kommunikation in der Automation : Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2024., 2024 .
Maxim Friesen , Arne Neumann , Denis Gustin , Timo Siekmann , Björn Kroll , Philipp Alda , Pragya Agarwal , Kim Petersen und Thomas Conrath, "Integration von TETRA-Funktionalitäten mit 5G MCX: Machbarkeitsstudie und Umsetzungskonzept" in Kommunikation in der Automation : Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2024., 2024 .
Philip Kleen , Marco Ehrlich , Torben Auhagen-Meyer und Sebastian Schriegel, "Automatische Bewertung und Überwachung von Safety- & Security-Eigenschaften: Konzept, Informationsmodelle und Herausforderungen" in Kommunikation in der Automation : Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2024., 2024 .
Lisa Gebauer , Sebastian Wolf , Marco Ehrlich und Henning Trsek, "Herausforderungen in der Automatisierung von Security-Risikobeurteilungen für Operational Technology" in Kommunikation in der Automation : Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2024., 2024 .
Robin William Foster , Simon Althoff und Henning Trsek, "Development and Analysis of Deployment Strategies for Smart Services Using Various Hardware Assets for Industrial Applications" in Kommunikation in der Automation : Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2024., 2024 .
Maxim Friesen , Sarder Fakhrul Abedin , Mikael Gidlund und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Towards Sustainable Mobile Deployments of 5G+ Integrated Access and Backhaul Networks" in 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2024 .
Carsten Röcker, "Digitale Assistenzsysteme für die Werkstatt von Morgen" in Vortrag: CapHandy e.V, Smart Factory OWL, Lemgo, 2024 .
Lisa Gebauer , Marco Ehrlich , Sebastian Wolf , Dimitri Hader , Luca Schäfer , Henning Trsek und Natalia Moriz, "Concept for Software-supported Automated Security Risk Assessments for Industrial Components" in 2024 29th IEEE IES International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2024 .
Julian Knaup , Christoph-Alexander Holst und Volker Lohweg, "Hidden in Plain Sight: Adversarial Attack on Wavelet-Based Banknote Authentication" in 2024 IEEE 8th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI), 2024 .
Marco Ehrlich , Georg Lukas , Lisa Gebauer , Henning Trsek , Jürgen Jasperneite , Wolfgang Kastner und Christian Diedrich, "Evaluation of an Automated Security Risk Assessment based on a Manual Reference" in 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2024 .
Anton Pfeifer , Julian Knaup , Christoph-Alexander Holst und Volker Lohweg, "Evaluation of Time Series Forecasting Strategies for Demand Management" in 2024 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2024 pp. 01-08.
Tullio Facchinetti , Howard Li , Antonino Nocera , Daniel Peters , Thomas Routhu , Stefano Scanzio und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Applying AI in the Area of Automation Systems: Overview and Challenges" in IEEE ETFA 2024 - IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2024 .
Krithiga Ramesh , Maxim Friesen , Tullio Facchinetti und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Comparative Performance Analysis of LiDAR-Based SLAM Algorithms: A Case Study" in 29th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2024 .
Stefano Scanzio , Francesco Velluto , Matteo Rosani und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Executable QR codes with Machine Learning for Industrial Applications" in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2024, 2024 .
Tony Rosset Anto , Borja Albert Gramaje , Lukasz Wisniewski und Stylianos Karatzas, "Data Management Platform for Indoor Air Quality Management" in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2024, 2024 .
Robin Buchta , Daniel Mahrenholz , Uwe Mönks , Carsten Kleiner , Felix Heine und Henning Trsek, "GraphWatch: A Novel Threat Hunting Approach for APT Activities based on Anomaly Detection" in 2024 IEEE 29th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2024 .
Carsten Röcker, "Digital Assistance Systems for Inclusive Workspaces" in Vortrag: Department of Adult Nursing, School of Nursing, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China, 2024 .
Carsten Röcker, "Digital Assistance Systems: Participatory Design as a Key Aspect for Inclusive Solutions" in Vortrag: School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, 2024 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Probability Distributions on Linear PDE Systems" in Vortrag: Colloquium of the SFB 1481 "Sparsity and Singular Structures" at RWTH Aachen, 2024 .
Andreas Schüller , Sarah Fluchs , Björn Höper , Thomas Reuter , Emre Tastan und Marco Ehrlich, "NAMUR NE 193 "Ein Informationsmodell für das Automation Security Engineering”" in NAMUR Online, 2024 .
Carsten Röcker, "Digitale Assistenzsysteme als Technologische Wegbereiter für die Arbeitswelt von Morgen" in Vortrag: Agentur für Arbeit, Technischer Beratungsdienst, Innovation Campus, Lemgo, 2024 .
Heiko Adamczyk , Marco Ehrlich und Henning Trsek, "Evolution der IT/OT-Security durch modulare Anlagenkonzepte" in 25. VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION, 2024 .
Ka Yung Cheng , Markus Lange-Hegermann , Jan-Bernd Hövener und Björn Schreiweis, "Instance-level Medical Image Classification for Text-based Retrieval in a Medical Data Integration Center" Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal ,Jun., . 2024.
Jan Lippemeier , Stefanie Hittmeyer , Oliver Niehörster und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Visual Car Brand Classification by Implementing a Synthetic Image Dataset Creation Pipeline" in Preprint: arXiv:2406.01071, 2024 .
Mohsen Kazemian , Tasos Dagiuklas und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Direction Estimation of the Attacked Signal in PBCH of 5G NR" IEEE Communications Letters ( Early Access ) ,May., pp. 1-1, 2024.
Gabriele Formis , Stefano Scanzio , Lukasz Wisniewski und Gianluca Cena, "Mixing Neural Networks and Exponential Moving Averages for Predicting Wireless Links Behavior" in 7th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS), 2024 .
Helmand Shayan , Gözde Özden , Jan Lorenzen und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "AI-Based Online Spectral Classification of Copper Alloys using PGNAA" in 24th IEEE Real Time Conference - ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, 22.–26. April 2024, 2024 .
Henrik Folz , Joshua Henjes , Annika Heuer , Joscha Lahl , Philipp Olfert , Bjarne Seen , Sebastian Stabenau , Kai Krycki , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Helmand Shayan, "PGNAA Spectral Classification of Aluminium and Copper Alloys with Machine Learning" in Preprint: arxiv:2404.14107, 2024 pp. 8.
Marco Ehrlich , Georg Lukas , Henning Trsek , Jürgen Jasperneite , Wolfgang Kastner und Christian Diedrich, "Requirements Analysis for the Evaluation of Automated Security Risk Assessments" in Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 2024 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Probability distributions on linear PDE systems" in Vortrag: XII. Conference on Differential Algebra and Related Topics, Kassel, 2024 .
Helmand Shayan , Gözde Özden und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Online Classification of Diverse Metal Materials Using PGNAA and Machine Learning" in Poster: Machine Learning Conference for X-Ray and Neutron-Based Experiments, Munich, 8-10 April 2024, 2024 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Future Aware Safe Active Learning of Time Varying Systems" in Vortrag: Online in "Active Learning Focus Group" bei Bosch, 2024 .
Andreas Besginow , Jan David Hüwel , Thomas Pawellek , Christian Beecks und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "On the Laplace Approximation as Model Selection Criterion for Gaussian Processes" in Preprint: arXiv:2403.09215v1, 2024 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Präsentation MetalClass" in Vortrag: DigitaleZukunft@OWL, 2024 .
Nico Baumgart , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Mike Mücke, "Synthetic Training Dataset for Real-World Terminal Strip Object Detection" in, 2024 .
Jörn Tebbe , Christoph Zimmer , Ansgar Steland , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Fabian Mies, "Efficiently Computable Safety Bounds for Gaussian Processes in Active Learning" in The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2024 .
Ka Yung Cheng , Santiago Pazmino , Björn Bergh , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Björn Schreiweis, "An Image Retrieval Pipeline in a Medical Data Integration Center" in 19th World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, 2024 pp. 1388 - 1389.
Ka Yung Cheng , Santiago Pazmino , Björn Bergh , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Björn Schreiweis, "An Image Retrieval Pipeline in a Medical Data Integration Center" in Poster: World Congress on Medical and Health Informatics, 2024 .
Carsten Röcker, "Digitale Assistenzsysteme als Wegbereiter für inklusive Arbeitswelten" in Vortrag: TBD-Fachtagung, Katholisch-Soziales Institut, Siegburg, 2024 .
Stefano Scanzio , Hans-Peter Bernhard , Dave Cavalcanti , Gianluca Cena , Lei Shu , Iñaki Val und Lukasz Wisniewski, "IEEE Access Special Section: Advances on High Performance Wireless Networks for Automation and IIoT" , vol. 11 ,Dec., pp. 142748-142753, 2023.
Markus Lange-Hegermann und Bogdan Raiţă, "Modeling Linear PDE Systems with Probabilistic Machine Learning" in Vortrag: Paris/online, bei der Firma Extrality, 2023 .
Jörn Tebbe, "Efficiently Computable Safety Bounds for Gaussian Processes in Active Learning" in Vortrag: Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Renningen, 2023 .
Carsten Röcker, "Intelligent Assistance for inclusive Workspaces" in Vortrag: International Workshop on Inclusive Human-Computer Interaction, Wellington, Neuseeland, 2023 .
Julian Knaup , Christoph-Alexander Holst und Volker Lohweg, "Robust Training with Adversarial Examples on Industrial Data" in Proceedings - 33. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2023 pp. 123.
André Bröring , Arne Neumann , Andreas Schmelter und Jürgen Jasperneite, "A Communication Concept Using 5G for the Automated Driving Monorail Vehicle MONOCAB" in Kommunikation in der Automation: 14. Jahreskolloquium, 2023 pp. 210-219.
Tobias Ferfers , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Investigation in Automatic Fault Detection of Scheduled Traffic and Frame Preemption in Time Sensitive Networks" in Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA, 2023 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Modeling Linear PDE Systems with Probabilistic Machine Learning" in Vortrag: auf dem "Symposium on Applied Mathematics" at Bosch, 2023 .
Carsten Röcker, "Inklusion durch digitale Assistenz" in Vortrag: Herbstklausur der Grünen im LWL, Smart Factory OWL, Lemgo, 2023 .
Carsten Röcker und Annika Reinersmann, "Nutzen von Arbeit 4.0 in der Inklusion: eine neue Zukunft für die Beschäftigung schwerbehinderter Menschen am ersten Arbeitsmarkt und in der WfbM?" Behinderung und Recht: Fachzeitschrift für Inklusion, Teilhabe und Rehabilitation ,Sep., pp. 45-48, 2023.
Tobias Ferfers , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Automated Root Cause Analysis in Time-Sensitive Networks based on Fault Models" in International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication ISPCS 2023, 2023 .
Maxim Friesen , Sarder Fakhrul Abedin , Mikael Gidlund und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Network Digital Twins: A Key-Enabler for Zero-Touch Management in Industrial Communication Systems" in IEEE 28th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2023 pp. 8.
Marco Ehrlich , André Bröring , Henning Trsek , Jürgen Jasperneite und Christian Diedrich, "Evaluation Concept for Prototypical Implementation towards Automated Security Risk Assessments" in International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2023 .
Helmand Shayan , Kai Krycki , Marco Doemeland und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "PGNAA Spectral Classification of Metal with Density Estimations" IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science ( Volume: 70, Issue: 6, June 2023) , vol. 70 ,Aug., pp. 7, 2023.
Raphael Hanselle , Dominic Stork , Sönke Lück , Rainer Rasche , Rolf Naumann und Stefan Witte, "Simulation of a Longitudinal Control System for an Automated Driving Self-Stabilized Monorail Vehicle" in 28th IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks, 2023 .
Hitesh Dhiman , Yutaro Nemoto , Michael Fellmann und Carsten Röcker, "Beyond Efficiency and Productivity: Design Tools, Methods and Frameworks for Well-being, and (Un)exploited Potentials for Assisting Employees at Work" ,Aug., . 2023. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Aug. 16 2023].
Anton Pfeifer , Hendrik Brandt und Volker Lohweg, "A Comparison of Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches for Time Series Forecasting in a Demand Management Scenario" in IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2023 .
Niels Hendrik Fliedner , Volker Lohweg , Claudia Al-Karawi und Miriam Pein-Hackelbusch, "A Novel Spectroscopic Approach for Vaseline Quality Discrimination" in IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2023 .
Marco Ehrlich , André Bröring , Christian Diedrich , Jürgen Jasperneite , Wolfgang Kastner und Henning Trsek, "Determining the Target Security Level for Automated Security Risk Assessments" in International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2023 .
Jörn Tebbe , Thomas Pawlik , Marc Trilling-Haasler , Jannis Löbner , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Jan Schneider, "Holistic optimization of a dynamic cross-flow filtration process towards a cyber-physical system" in 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2023 pp. 1-7.
Janis Albrecht , Alexander Biendarra und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Increasing Ethernet TSN Multi-Protocol Interoperability by Algorithmic Configuration Merge" in 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2023 .
Denis Gustin , Timo Siekmann , Björn Kroll , Philip Kleen , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Outdoor Field Test of 5G-based V2X Communication for Real-Time Monitoring and Remote Control of a Monorail Vehicle" in 2023 IEEE 21st International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2023 .
Sinem Görmez und Carsten Röcker, "Exploring the Potential of Gestures for Controlling Doors and Windows in Smart Homes" Human Factors in Architecture, Sustainable Urban Planning and Infrastructure ,Jul., pp. 8 -15, 2023. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Oct. 22 2024].
Jan Hüwel , Andreas Besginow , Fabian Berns , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Christian Beecks, "On Kernel Search Based Gaussian Process Anomaly Detection" IN4PL 2020, IN4PL 2021: Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics , vol. Communications in Computer and Information Science ,Jul., pp. 1 -- 23, 2023. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Oct. 22 2024].
Rustam Tagiew , Dirk Leinhos , Henrik von der Haar , Christian Klotz , Dennis Sprute , Jens Ziehn , Andreas Schmelter , Stefan Witte und Pavel Klasek, "Sensor system for development of perception systems for ATO" Discover Artifical Intelligence , vol. 3 ,Jun., . 2023.
Marco Ehrlich , André Bröring , Christian Diedrich und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Towards Automated Risk Assessments for Modular Manufacturing Systems - Process Analysis and Information Model Proposal" , vol. Band 71 Heft 6 ,Jun., . 2023. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Oct. 22 2024].
Tim Driesen-Micklitz , Michael Fellmann und Carsten Röcker, "A Set of Design Principles for Personalized Information in Automated Driving User Interfaces Based on Theory and Empirical Evidence" ,Jun., . 2023. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Jul. 27 2023].
André Bröring, "Forschungsprojekt: 5G SIMONE (sicher.mobil.vernetzt.)" in Vortrag: Industrial Radio Day 2023, 2023 .
Julian Bültemeier , Philip Meier und Volker Lohweg, "NPRportrait-segmentation" in, 2023 .
Julian Bültemeier , Volker Lohweg , Christoph-Alexander Holst , Benny Drescher und Frederik Klöckner, "Semi-automated Certificate Authenticity Verification on the example of medical personal protective equipment" in Vortrag: Optical & Digital Document Security (ODDS), Prag, Tschechischen Republik, 2023 .
Paul Wunderlich , Daniel Pauli , Michael Neumaier , Stephanie Wisser , Hans-Jürgen Danneel , Volker Lohweg und Helene Dörksen, "Enhancing Shelf Life Prediction of Fresh Pizza with Regression Models and Low Cost Sensors" , vol. 12 , no. 6 ,Mar., pp. 16, 2023.
Markus Lange-Hegermann , Tobias Schmohl , Alice Watanabe , Kathrin Schelling , Stefan Heiss und Jessica Rubart, "KI-basierte Erstellung individualisierter Mathematikaufgaben für MINT-Fächer" ,Mar., pp. 161-172, 2023.
Carsten Röcker, "Smarte Assistenzsysteme für die inklusive Produktion von morgen" in Vortrag: Keynote DigiTeilhabe 2023, Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, 2023 .
Paul Wunderlich , Frauke Wiegräbe und Helene Dörksen, "Digital Case Manager—A Data-Driven Tool to Support Family Caregivers with Initial Guidance" International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) , vol. 20 , no. 2 ,Jan., . 2023.
Julian Knaup , Robert Bakschik , Alexander Dicks , Gernot Boege , Dennis Wendland und Bernd Stöhr, "Data Governance in der Produktentstehung" KI-Marktplatz ,Jan., pp. 1-27, 2023.
Julian Bültemeier , Christoph-Alexander Holst und Volker Lohweg, "Spatial control in model-based Neural Style Transfer" in Proceedings - 32. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2022 pp. 213-235.
Dirk Leinhos , Holger Flatt , Jens Ziehn , Andreas Schmelter , Jan-Christopher Brand , Franz Ponholzer , Henrik von der Haar , Micha Beyer und Stefan Witte, "Sensorik als technische Voraussetzung für ATO-Funktionen" in Bericht: Berichte des Deutschen Zentrums für Schienenverkehrsforschung, Bericht 31 (2022), 2022 .
Daniel Antonow , André Gnad , Tobias Ferfers und Henning Trsek, "Concept for Controller-Based Coexistence Management of Diverse Wireless Communication Systems" in KommA 2022 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2022 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Ulrich Jumar, Kommunikation in der Automation : Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2022. Institut für industrielle Informationstechnik - inIT der Technischen Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, 2022.
André Bröring , Marco Ehrlich , Lukasz Wisniewski , Henning Trsek und Stefan Heiss, "An Asset Administration Shell Version Control to Enforce Integrity Protection" in Kommunikation in der Automation : Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2022, 2022 pp. 192-203.
Oliver Konradi , Mario Schoppmeier , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Practical investigation of an industrial converged network based on OPC UA PubSub and TSN" in KommA 2022 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2022 .
Julian Bültemeier , Christoph-Alexander Holst und Volker Lohweg, "Intaglio Style Transfer - Deep Learning für die Banknotenerstellung" in Vortrag: 8. Jahreskolloquium Bildverarbeitung in der Automation – BVAu, 2022 .
Markus Brüning , Paul Wunderlich und Helene Dörksen, "Advanced Feature Extraction Workflow for Few Shot Object Recognition" in Bildverarbeitung in der Automation - BVAu 2022, 2022 .
Jan Letmade , Roland Hess und Stefan Witte, "Latenzoptimierte, kontaktlose Datenübertragung für Industrial Ethernet" in Kommunikation in der Automation: Beiträge des Jahreskolloquiums KommA 2022, 2022 .
Christian Klotz , Dirk Leinhos , Franz Ponholzer , Stefan Witte und Dennis Sprute, "Test- und Trainingsdaten für ATO-Perzeptionssysteme - Anforderungen an ein Messsystem" ETR - Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau , vol. 10/2022 ,Oct., . 2022.
Barbara Hammer , Eyke Hüllermeier , Volker Lohweg , Axel Schneider , Wolfram Schenck , Ulrike Kuhl , Marco Braun , Anton Pfeifer , Christoph-Alexander Holst , Malte Schmidt , Gunnar Schomaker und Tanja Tornede, "Schlussbericht ITS.ML: Intelligente Technische Systeme der nächsten Generation durch Maschinelles Lernen. Forschungsvorhaben zur automatisierten Analyse von Daten mittels Maschinellen Lernens" in Bericht: Schlussbericht ITS.ML, CoR-Lab, 2022 pp. 58.
Rustam Tagiew , Dirk Leinhos , Henrik von der Haar , Jens Ziehn , Christian Klotz , Dennis Sprute , Andreas Schmelter , Stefan Witte und Pavel Klasek, "Onboard Sensor System for Automatic Train Operation" in 3rd International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for RAILwayS, 2022 .
André Bröring , Marco Ehrlich , Lukasz Wisniewski , Henning Trsek und Stefan Heiss, "Towards an Asset Administration Shell Integrity Verification Scheme" in 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2022 pp. 1-4.
Philip Sehr , Natalia Moriz , Mario Heinz-Jakobs und Henning Trsek, "Am I Done Learning? - Determining Learning States in Adaptive Assembly Systems" in 2022 27th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2022 .
Lisa Gebauer , Henning Trsek und Georg Lukas, "Evil SteVe: An Approach to Simplify Penetration Testing of OCPP Charge Points" in 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2022 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "On Inductive Biases for Gaussian Processes from Linear Differential Equations" in Vortrag: beim Mini-Workshop Stochastics, Learning and Applications, 2022 .
Mario Heinz-Jakobs , Hendrik Oestreich , Sebastian Wrede und Carsten Röcker, "User Expectations Regarding Design Dimensions of Adapative Assistance Systems" in 15th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI), 2022 .
Ka Yung Cheng , Helmand Shayan , Kai Krycki und Markus Lange-Hegermann, ""Prompt-Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA)" Metal Spectral Classification using Deep Learning Method" in 23rd Virtual IEEE Real Time Conference (1.–5. Aug. 2022), 2022 pp. 6.
Oliver Konradi , André Mankowski , Lukasz Wisniewski und Henning Trsek, "Towards an Industrial Converged Network with OPC UA PubSub and TSN" in 2022 IEEE 27th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2022 .
André Bröring , Lukasz Wisniewski und Alexander Belyaev, "Cross-Company Data Exchange with Asset Administration Shells and Distributed Ledger Technology" in Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation, 2022 pp. 51 -- 62.
Helmand Shayan , Kai Krycki , Marco Doemeland und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "PGNAA Spectral Classification of Metal with Density Estimations" in 23rd Virtual IEEE Real Time Conference (1.–5. Aug. 2022), 2022 .
Maxim Friesen , Jürgen Jasperneite , Tian Tan und Jie Wang, "Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning For Real-World Traffic Signal Controls - A Case Study" in 20th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN, IEEE, 2022 pp. 8.
Hitesh Dhiman , Didarul Alam , Yu Qiao , Carsten Röcker und Matthias Upmann, "Learn from the Best: Harnessing Expert Skill and Knowledge to Teach Unskilled Workers" in The15th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 2022 .
Tanja Hernández Rodríguez , Ralf Pörtner , Markus Lange-Hegermann , Florian Wurm und Björn Frahm, "A systematic, model-based approach for decision making in upstream development – Considerations regarding clone selection and cell expansion" in 27th Meeting of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology (ESACT): Cell Technologies for Innovative Therapies, 2022 .
Henrik Steude , Daniel Vranjes , Jan Lukas Augustin , Markus Lange-Hegermann , Daniel Hoeche und Oliver Niggemann, "Verwendung Neuronaler Netze zur automatisierten Analyse und Modellierung elasto-plastischer Materialeigenschaften von metallischen Zugproben" in VDI AUTOMATION, 2022 pp. 505 - 520.
Marc Brünninghaus und Carsten Röcker, "Low-Code Development in Industrial Assistance Systems: A New Approach to Make Support for Manual Tasks More Flexible and Adaptive" in 20th Annual IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2022 .
Marco Ehrlich , André Bröring , Christian Diedrich und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Towards Automated Risk Assessments for Modular Industrial Automation and Control Systems - State of the Art Survey and Information Model Proposal" in 17. Fachtagung EKA – Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, 2022 .
Tim Driesen-Micklitz , Michael Fellmann und Carsten Röcker, "Individual Traffic Information Preferences in User Interfaces for Automated Driving – A Driving Simulator Study" in 33rd IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2022 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "On Inductive Biases for Gaussian Processes from Differential Algebra" in Vortrag: Workshop on Differential Algebra at MPI für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Leipzig, 2022 .
Lukasz Wisniewski, "Keynote: Accelerating technology and knowledge transfer by the Industry 4.0 Living Lab" in Keynote: Automation and Industry 4.0. 3rd Thematic Conference – Digitalization – Simulation, 2022 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann und Daniel Robertz, "On boundary conditions parametrized by analytic functions" in Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, 2022 pp. 225--245.
Arne Neumann , Marvin Illian , Tobias Hardes , Lukas Martenvormfelde , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An Architecture Concept for Short- and Long-term Resource Planning in the Industry 4.0 Environment" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2022), 2022 .
Marco Ehrlich , Georg Lukas , Henning Trsek , Jürgen Jasperneite und Christian Diedrich, "Investigation of Resource Constraints for the Automation of Industrial Security Risk Assessments" in Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 2022 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Quality of Service (QoS) communication present and the future" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems, 2022 .
Denis Gustin und Jürgen Jasperneite, "IoT Device Management Based on Open Source Platforms - Requirements Analysis and Evaluation" in Network Operations and Management Symposium, 3rd Workshop on Management for Industry 4.0 (MFI4.0), 2022 .
Julian Bültemeier , Anton Pfeifer , Volker Lohweg , Christoph-Alexander Holst , Helene Dörksen und Johannes Schaede, "Intaglio Style Transfer on Computational-Resource-Limited Systems such as Mobile Devices" in Vortrag: Optical & Digital Document Security (ODDS), Wien, Österreich, 2022 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "On Gaussian Processes and their Interpretability" in Vortrag: bei der Spring School DataNinja 2022, 2022 .
Tanja Hernández Rodríguez , Ramm Selina , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Björn Frahm, "A systematic, model-based workflow for risk-based decision making in upstream development" in Poster: 5th annual Bioprocessing Summit Europe, Barcelona, Spain., 2022 .
Tim Driesen-Micklitz , Michael Fellmann und Carsten Röcker, "Human-Centered User Interfaces for Automated Driving – (Un-)exploited Potentials" in Human Computer Interaction & Digital Assistance Systems, 2022 .
Omar Gamal , Mohamed Imran , Hubert Roth und Jürgen Wahrburg, "Assistive Parking Systems Knowledge Transfer to End-to-End Deep Learning for Autonomous Parking" in 2020 6th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE), 2022 pp. 216-221.
Sahar Deppe , Marc Brünninghaus , Michael Voit und Carsten Röcker, "Anwendungsszenarien für AR in der Produktion: Use Cases und Technologielösungen" HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik ,Jan., . 2022.
Hitesh Dhiman , Christoph Wächter , Michael Fellmann und Carsten Röcker, "Intelligent Assistants: Conceptual Dimensions, Contextual Model, and Design Trends" Business Information Systems Engineering (BISE) Journal ,Dec., pp. 645-665, 2021.
Arthur Müller , Vishal Rangras , Tobias Ferfers , Florian Hufen , Lukas Schreckenberg , Georg Schnittker , Michael Waldmann , Maxim Friesen , Marco Wiering und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Towards Real-World Deployment of Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control" in Towards Real-World Deployment of Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Signal Control, 2021 .
Arne Neumann, "5G in der Industrie – eine aktuelle Standortbestimmung" in Vortrag: Transfer-Dialog "5G in der Industrie", 2021 .
Halil Akcam und Volker Lohweg, "Classification of Pollen by the Means of Circular Transformations" in Proceedings - 31. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2021 pp. 197-210.
Malte Schmidt und Volker Lohweg, "Interval-based Interpretable Decision Tree for Time Series Classification" in Proceedings - 31. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2021 pp. 91-111.
Ulrich Jumar und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2021): 12. Jahreskolloquium, 18.11. 2021: in Verbindung mit dem Industrial Radio Day, 17.11. 2021: Tagungsband" in Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2021): 12. Jahreskolloquium, 18.11. 2021: in Verbindung mit dem Industrial Radio Day, 17.11. 2021: Tagungsband, 2021 .
André Bröring , Marco Ehrlich , Henning Trsek und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Secure Usage of Asset Administration Shells - An Overview and Analysis of Best Practises" in Kommunikation in der Automation - KommA 2021, 2021 pp. 97-106.
Sergej Grunau und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Analyse von Entscheidungsprozessen beim VDI/VDE 2193 Bieterverfahren" in Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2021) : 12. Jahreskolloquium, 18.11.2021 : in Verbindung mit dem Industrial Radio Day, 17.11.2021 : Tagungsband, 2021 pp. 118-127.
Lukas Martenvormfelde , Arne Neumann , Lukas Schreckenberg und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Co-configuration of 5G and TSN enabling end-to-end quality of service in industrial communications" in Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2021) : 12. Jahreskolloquium, 18.11.2021 : in Verbindung mit dem Industrial Radio Day, 17.11.2021 : Tagungsband, 2021 pp. 166-175.
André Mankowski , Philip Priss , Jana Suton , Natalia Moriz und Henning Trsek, "Neue objektbasierte I4.0-Maschinenarchitektur" Technik und Wirtschaft für die deutsche Industrie ,Nov., pp. 19, 2021.
Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Migrationskonzept zur Einführung von Ethernet TSN in die Feldebene" at-Automatisierungstechnik ,Nov., pp. 952-961, 2021.
Barış Gün Sürmeli , Imke Weishaupt , Knut Schwarzer , Natalia Moriz und Jan Schneider, "Heat impact control in flash pasteurization by estimation of applied pasteurization units using near infrared spectroscopy" Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy ,Nov., pp. 1-13, 2021.
Tim Driesen-Micklitz , Adrian Merker , Alexander Stocker , Michael Fellmann und Carsten Röcker, "Akzeptanz von Fahrerassistenzsystemen - Eine qualitative Analyse und Konzeptualisierung von Probanden-Empfindungen" in Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann , Daniel Robertz , Werner M. Seiler und Matthias Seiß, "Singularities of algebraic differential equations" Advances in Applied Mathematics Volume 131 , vol. 131 ,Oct., . 2021.
Andreas Besginow , Jan Hüwel , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Christian Beecks, "Exploring Methods to Apply Gaussian Processes in Industrial Anomaly Detection" in Poster: Trustworthy AI in the wild, Workshop at KI 2021, 2021 .
Marco Ehrlich , André Bröring , Dimitri Hader , Torben Auhagen-Meyer , Philip Kleen , Lukasz Wisniewski , Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Alignment of safety and security risk assessments for modular production systems" e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik ,Sep., . 2021.
Philip Sehr , Natalia Moriz , Mario Heinz-Jakobs und Henning Trsek, "Model-based approach for adaptive assembly assistance" in 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2021 .
Anton Pfeifer und Volker Lohweg, "Classification of Faults in Cyber-Physical Systems with Complex-Valued Neural Networks" in 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2021 pp. 01-07.
Tom Hammerbacher , Gorden Platz und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Including Sparse Production Knowledge into Variational Autoencoders to Increase Anomaly Detection Reliability" in 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2021 pp. 1262-1267.
Ruslan Bernijazov , Alexander Dicks , Roman Dumitrescu , Marc Foullois , Jonas Hanselle , Eyke Hüllermeier , Gökce Karakaya , Patrick Ködding , Volker Lohweg , Manuel Malatyali , Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide , Melina Panzner und Christian Soltenborn, "A Meta-Review on Artificial Intelligence in Product Creation" in Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), 2021 .
Tobias Frefers , Arthur Müller , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Investigation in IoT and 5G architectures for deployment of Artificial Intelligence into urban mobility and production" in 2021 26th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2021 pp. 1-6.
Yutaro Nemoto , Hitesh Dhiman und Carsten Röcker, "Design for Continuous Use of Product-Service Systems: A Conceptual Framework" in Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'21), 2021 pp. pp. 983-992.
Omar Gamal , Mohamed Imran Peer Mohamed , Chirag Ghanshyambhai Patel und Hubert Roth, "Data-Driven Model-Free Intelligent Roll Gap Control of Bar and Wire Hot Rolling Process Using Reinforcement Learning" , no. 7 ,Jul., pp. 349-356, 2021.
André Bröring , Alexander Belyaev , Henning Trsek , Lukasz Wisniewski und Christian Diedrich, "Sicherer Austausch von Inhalten der Verwaltungsschale mit Distributed Ledger Technologie" in 22. VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION, 2021 .
Jan Strohschein , Andreas Fischbach , Andreas Bunte , Jörg Stork , Heide Faeskorn-Woyke , Natalia Moriz und Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, "Cognitive Capabilities for the CAAI in Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021 .
Lukasz Wisniewski, "Cyber-physical Systems in the area of smart city - living lab approach." in Vortrag: Programme of contemporary PhD studies in the field of cyber–physical systems (CyPhiS)., 2021 .
Lukasz Wisniewski, "Cyber-physical Systems in the area of industrial automation - living lab approach." in Vortrag: Programme of contemporary PhD studies in the field of cyber–physical systems (CyPhiS)., 2021 .
Lukasz Wisniewski, "Introduction to the digital twin." in Vortrag: Programme of contemporary PhD studies in the field of cyber–physical systems (CyPhiS)., 2021 .
Lukasz Wisniewski, "Quality of Service communication in Cyber-physical Systems." in Vortrag: Programme of contemporary PhD studies in the field of cyber–physical systems (CyPhiS)., 2021 .
Lukasz Wisniewski, "5G as a part of the industrial ecosystem." in Vortrag: Programme of contemporary PhD studies in the field of cyber–physical systems (CyPhiS)., 2021 .
Christoph-Alexander Holst, "Verdrängt KI menschliche Arbeit?" in Vortrag: Industrial Pioneers OWL: Lösungen für die Produktion von morgen, online, 2021 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Linearly Constrained Gaussian Processes with Boundary Conditions" in Proceedings of The 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 2021 pp. 1090-1098.
Arthur Müller , Vishal Rangras , Georg Schnittker , Michael Waldmann , Maxim Friesen , Tobias Frefers , Lukas Schreckenberg , Florian Hufen , Jürgen Jasperneite und Marco Wiering, "LemgoRL: An open-source Benchmark Tool to Train Reinforcement Learning Agents for Traffic Signal Control in a real-world simulation scenario" arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.16223 ,Mar., . 2021.
Markus Lange-Hegermann , Tobias Schmohl , Alice Watanabe , Stefan Heiss und Jessica Rubart, "AI-Based STEM Education: Generation of Individualised Mathematics Tasks" in New Perspectives in Science Education 10, 2021 .
Marc Foullois , Anna-Lena Kato-Beiderwieden , Lisa Mlekus , Günter W. Maier , Sascha Jenderny , Carsten Röcker , Oliver Dietz , Matthias Pretzlaff , Oliver Huxdorf , Friedrich von Dungern , Dieter Bräutigam , Lars Seifert und Roman Dumitrescu, "Arbeit 4.0 in der Produktentstehung mit IviPep: Identifizierung und ganzheitliche Umsetzung von Szenarien digitalisierter Arbeit" in Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt: Praxisbeispiele und Gestaltungslösungen aus dem BMBF-Förderschwerpunkt, 2021 pp. 16.
Omar Gamal und Hubert Roth, "Camera-Based Surgical Navigation System: Evaluation of Classification and Object Detection CNN Models for X-markers Detection" in 2021 7th International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE), 2021 pp. 209-215.
Michael Gundall , Mathias Strufe , Hans D. Schotten , Peter Rost , Christian Markwart , Rolf Blunk , Arne Neumann , Jan Grießbach , Markus Aleksy und Dirk Wübben, "Introduction of a 5G-enabled Architecture for the Realization of Industry 4.0 Use Cases" IEEE Access ,Feb., . 2021.
Andreas Bunte , Frank Richter und Rosanna Diovisalvi, "Why it is Hard to Find AI in SMEs - A Survey From the Practice and How to Promote it" in International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), 2021 .
André Bröring , Alexander Belyaev , Henning Trsek , Lukasz Wisniewski und Christian Diedrich, "Secure Asset Administration Shell exchange with Distributed Ledger Technology" in Shaping a globally secure Industrie 4.0 Ecosystem - Enabling international interoperable security policies, 2021 pp. 78-91.
Stefano Scanzio , Lukasz Wisniewski und Piotr Gaj, "Heterogeneous and Dependable Networks in Industry - a Survey" Journal Computers in Industry ,Jan., . 2021.
Michael Storck , S. Sandmann , Philipp Bruland , Manuel Pedro Pereira , Sabine Steinke , Claudia Riepe , Iñaki Soto-Rey , Sabine Garcovich , Matthias Augustin , Christine Blome , Svetlana Bobko , Franz J. Legat , N. Potekaev , Andrey Lvov , Laurent Misery , Wolfgang Weger , Adam Reich , E. Şavk , Markus Streit , Esther Serra-Baldrich , Jacek C. Szepietowski , Martin Dugas , Sonja Ständer und Claudia Zeidler, "Pruritus Intensity Scales across Europe: a prospective validation study" , vol. JEADV ,Jan., . 2021.
Holger Flatt , Sebastian Schriegel , Jan F. Westerkamp , Ingo Mackensen , Albrecht Gensior und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Ethernet-basierte Ultra-Hochgeschwindigkeitskommunikation für eine Regelung dezentraler Einspeiseumrichter von Windenergieanlagen" in Online, 2021 .
Fabian Berns , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Christian Beecks, "Towards Gaussian Processesfor Automatic and Interpretable Anomaly Detection in Industry 4.0" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Industrial Production and Logistics - IN4PL, 2020 .
Jan Strohschein , Andreas Fischbach , Andreas Bunte , Heide Faeskorn-Woyke , Natalia Moriz und Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, "Cognitive Capabilities for the CAAI in Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in , 2020 .
Dominic Bläsing , Manfred Bornewasser , Sven Bendzioch , Sven Hinrichsen , Alexander Nikolenko und Philip Sehr, "Informatorische Assistenzsysteme in der variantenreichen manuellen Montage" Produktivitätsmanagement 4.0 ,Nov., pp. 147-183, 2020.
Andreas Fischbach , Jan Strohschein , Andreas Bunte , Jörg Stork , Heide Faeskorn-Woyke , Natalia Moriz und Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, "CAAI -- A Cognitive Architecture to Introduce Artificial Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in , 2020 .
Sven Hinrichsen , Natalia Moriz und Manfred Bornewasser, "Veränderung der Gestaltungsparadigmen industrieller Montagearbeit" Informatorische Assistenzsysteme in der variantenreichen Montage: Theorie und Praxis ,Nov., pp. 187, 2020.
Philip Sehr , Alexander Nikolenko und Andreas Wilke, "Fallstudie zur Einführung eines Montageassistenzsystems bei einem Spezialanbieter im Nutzfahrzeugmarkt" Informatorische Assistenzsysteme in der variantenreichen Montage: Theorie und Praxis ,Nov., pp. 159, 2020.
Marco Ehrlich , Stefan Benk , Dimitri Harder , Philip Kleen , Henning Trsek , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Automatische Bewertung und Überwachung von Safety & Security Eigenschaften – Strukturierung und Ausblick" in Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2020 .
Sergej Grunau , Magnus Redeker , Denis Göllner und Lukasz Wisniewski, "The Implementation of Proactive Asset Administration Shells: Evaluation of Possibilities and Realization in an Order Driven Production" in BVAu - Bildverarbeitung in der Automation / KommA - Kommunikation in der Automation, 2020 .
Christoph Geng , Natalia Moriz , Andreas Bunte und Henning Trsek, "Concept for Rule-Based Information Aggregation in Modular Production Plants" in KommA 2020 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2020 .
Omar Gamal , Xianglin Cai und Hubert Roth, "Learning from fuzzy system demonstration: Autonomous navigation of mobile robot in static indoor environment using multimodal deep learning" in 2020 24th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 2020 pp. 218-225.
Thomas Kobzan , Immanuel Blöcher , Simon Althoff , Maximilian Hendel , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Automatic Configuration of Programmable Industrial Networks by means of the Interaction of Applications" in Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2020 .
S. Soler Perez Olaya , A. Winkel , Marco Ehrlich , Mainak Majumder , Artur Schupp und Martin Wollschlaeger, "CANopen Flying Master over TSN" in KommA - Kommunikation in der Automation 2020, 2020 .
Arne Neumann , Lukas Martenvormfelde , Lukasz Wisniewski , Tobias Ferfers , Kornelia Schuba , Carsten Pieper und Torsten Musiol, "Feasibility and Performance Case Study of a Private Mobile Cell in the Smart Factory Context" in , 2020 .
Tobias Grüner , Falco Böllhoff , Robert Meisetschläger , Alexander Vydrenko , Martyna Bator , Alexander Dicks und Andreas Theissler, "Evaluation of Machine Learning for Sensorless Detection and Classification of Faults in Electromechanical Drive Systems" in KES2020 - 24th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, 2020 .
Marco Ehrlich , Henning Trsek , Martin Gergeleit und Georg Lukas, "Towards Automated Security Evaluation within the Industrial Reference Architecture" in , 2020 .
Christoph-Alexander Holst und Volker Lohweg, "A Redundancy Metric based on the Framework of Possibility Theory for Technical Systems" in 2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2020 pp. 1571-1578.
Clemens Hoffmann , Sebastian Büttner , Kai Wundram und Michael Prilla, "Impact of Augmented Reality Guidance for Car Repairs on Novice Users of AR – A Field Experiment on Familiar and Unfamiliar Tasks" in Mensch und Computer 2020, 2020 .
Shuhui Qu , Yirong Chen , Jürgen Jasperneite , Michael Lepech und Jie Wang, "Multi-Agent Context-Aware Dynamic-Scheduling for Large-Scale Processing Networks" in 25th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) 2020, 2020 .
Thomas Kobzan , Immanuel Blöcher , Maximilian Hendel , Simon Althoff , Alissa Gerhard , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Configuration Solution for TSN-based Industrial Networks utilizing SDN and OPC UA" in 25th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) 2020, 2020 .
Andreas Bunte , Henrik Ressler und Natalia Moriz, "Automated Detection of Production Cycles in Production Plants using Machine Learning" in 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2020 .
Sven Hinrichsen , Sven Bendzioch , Alexander Nikolenko , Philip Sehr , Manfred Bornewasser und Dominic Bläsing, "Montexas4.0 – Erforschen von innovativen Formen der assistenzgestützten Montagearbeit" ,Sep., . 2020.
Lukas Martenvormfelde , Arne Neumann , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "A Simulation Model for Integrating 5G into Time Sensitive Networking as a Transparent Bridge" in 25th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2020 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann , Andreas Gotter und Silja Thewes, "Erstellen von Kennfeldern für eine Steuerung eines Verbrennungsmotors" Offenlegungsschrift - DE102020003746A1 ,Aug., . 2020.
Rolf Braun , Omar Gamal , Annette Jobst , Christian Overhagen , Mario Radschun und Marc-Simon Schäfer, "Effizientere Walzprozesse" ,Aug., pp. 57-60, 2020.
Sebastian Büttner und Carsten Röcker, "Making Object Detection Available to Everyone - A Hardware Prototype for Semi-automatic Synthetic Data Generation" in 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2020 .
Mario Heinz-Jakobs , Sebastian Büttner und Carsten Röcker, "Exploring Users' Eye Movements When Using Projection-based Assembly Assistive Systems" in 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2020 .
Sebastian Büttner , Rami Zaitoon , Mario Heinz-Jakobs und Carsten Röcker, "One-hand Controller for Human-Drone Interaction – a Human-centered Prototype Development" in 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2020 .
Sebastian Büttner , Andreas Peda , Mario Heinz-Jakobs und Carsten Röcker, "Teaching by Demonstrating – How Smart Assistive Systems Can Learn from Users" in 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2020 .
Omar Gamal , Keshavraj Rameshbabu , Mohamed Imran und Hubert Roth, "Bridging the Reality Gap: Investigation of Deep Convolution Neural Networks Ability to Learn from a Combination of Real and Synthetic Data" in Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), 2020 pp. 446-454.
Carsten Röcker, "Intelligent Homecare Systems: An Exploration of System Requirements from a User’s Perspective" in Advances in Usability, User Experience, Wearable and Assistive Technology, pp. 800-806, 2020 pp. 6.
Stefan Witte , Sebastian Gerke und Kristian Röckemann, "Erstellung eines Konzeptes für die EU-weite Migration eines Digitalen Automatischen Kupplungssystems (DAK) für den Schienengüterverkehr." in Berichte - Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale infrastruktur, 2020 .
Martin Flasskamp , Harry Fast , Niels Hendrik Fliedner , Annika Henze-Sakowsky , Florian Hufen , Fabian Kottmeier , Paul Lohmann , Sönke Lück , Andreas Schmelter , Thorsten Jungebluth , Andrej Friesen , Jürgen Jasperneite , Matthias Knittel , Rolf Naumann , Ulrich Rückert , Thomas Schulte und Stefan Witte, "MOVEINOWL: Vernetzte Mobilität OWL" Vorstudie, FöRi-MM, Ministerium für Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen ,Jun., . 2020.
Jan Nicolas Weskamp , Arnab Ghosh Chowdhury , Lukasz Wisniewski und Florian Pethig, "Architecture for Knowledge Exploration of Industrial Data for Integration into Digital Services" in IEEE ICPS 2020, 2020 .
Patrick Wefing , Florian Conradi , Marc Trilling-Haasler , Rudolf Schuster , Arthur Gossen und Jan Schneider, "Maischen 4.0 – kontinuierliche Maischanlage" in , 2020 pp. 4.
Sebastian Becker und Tim Riemann, "LoRaWAN und Open Data öffnen den Unterricht für die Umwelt" in Mobil mit Informatik, 2020 pp. 61.
F. Ansah , S. Soler Perez Olaya , Dennis Krummacker , C. Fischer , A. Winkel , René Guillaume , Lukasz Wisniewski , Marco Ehrlich , W. Mandarawi , Henning Trsek , Hermann de Meer , Martin Wollschlaeger , Hans D. Schotten und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Controller of Controllers Architecture for Management of Heterogeneous Industrial Networks" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication, 2020 .
Santosh Kumar Panda , Lukasz Wisniewski , Marco Ehrlich , Mainak Majumder und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Plug & Play Retrofitting Approach for Data Integration to the Cloud" in IEEE WFCS 2020, 2020 pp. 8.
Sebastian Büttner , Michael Prilla und Carsten Röcker, "Augmented Reality Training for Industrial Assembly Work – Are Projection-based AR Assistive Systems an Appropriate Tool for Assembly Training?" in ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), 2020 .
Peter Rost , Rakash SivaSiva Ganesan , Arne Neumann und Ievgenii Tsokalo, "Ende-zu-Ende Dienstgüte in industriellen Netzen" in , 2020 .
Mainak Majumder , S. Soler Perez Olaya , Marco Ehrlich , Lukasz Wisniewski , Jürgen Jasperneite und Martin Wollschlaeger, "Work-in-Progress: Semantic Knowledge Base as a Solution for Heterogeneous Industrial Network Management" in IEEE WFCS 2020, 2020 .
Jürgen Jasperneite , Thilo Sauter und Martin Wollschlaeger, "Why We Need Automation Models: Handling Complexity in Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things" in IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, 2020 .
Gudrun Schneider , Anna Grebe , Philipp Bruland , Gereon Heuft und Sonja Ständer, "Criteria Suggestive of Psychological Components of Itch and Somatoform Itch: Study of a Large Sample of Patients with Chronic Pruritus" in , 2020 .
Sebastian Becker, "New Learning für die New Work" in Vortrag: 3. DigiPH, 2020 .
Simone Grimaldi , Lukas Martenvormfelde , Aneeq Mahmood und Mikael Gidlund, "Onboard Spectral Analysis for Low-complexity IoT Devices" in , 2020 pp. 43027 - 43045.
Oliver Niggemann , Gautam Biswas , John S. Kinnebrew , Hamed Khorasgani , Nemanja Hranisavljevic und Andreas Bunte, "Konzeptualisierung als Kernfrage des Maschinellen Lernens in der Produktion" Handbuch Industrie 4.0: Produktion, Automatisierung und Logistik ,Feb., . 2020.
Andreas Fischbach , Jan Strohschein , Andreas Bunte , Jörg Stork , Heide Faeskorn-Woyke , Natalia Moriz und Thomas Bartz-Beielstein, "CAAI -- A Cognitive Architecture to Introduce Artificial Intelligence in Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in , 2020 .
Mark Funk , Matthias Scharf , Helene Dörksen , Hans-Jürgen Danneel , Volker Lohweg , Michael Hübner , Johannes Schaede , Rob Stiermann , Alexander Knobloch , Dinh Khai Le , Eugen Gillich und Uwe Mönks, "Creating a Self-authentication System for Smart Banknotes" in Optical Document Security (ODS), 2020 .
Philip Meier , Julian Bültemeier , Volker Lohweg , Helene Dörksen und Johannes Schaede, "Intaglio Style Transfer – Partially Automating the Intaglio Image Creation" in Optical Document Security (ODS), 2020 .
Sylvia Gaul , M. Ziefle , Arning Katrin , Wiktoria Wilkowska , Kai Kasugai , Carsten Röcker und Eva-Maria Jakobs, "Technology Acceptance as an Integrative Component of Product Developments in the Medical Technology Sector" in Proceedings of the Third Ambient Assisted Living Conference (AAL'10), January 26 - 27, VDE Verlag, Berlin, Germany, CD-ROM, 2020 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "A Mathematicians View on Machine Learning" in Vortrag: beim Mathematisches Oberseminar, Siegen, 2020 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Priors for Linear Differential Equations" in P294 - INFORMATIK 2019 - 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik – Informatik für Gesellschaft, 2019 .
Hitesh Dhiman , Sebastian Büttner , Carsten Röcker und Raphael Reisch, "Handling Work Complexity with AR/Deep Learning" in 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction (OZCHI 2019) , pp. 518-522, 2019 pp. 4.
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "A Mathematicians View on Machine Learning" in Vortrag: Mathematisches Oberseminar, Kassel, 2019 .
Hitesh Dhiman und Carsten Röcker, "Middleware for Work Support in Industrial Contexts (MiWSICx)" in Proceedings of the International Congress and Conferences on Computational Design and Engineering (i3CDE'19), Penang, Malaysia, pp. 407 - 416, 2019 .
Hitesh Dhiman und Carsten Röcker, "Worker Assistance in Smart Production Environments using Pervasive Technologies" in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops. IEEE Press, pp. 95 - 100, 2019 .
Marta Fullen , Alexander Maier , Arthur Nazarenko , Sascha Jenderny und Carsten Röcker, "Machine Learning for Assistance Systems: Pattern-Based Approach to Online Step Recognition" in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN’19), 2019 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Industrielle künstliche Intelligenz" in Vortrag: AiNT GmbH, Stolberg, 2019 .
Mario Heinz-Jakobs , Sebastian Büttner und Carsten Röcker, "Exploring Training Modes for Industrial Augmented Reality Learning" in Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA'19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp 398-401, 2019 .
Jiafu Wan , Peng Li , Jun Yang , Shiyong Wang , Di Li und Min Xia, "Cross-Network Fusion and Scheduling for Heterogeneous Networks in Smart Factory" in , 2019 .
Philip Meier und Volker Lohweg, "Content Representation for Neural Style Transfer Algorithms based on Structural Similarity" in Proceedings - 29. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2019 pp. 95-117.
Paulo Zanini , Wolfgang Doll , Heinrich Munz , Wolfgang Höglinger , Gerald Schauer , Johannes Hoos , Etienne Axmann , André Mankowski , Philip Priss , Friedrich Durand , Suprateek Banerjee , Stefan Profanter und Mohit Agarwal, Real-time publishing with response: Pub/Sub should not be just another fieldbus. VDMA Integrated Assembly Solutions, Working Group SOArc, 2019.
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "On Gaussian Process Priors" in Vortrag: Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Renningen, 2019 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Priors for Linear Differential Equations" in Vortrag: Universität Kassel, 2019 .
Peng Li und Oliver Niggemann, "Non-convex hull based anomaly detection in CPPS" in , 2019 .
Sarah Willmann , Marco Meier , Lutz Rauchhaupt und Uwe Meier, "Towards Validation of Wireless Coexistence Management" 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE IECON 2019 ,Oct., . 2019.
Marco Ehrlich , Henning Trsek , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Survey of Security Standards for an automated Industrie 4.0 compatible Manufacturing" in IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), 2019 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Priors for Linear Differential Equations" in Vortrag: INFORMATIK 2019, Kassel, 2019 .
Philip Sehr und Natalia Moriz, "Partitioning Manual Assembly Workstations for Flexible Manufacturing" in Proceedings 2019 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019 .
Martyna Bator , Alexander Dicks , Sahar Deppe und Volker Lohweg, "Anomaly Detection with Root Cause Analysis for Bottling Process" in 24nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2019), 2019 .
Ansah Frimpong , Mainak Majumder , Hermann de Meer und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Network Slicing: An Industry Perspective" in 24th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019 .
Mainak Majumder , Lukasz Wisniewski und Christian Diedrich, "Comparison of OPC UA Semantic Web Languages for the purpose of Industrial Automation Applications" in 24th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019 .
Shuhui Qu , Jie Wang und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Dynamic scheduling in modern processing networks using expert-guided distributed reinforcement learning" in 24rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019), 2019 .
Arne Neumann , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "5G into Profinet integration as a use case for network slicing" in 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2019, 2019 .
Santosh Kumar Panda , Lukasz Wisniewski , Andre Blome und Alexander Maier, "IoT Retrofitting Approach for the Food Industry" in 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, ETFA 2019, 2019 .
Christoph-Alexander Holst , Kristian Röckemann , Andreas Steinmetz und Volker Lohweg, "Lamb Wave-based Quality Inspection of Repaired Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers for On-Site Aircraft Maintenance" in 24nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2019), 2019 .
Christoph-Alexander Holst , Kristian Röckemann , Andreas Steinmetz und Volker Lohweg, "Lamb wave-based Cure Monitoring of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymers for On-site Aircraft Repairs" in 2019 IEEE 5th International Forum on Research and Technology for Society and Industry (RTSI), 2019 pp. 384-388.
Eugen Gillich , Alexander Fritze , Kai-Fabian Henning , Anton Pfeifer , Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Camera-based Occlusion Detection for Banknote Sorting" in 5th IEEE International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry, 2019 .
Florian Conradi , Patrick Welfing , Fan Zhang und Jan Schneider, Echtzeitqualitätssicherung enzymkatalysierter technologischer Prozesse am Beispiel des Maischens im Rahmen der Bierherstellung. 48. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag Dresden, Germany, 2019.
Andreas Bunte , Andreas Fischbach , Jan Strohschein , Thomas Bartz-Beielstein , Heide Faeskorn-Woyke und Oliver Niggemann, Evaluation of Cognitive Architectures for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019.
Andreas Bunte , Paul Wunderlich , Natalia Moriz , Peng Li , André Mankowski , Antje Rogalla und Oliver Niggemann, "Why Symbolic AI is a Key Technology for Self-Adaption in the Context of CPPS" in 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019 .
Patrick Zimmermann , Etienne Axmann , Benjamin Brandenbourger , Kirill Dorofeev , André Mankowski und Paulo Zanini, "Skill-based Engineering and Control on Field-Device-Level with OPC UA" in 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019 .
Iñaki Soto-Rey , Philipp Bruland , Sonja Ständer , Martin Dugas , Tobias Hardt , Luca Hollenberg und Michael Storck, "Electronic Image Documentation of Patient Reported Outcomes Using Mobile Technologies" in Stud Health Technol Inform. 264:1779-1780, 2019 .
Gudrun Schneider , Anna Grebe , Philipp Bruland , Gereon Heuft und Sonja Ständer, "Chronic pruritus patients with psychiatric and psychosomatic comorbidity are highly burdened: a longitudinal study" in , 2019 pp. e288-e291.
Lotte Neumann , Giulia Covezzi , Sebastian Becker und Margarete Boos, "Erklärclips - Der gelungene Spagat zwischen Lehrmethode- und Medienkompetenz" in , 2019 .
Marc-Simon Schäfer , Omar Gamal , Jürgen Wahrburg und Hubert Roth, "Modellierung, Parameterschätzung und Validierung eines Warmwalzprozesses für Draht und Stabstahl am Beispiel eines realen Walzwerks" in Automation 2019, 2019 pp. 1035–1046.
Alexander Nikolenko , Philip Sehr , Sven Bendzioch und Sven Hinrichsen, "Digital Assembly Assistance Systems – A Case Study" in Advances in Human Factors and Systems Interaction, 2019 .
Paul Wunderlich und Nemanja Hranisavljevic, "Comparison of Different Probabilistic Graphical Models as Causal Models in Alarm Flood Reduction" in 17th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2019 .
Marco Ehrlich , Henning Trsek , Martin Gergeleit , Julius Paffrath , Kostyantyn Simkin und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Secure and Flexible Deployment of Industrial Applications inside Cloud-Based Environments" in 24th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019 .
Dorota Lang , Sergej Grunau , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Utilization of the Asset Administration Shell to Support Humans During the Maintenance Process" in 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (IEEE-INDIN 2019), 2019 .
Florian Conradi , Patrick Welfing , Fan Zhang und Jan Schneider, Near infrared spectroscopy and mashing - a promising approach for real time inline quality control?. 2019.
Gudrun Schneider , Anna Grebe , Philipp Bruland , Gereon Heuft und Sonja Ständer, "Which patients with chronic pruritus are presented for psychological assessment by their dermatologists? Results from a consecutive sample" in , 2019 .
Mario Heinz-Jakobs , Hitesh Dhiman und Carsten Röcker, "A Multi-Device Assistive System for Industrial Maintenance Operations" in International Cross-Domain Conference for Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 2019 .
André Mankowski , Etienne Axmann , Benjamin Brandenbourger , Kirill Dorofeev , Paulo Zanini und Patrick Zimmermann, "Skill-basiertes Engineering auf Basis von OPC UA Companion Specifications" in 20. VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION 2019, 2019 .
Santosh Kumar Panda , Mainak Majumder , Marco Ehrlich , Arne Neumann , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Topology Detection as a Base for Efficient Management of Heterogeneous Industrial Network Systems Using Software-Defined Networking" in IEEE Workshop on Factory Communication Systems 2019, 2019 pp. 8.
Mario Heinz-Jakobs , Sebastian Büttner und Carsten Röcker, "Exploring Augmented Reality Training for Automated Systems" in Workshop "Everyday Automation Experience" at ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2019), 2019 .
Alexander Dicks , Martyna Bator , Christian Wissel und Volker Lohweg, "Bildverarbeitung im industriellen Umfeld von Abfüllanlagen" in Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation, 2019 .
André Bröring , Arno Fast , Sebastian Büttner , Mario Heinz-Jakobs und Carsten Röcker, "Smartwatches zur Unterstützung von Produktionsmitarbeitern." in Mensch und Computer 2019 - Usability Professionals, 2019 .
Jan-Philipp Töberg , Raphael Rohde , Sebastian Büttner und Carsten Röcker, "Verwendung von Augmented Reality im Industrieumfeld" in , 2019 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Gröbner Bases and Applications" in Vortrag: Mathematics of Quantum Information, Siegen, 2019 .
Marco Ehrlich , Martin Gergeleit , Kostyantyn Simkin und Henning Trsek, "Automated Processing of Security Requirements and Controls for a common Industrie 4.0 Use Case" in 2019 International Conference on Networked Systems (NetSys), 2019 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Sebastian Schriegel, "TSN: Der Digitale Zwilling" in , 2019 .
Benedikt Eiteneuer , Nemanja Hranisavljevic und Oliver Niggemann, "Dimensionality Reduction and Anomaly Detection for CPPS Data using Autoencoder" in 20th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology Melbourne, Australien, Feb 2019, 2019 .
Fan Zhang , Kevin Pinkal , Patrick Welfing , Florian Conradi , Jan Schneider und Oliver Niggemann, Quality Control of Continuous Wort Production through Production Data Analysis in Latent Space. 2019.
Peng Li , Oliver Niggemann und Barbara Hammer, "On the Identification of Decision Boundaries for Anomaly Detection in CPPS" in 20th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2019), 2019 .
Andreas Bunte , Andreas Fischbach , Jan Strohschein , Thomas Bartz-Beielstein , Heide Faeskorn-Woyke und Oliver Niggemann, "Evaluation of Cognitive Architectures for Cyber-Physical ProductionSystems" in , 2019 .
Monique Düngen , Dimitri Block , Uwe Meier , Thomas Hansen , Ramona Croonenbroeck , Rüdiger Kays , Bernd Holfeld , Dennis Wieruch , Pablo Wilke Berenguer , Volker Jungnickel und Henrik Schulze, "Channel Measurement Campaigns for Wireless Industrial Automation - Funkkanalmessungen für die drahtlose industrielle Kommunikation" in at – Automatisierungstechnik 2019, 2019 pp. Vol. 67, No.1, Pages 7 - 28.
Alexander Diedrich und Oliver Niggemann, "Model-based Diagnosis of Hybrid Systems using Satisfiability Modulo Theory" in , 2019 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Algorithmic Linearly Constrained Gaussian Processes" in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS 2018), 2018 .
Mathias Wöhler , Sebastian Büttner , Henrik Mucha , Carsten Röcker , Alexandra Blum , Wilhelm Bringewatt , Michael Dellnitz , Manuel Gräler , Viktor Just , Franz Kummert , Sebastian Peitz , Jürgen Sielermann , Christian Tschirner und Jens Wittrowski, "Pilotprojekte" in A. Trächtler (Ed.): Ressourceneffiziente Selbstoptimierende Wäscherei., 2018 pp. 105 - 158.
Andreas Schmelter , Oliver Konradi und Stefan Heiss, "Sichere Benutzerauthentifizierung mit mobilen Endgeräten in industriellen Anwendungen." in KommA - Kommunikation in der Automation, 2018 .
Gajasri Karthikeyan und Stefan Heiss, "PKI and User Access Rights Management for OPC UA based Applications." in , 2018 .
Arne Neumann , Lukasz Wisniewski , Torsten Musiol , Christian Mannweiler , Borislava Gajic , Rakash SivaSiva Ganesan und Peter Rost, "Abstraction models for 5G mobile networks integration into industrial networks and their evaluation" in , 2018 .
Sebastian Schriegel , Alexander Biendarra , Thomas Kobzan , Ludwig Leurs und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Ethernet TSN Nano Profil – Migrationshelfer vom industriellen Brownfield zum Ethernet TSN-basierten IIoT" in , 2018 .
Philip Kleen , Janis Albrecht , Jürgen Jasperneite und Detlev Richter, "Funktionale Sicherheit von autonomen Transportsystemen in flexiblen I4.0 Fertigungsumgebungen" in Echtzeit 2018 „Echtzeit und Sicherheit”, 2018 .
Anton Pfeifer und Volker Lohweg, "Identifying Characteristic Gait Patterns in Real-World Scenarios" in 28. Workshop Computational Intelligence VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), 2018 .
Iñaki Soto-Rey , Mirjam Rehr , Philipp Bruland , Claudia Zeidler , Claudia Riepe , Sabine Steinke , Sonja Ständer , Martin Dugas und Michael Storck, "Electronic Collection of Multilingual Patient-Reported Outcomes across Europe" in , 2018 pp. e107-e114.
Philipp Bruland , Justin Doods , Tobias Brix , Martin Dugas und Michael Storck, "Connecting healthcare and clinical research: Workflow optimizations through seamless integration of EHR, pseudonymization services and EDC systems" in , 2018 pp. 103-108.
Henrik Mucha , Carsten Röcker , Thomas Ludwig , Corinna Ogonowski , Martin Stein , Sebastian Robert , Lukas Galla , Martin Hill und Volker Wulf, The Industrial Internet of Things: New Perspectives on HCI and CSCW within Industry Settings. 2018.
Franz Kummert , Alexander A. Albers , Christian Bremer , Sebastian Büttner , Michael Dellnitz , Roman Dumitrescu , Manuel Gräler , Viktor Just , Henrik Mucha , Sebastian Peitz , Carsten Röcker , Ansgar Trächtler , Christian Tschirner , Shuo Wang und Jens Wittrowski, "Eingesetzte wissenschaftliche Methoden" in Ressourceneffiziente Selbstoptimierende Wäscherei, 2018 pp. 41-104.
Lisa Miekus , Dominik Bentler , Sascha Jenderny , Marc Foullois , Lars Wöste , Carsten Röcker und Günter W. Maier, "Development of a Change Management Instrument for the Implementation of Technologies" in , 2018 pp. 18.
Sebastian Büttner und Carsten Röcker, "Intelligent Adaptive Assistance Systems in an Industrial Context – Overview of Use Cases and Features" in 5. Workshop zu Smart Factories: Mitarbeiter-zentrierte Informationssysteme für die Zusammenarbeit der Zukunft, Mensch und Computer 2018, 2018 .
Sebastian Büttner , Michael Prilla und Carsten Röcker, "Mobile Projection-Based Augmented Reality in Work Environments – An Exploratory Approach" in R. Dachselt, G. Weber (Eds.): Mensch und Computer 2018 - Workshopband. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, 2018 .
Andreas Bunte , Oliver Niggemann und Benno Stein, "Integrating OWL Ontologies for Smart Services into AutomationML and OPC UA" in , 2018 .
Marco Ehrlich , Dennis Krummacker , C. Fischer , René Guillaume , S. Soler Perez Olaya , Ansah Frimpong , Hermann de Meer , Martin Wollschlaeger , Hans D. Schotten und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Software-Defined Networking as an Enabler for Future Industrial Network Management" in 2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2018 .
Michael Gundall , Jörg Schneider , Hans D. Schotten , Markus Aleksy , Dirk Schulz , Norman Franchi , Nick Schwarzenberg , Christian Markwart , Rüdiger Halfmann , Peter Rost , Dirk Wübben , Arne Neumann , Monique Düngen , Thomas Neugebauer , Rolf Blunk , Mehmet Kus und Jan Grießbach, "5G as Enabler for Industrie 4.0 Use Cases: Challenges and Concepts" in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2018), 2018 .
Andrzej Ożadowicz , Jakub Grela , Lukasz Wisniewski und Krzysztof Smok, "Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology in consumer electronics – case study" in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2018), 2018 .
Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Linear Classification of Badly Conditioned Data" in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2018 .
Martyna Bator , Christian Wissel , Alexander Dicks und Volker Lohweg, "Feature Extraction for a Conditioning Monitoring System in a Bottling Process." in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2018 .
Shuhui Qu , Jie Wang und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Dynamic scheduling in large-scale stochastic processing networks for demand-driven manufacturing." in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2018), 2018 .
Niels Hendrik Fliedner , Uwe Meier und Thomas Neugebauer, "Performance Analysis of a High-Reliable Real-Time Wireless Transmission System with Near Field Coupling" in 23rd IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2018, 2018 .
Philip Söffker , Dimitri Block , Nico Wiebusch und Uwe Meier, "Resource Allocation for a Wireless Coexistence Management System Based on Reinforcement Learning" in 23rd IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2018, 2018 .
Nico Wiebusch und Uwe Meier, "Evolutionary Resource Allocation Optimization for Wireless Coexistence Management" in 23rd IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2018, 2018 .
Santosh Kumar Panda , Tizian Schröder , Lukasz Wisniewski und Christian Diedrich, "Plug & Produce Integration of Components into OPC UA based data-space" in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2018), 2018 .
Christoph-Alexander Holst und Volker Lohweg, "A Conflict-Based Drift Detection And Adaptation Approach for Multisensor Information Fusion" in 23rd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2018 .
Peng Li und Oliver Niggemann, "A Data Provenance based Architecture to Enhance the Reliability of Data Analysis for Industry 4.0" in 23th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2018 .
Antje Rogalla , Alexander Fay und Oliver Niggemann, "Improved Domain Modeling for Realistic Automated Planning and Scheduling in Discrete Manufacturing" in 23th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2018 .
Paul Wunderlich und Oliver Niggemann, "Inference Methods for Detecting the Root Cause of Alarm Floods in Causal Models" in 23rd International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), 2018 .
Niels Hendrik Fliedner , Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "A Software-Defined Channel Sounder for Industrial Environments with Fast Time Variance" in 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 2018 .
Benedikt Eiteneuer und Oliver Niggemann, "LSTM for model-based Anomaly Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems" in Proceedings of the 29th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, 2018 .
Alexander von Birgelen und Oliver Niggemann, "Enable learning of Hybrid Timed Automata in Absence of Discrete Events through Self-Organizing Maps" IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency: Intelligent Methods for the Factory of the Future ,Aug., pp. 37-54, 2018.
Alexander von Birgelen und Oliver Niggemann, "Anomaly Detection and Localization for Cyber-Physical Production Systems with Self-Organizing Maps" in IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency: Intelligent Methods for the Factory of the Future, 2018 pp. 55-71.
Paul Wunderlich und Oliver Niggemann, "Concept for Alarm Flood Reduction with Bayesian Networks by Identifying the Root Cause" IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency: Intelligent Methods for the Factory of the Future ,Aug., pp. 111-129, 2018.
Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "A Sampling-Based Method for Robust and Efficient Fault Detection in Industrial Automation Processes" IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency ,Aug., pp. 73-91, 2018.
Marta Fullen , Peter Schüller und Oliver Niggemann, "Validation of similarity measures for industrial alarm flood analysis" ,Aug., . 2018.
Oliver Niggemann und Peter Schüller, IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency. Springer Vieweg, 2018.
Maxim Friesen , Gajasri Karthikeyan , Stefan Heiss und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Sichere Middleware-Lösungen für die Industrie 4.0 – Eine IT-Sicherheitsanalyse aktueller Kommunikationsansätze." in Seamless Convergence of Automation & IT - AUTOMATION, 2018 pp. 12.
Manuel Pedro Pereira , Sabine Steinke , Claudia Zeidler , Claudia Riepe , Matthias Augustin , Svetlana Bobko , Adam Reich , E. Şavk , Gudrun Schneider , Esther Serra-Baldrich , Markus Streit , Philipp Bruland , Iñaki Soto-Rey , Michael Storck , Martin Dugas , Jacek C. Szepietowski , Franz J. Legat , F. Dalgard , Jesper Elberling , Simone Garcovich , Uwe Gieler , Margarida Gonçalo , J. A. Halvorsen , Tabi Leslie , Martin Metz , Hartmut Ständer , Joanna Wallengren , Karsten Weller , Andreas Wollenberg , Elke Weisshaar , Caroline Forner und Sonja Ständer, "European academy of dermatology and venereology European prurigo project: expert consensus on the definition, classification and terminology of chronic prurigo" in , 2018 pp. 1059-1065.
Philip Kleen , Janis Albrecht , Jürgen Jasperneite und Detlev Richter, "Funktionale Sicherheit von autonomen Transportsystemen in flexiblen I4.0 Fertigungsumgebungen" in Echtzeit und Sicherheit 2018, 2018 .
Paul Wunderlich und Oliver Niggemann, "Challenges in Learning Causal Models of Alarms in Industrial Plants" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2018 .
Sergej Grunau , Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "Multi-Label Wireless Interference Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2018, 2018 .
Thomas Kobzan , Alexander Biendarra , Sebastian Schriegel , Thomas Müller , Thomas Herbst und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Utilizing Blockchain Technology in Industrial Manufacturing with the help of Network Simulation" in INDIN 2018 – IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2018 .
Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Multivariate Gaussian Feature Selection" in European Conference on Data Analysis (ECDA2018), 2018 .
Marco Ehrlich , Dorota Lang , Martin Jan Mytych , Jürgen Jasperneite und Torsten Malischewski, "Preparing Smart Sensors for Industrie 4.0: Requirements, Potentials, and Solutions" in Automation 2018, 2018 .
Carsten Pieper , Philip Kleen , Sebastian Schriegel , Jürgen Jasperneite und Arnd Geißler, "Leistungssteigerung von Safety-Kommunikation durch konvergente Ethernet TSN-Netzwerke" in Automation 2018, 2018 .
Dorota Lang , Maxim Friesen , Marco Ehrlich , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Pursuing the Vision of Industrie 4.0: Secure Plug and Produce by Means of the Asset Administration Shell and Blockchain Technology" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2018, 2018 .
Sascha Jenderny , Marc Foullois , Anna-Lena Kato-Beiderwieden , Michael Bansmann , Lars Wöste , Josefine Lamß , Günter W. Maier und Carsten Röcker, "Development of an Instrument for the Assessment of Scenarios of Work 4.0 Based on Socio-Technical Criteria" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA'18), 2018 pp. 319 - 326.
Tobias Brix , Philipp Bruland , Saad Sarfraz , Jan Ernsting , Philipp Neuhaus , Michael Storck , Justin Doods , Sonja Ständer und Martin Dugas, "ODM Data Analysis-A tool for the automatic validation, monitoring and generation of generic descriptive statistics of patient data" in , 2018 pp. e0199242.
Dorota Lang , Paul Wunderlich , Mario Heinz-Jakobs , Lukasz Wisniewski , Jürgen Jasperneite , Oliver Niggemann und Carsten Röcker, "Assistance System to Support Troubleshooting of Complex Industrial Systems" in 14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 2018 .
Mohammad Elattar , Maxim Friesen , Dominik Henneke und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Reliability-oriented Multipath Communication for Internet-based Cyber-physical Systems" in 14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 2018 .
Sebastian Schriegel , Thomas Kobzan und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Investigation on a Distributed SDN Control Plane Architecture for Heterogeneous Time Sensitive Networks" in 14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2018), 2018 .
Dominik Henneke und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Leveraging OPC-UA Discovery by Software-defined Networking and Network Function Virtualization" in 14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS), 2018 .
Arne Neumann , Lukasz Wisniewski , Jürgen Jasperneite , Peter Rost und Rakash SivaSiva Ganesan, "Towards Integration of Industrial Ethernet with 5G Mobile Networks" in 14th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, WFCS 2018, 2018 .
Mario Heinz-Jakobs , Sebastian Büttner , Martin Wegerich , Frank Marek und Carsten Röcker, A Multi-level Localization System for Intelligent User Interfaces. Springer, 2018.
Archana Tapuria , Philipp Bruland , Brendan Delaney , Dipak Kalra und Vasa Curcin, "Comparison and transformation between CDISC ODM and EN13606 EHR standards in connecting EHR data with clinical trial research data" in , 2018 .
Daniel Schneider , Holger Flatt , Jürgen Jasperneite und Oliver Stübbe, "Optical wireless communication analysis of industrial production environments and derivation of a novel channel model" in SPIE Optical Systems design, 2018 .
Christoph-Alexander Holst und Volker Lohweg, "Supporting Sensor Orchestration in Non-Stationary Environments" in ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers 2018, 2018 .
Alexander von Birgelen , Davide Buratti , Jens Mager und Oliver Niggemann, "Self-Organizing Maps for Anomaly Localization and Predictive Maintenance in Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in 51st CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP CMS 2018), 2018 .
Florian Conradi , Patrick Welfing , Kevin Pinkal , Fan Zhang , Oliver Niggemann und Jan Schneider, Inline progress measurement of the ß-amylase rest in the mashing process employing a near infrared transflectance probe. 2018.
Patrick Welfing , Florian Conradi , Lukas Fuchs , Jan Schoppmeier , Kevin Pinkal , Oliver Niggemann und Jan Schneider, Laboratory Plant for a closed loop-controlled continuous (CLCC) Mashing. 2018.
Baotong Chen , Jiafu Wan , Lei Shu , Peng Li , Mithun Mukherjee und Boxing Yin, "Smart Factory of Industry 4.0: Key Technologies, Application Case, and Challenges" in , 2018 .
Stefan Windmann , Oliver Niggemann und Heiko Stichweh, "Computation of energy efficient driving speeds in conveying systems" in , 2018 .
Tatjana Nisic , Florian Conradi , Oliver Niggemann , Jan Schneider , Kevin Pinkal und Fan Zhang, Food meets IT: der Digitale Zwilling erobert die Lebensmittelindustrie. 2018.
Lessmann Gunnar , Daniel Schneider , Holger Flatt , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Modellbasierter Entwurfsassistent zur Auslegung Spezifischer Architektur- und Konfigurationseigenschaften von Kommunikationsnetzen mit Echtzeitanforderungen" in Jasperneite J., Lohweg V. (eds) Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation. Technologien für die intelligente Automation (Technologies for Intelligent Automation)., 2018 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Introduction to Gaussian processes" in Vortrag: Oberseminar Stochastik, RWTH Aachen, 2018 .
Volker Lohweg , Mark Funk , Matthias Scharf , Helene Dörksen , Hans-Jürgen Danneel , Michael Hübner , Johannes Schaede , Emmanuel Thony , Alexander Knobloch , Dinh Khoi Lee , Uwe Mönks und Eugen Gillich, "smartBN—Intelligent Protection and Authentication in Payment Transactions by Smart Banknotes" in Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection XII San Francisco, 2018 .
Sahar Deppe und Volker Lohweg, "Evaluation of Similarity Measures for Shift-Invariant Image Motif Discovery" in International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2018 pp. 434 - 446.
Andreas Bunte , Peng Li und Oliver Niggemann, "Mapping Data Sets to Concepts Using Machine Learning and a Knowledge Based Approach" in International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART), 2018 .
Iñaki Soto-Rey , Philipp Neuhaus , Philipp Bruland , Sophia Geßner , Julian Varghese , Stefan Hegselmann , Tobias Brix , Martin Dugas und Michael Storck, "Standardising the Development of ODM Converters: The ODMToolBox" in Stud Health Technol Inform. 247, 2018 pp. 231-235.
Ann-Kristin Kock-Schoppenhauer , Hannes Ulrich , Stefanie Wagen-Zink , Petra Duhm-Harbeck , Josef Ingenerf , Philipp Neuhaus , Martin Dugas und Philipp Bruland, "Compatibility Between Metadata Standards: Import Pipeline of CDISC ODM to the Samply.MDR" in Stud Health Technol Inform. 247, 2018 pp. 221-225.
Andreas Bunte , Peng Li und Oliver Niggemann, "Mapping Data Sets to Concepts Using Machine Learning and a Knowledge Based Approach" in , 2018 .
Nasser Gyagenda , Omar Gamal und Hubert Roth, "A Non-Contextual Method for Determining the Degree of Autonomy to Develop in a Mobile Robot" in IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2017 pp. 271-276.
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Introduction to Gaussian processes" in Vortrag: Methodenspotlight Künstliche Intelligenz, P3 group, 2017 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Volker Lohweg, "Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation" in Kommunikation und Bildverarbeitung in der Automation, 2017 .
Sebastian Becker , Natasha Reed und Margarete Boos, "Film-making teams" ,Nov., . 2017. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Nov. 08 2017].
Sebastian Schriegel , Carsten Pieper , Sergej Gamper , Alexander Biendarra und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Vereinfachtes Ethernet TSN-Implementierungsmodell für Feldgeräte mit zwei Ports" in Kommunikation in der Automation - KommA 2017, 2017 .
Carsten Pieper , Thomas Kobzan , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "LoRaWAN-basierte IoT-Infrastruktur" in Kommunikation in der Automatio, 2017 .
Markus Schumacher, , Lukasz Wisniewski , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Anforderung an Hard- und Software-Co-Design zur Realisierung minimaler Zykluszeiten" in Kommunikation in der Automation, 2017 .
Christoph-Alexander Holst , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Conflict-based Feature Selection for Information Fusion Systems" in 27. Workshop Computational Intelligence VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), 2017 .
Martin Jan Mytych , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Potential of SDN/NFV Network Management Concepts with Regards to Industrial Automation" in Kommunikation in der Automation - KommA 2017, 2017 .
Jürgen Jasperneite , Uwe Meier , Arne Neumann und Nico Wiebusch, "Industrial Wireless: Koexistenz und hybride Systeme" in , 2017 pp. 50-53.
Sebastian Schriegel , Florian Pethig , Stefan Windmann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "PROFIanalytics - die Brücke zwischen PROFINET und Cloud-basierter Prozessdatenanalyse" in Automation 2017, 2017 .
Alexander Maier , Sebastian Schriegel und Oliver Niggemann, "Big Data and Machine Learning for the Smart Factory - Solutions for Condition Monitoring, Diagnosis and Optimization" Industrial Internet of Things ,Oct., pp. 473-485, 2017.
Sebastian Büttner, "Menschzentrierte Dienste in der Fabrik der Zukunft – ein Framework für adaptive projektionsbasierte AR-Assistenz" in Doktorandenseminar, Mensch und Computer 2017, 2017 .
Sebastian Büttner , Henrik Mucha , Sebastian Robert und Carsten Röcker, "HCI in der SmartFactoryOWL – Angewandte Forschung & Entwicklung" in M. Burghardt, R. Wimmer, C. Wolff, C. Womser-Hacker (Eds.): Workshop-Band Mensch und Computer 2017. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Germany, 2017 .
Christoph-Alexander Holst und Uwe Mönks, "Distributed Self-Organisation of Information Fusion Systems" in 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2017), 2017 .
Stefan Windmann , Dorota Lang und Oliver Niggemann, "Learning Parallel Automata of PLCs" in , 2017 .
Julian Varghese , Philipp Bruland , Sven Zenker , Giulio Napolitano , Matthias Schmid , Claudia Ose , Markus Deckert , Karl-Heinz Jöckel , Britta Böckmann , Michael Müller , Andreas Beyer und Martin Dugas, "Generation of Semantically Annotated Data Landscapes of Four German University Hospitals" in , 2017 .
Marco Ehrlich , Henning Trsek , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Automatic Mapping of Cyber Security Requirements to support Network Slicing in Software-Defined Networks" in 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA),, 2017 .
Nico Wiebusch , Philip Söffker , Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "A Multidimensional Resource Allocation Concept for Wireless Coexistence Management" in 22nd IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2017, 2017 .
Dominik Henneke , Christian Freudenmann , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Implementation of Industrial Cloud Applications as Controlled Local Systems (CLS) in a Smart Grid Context" in 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2017), 2017 .
Antje Rogalla und Oliver Niggemann, "Automated Process Planning for Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2017), 2017 .
Sebastian Büttner , Henrik Mucha , Sebastian Robert , Fabian Hellweg und Carsten Röcker, "HCI in der SmartFactoryOWL – Angewandte Forschung Entwicklung" in 4. Workshop zu Smart Factories: Mitarbeiter-zentrierte Informationssysteme für die Zusammenarbeit der Zukunft, Mensch und Computer 2017, 2017 .
Henrik Mucha, "Methodentransfer von Forschungseinrichtungen in produktionsnahe KMU" in Workshop Software und Usability Engineering und User Experience in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen: Mensch und Computer 2017, 2017 .
Tobias Brix , Justin Doods , Michael Storck , Philipp Bruland und Martin Dugas, "ODM Clinical Data Analysis – a Tool for the Automatic Generation of Generic Descriptive Statistics" in , 2017 .
Florian Pethig , Sebastian Schriegel , Alexander Maier , Jens Otto , Stefan Windmann , Björn Böttcher , Oliver Niggemann und Jürgen Jasperneite, Industrie 4.0 Communication Guideline Based on OPC UA. VDMA Verlag GmbH, 2017.
Alexander von Birgelen und Oliver Niggemann, "Using Self-Organizing Maps to Learn Hybrid Timed Automata in Absence of Discrete Events" in 22nd IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2017), 2017 .
Florian Pethig , Oliver Niggemann und Peter Walter, "Towards Industrie 4.0 Compliant Configuration of Condition Monitoring Services" in 15th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2017), 2017 .
Manuel Pedro Pereira , Sabine Steinke , Philipp Bruland , Hartmut Ständer , Martin Dugas , Matthias Augustin und Sonja Ständer, "Management of chronic pruritus: from the dermatological office to the specialized itch center: a review" in , 2017 pp. e06.
Michael Fellmann , Sebastian Robert , Sebastian Büttner , Henrik Mucha und Carsten Röcker, "Towards a Framework for Assistance Systems to Support Work Processes in Smart Factories" in A. Holzinger P. Kieseberg, A M. Tjoa, E. Weippl (Eds.): Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction. Proceedings of the International Cross Domain Conference for Machine Learning & Knowledge Extraction (CD-MAKE’17), LNCS 10410. Springer, Heidelberg, Germa, 2017 pp. 59.
Sebastian Büttner , Paul Wunderlich , Mario Heinz-Jakobs , Oliver Niggemann und Carsten Röcker, Managing Complexity: Towards Intelligent Error-Handling Assistance Trough. Springer, 2017.
Manuel Pedro Pereira , Sabine Steinke , Claudia Zeidler , Caroline Forner , Claudia Riepe , Matthias Augustin , Svetlana Bobko , F. Dalgard , Jesper Elberling , Simone Garcovich , Uwe Gieler , Margarida Gonçalo , J. A. Halvorsen , Tabi Leslie , Martin Metz , Adam Reich , E. Şavk , Gudrun Schneider , Esther Serra-Baldrich , Hartmut Ständer , Markus Streit , Joanna Wallengren , Karsten Weller , Andreas Wollenberg , Philipp Bruland , Iñaki Soto-Rey , Michael Storck , Martin Dugas , Elke Weisshaar , Jacek C. Szepietowski , Franz J. Legat und Sonja Ständer, "European academy of dermatology and venereology European prurigo project: expert consensus on the definition, classification and terminology of chronic prurigo" in , 2017 .
Jens Otto , Birgit Vogel-Heuser und Oliver Niggemann, "Online Parameter Estimation for Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in at - Automatisierungstechnik, 2017 .
Malte Schmidt , Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "Wireless Interference Identification with Convolutional Neural Networks" in 15th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2017, 2017 .
Volker Paelke , Sebastian Büttner , Henrik Mucha und Carsten Röcker, A Checklist Based Approach for Evaluating Augmented Reality Displays in Industrial Applications. Springer, 2017.
Kevin Pinkal und Oliver Niggemann, "A New Approach to Model-Based Test Case Generation for Industrial Automation Systems" in 15th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2017), 2017 .
Marta Fullen , Peter Schüller und Oliver Niggemann, "Defining and validating similarity measures for industrial alarm flood analysis" in 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2017 .
Andreas Bunte , Peng Li und Oliver Niggemann, "Learned Abstraction: Knowledge Based Concept Learning for Cyber Physical Systems" in , 2017 .
Sebastian Büttner , Henrik Mucha , Thomas Kosch , Mario Aehnelt , Sebastian Robert und Carsten Röcker, "The Design Space of Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications for Assistive Environments in Manufacturing: A Visual Approach" in 10th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA '17), 2017 .
Arne Neumann , Martin Jan Mytych , Derk Wesemann , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Approaches for in-vehicle communication -- an analysis and outlook" in Computer Networks 24th International Conference, CN 2017, Lądek Zdrój, Poland, June 20-23, 2017, Proceedings, 2017 .
Mohammad Elattar , Maxim Friesen und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Evaluation of Multipath Communication Protocols for Reliable Internet-based Cyber-physical Systems" in 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), 2017 .
Waqas Ali Khan , Lukasz Wisniewski , Dorota Lang und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Analysis of the Requirements for offering Industrie 4.0 applications as a Cloud Service" in 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2017), 2017 .
Marco Ehrlich , Henning Trsek , Dorota Lang , Lukasz Wisniewski , Verena Wendt und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Security Concept for a Cloud-based Automation Service" in VDI Kongress AUTOMATION 2017, 2017 pp. 1.
Christian Freudenmann , Dominik Henneke , Christian Kudera , Markus Kammerstetter , Lukasz Wisniewski , Christoph Raquet , Wolfgang Kastner und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Open and Secure: Amending the Security of the BSI Smart Metering Infrastructure to Smart Home Applications via the Smart Meter Gateway" in Conference: Smart Energy Research at the crossroads of Engineering, Economics and Computer Science 2017, 2017 pp. 12.
Alexander Diedrich , Jens Eickmeyer , Peng Li , Tobias Hoppe , Max Fuchs und Oliver Niggemann, "Universal Process Optimization Assistant for Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises as Self-learning Expert System" in , 2017 .
Nico Wiebusch , Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "A Centralized Cooperative SNMP-based Coexistence Management Approach for Industrial Wireless Systems" in 13th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems Communication in Automation, WFCS 2017, 2017 .
Arne Neumann , Marco Ehrlich , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Towards monitoring of hybrid industrial networks" in 13th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, WFCS 2017, 2017 .
Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "A Self-Configurable Fault Detection System for Industrial Ethernet Networks" in , 2017 .
Carsten Bockelmann , Armin Dekorsy , André Gnad , Lutz Rauchhaupt , Arne Neumann , Dimitri Block , Uwe Meier , Jochen Rust , Steffen Paul , Fabian Mackenthun , Hans D. Schotten , Jasper Siemons , Thomas Neugebauer und Martin Ehlich, "HiFlecs: Innovative Technologies for Low-Latency Wireless Closed- Loop Industrial Automation Systems" in 22. VDE-ITG-Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, 2017 .
Claudia Zeidler , Philipp Bruland , Claudia Riepe , Iñaki Soto-Rey , Sabine Steinke , Michael Storck , Martin Dugas und Sonja Ständer, "Initiative PruNet: Validierung von Instrumenten zur Messung der Pruritusintensität und Lebensqualität bei juckenden Dermatosen in Europa" in , 2017 .
Sabine Steinke , Philipp Bruland , Christine Blome , Nani Osada , Claudia Zeidler , Matthias Augustin und Sonja Ständer, "Eine multivariate Analyse der Therapieziele von Patienten mit chronischem Pruritus" in , 2017 .
Henrik Mucha, "Human-centered Toolkit Design" in Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). Workshop HCI.Toolkits2017, 2017 .
Sahar Deppe und Volker Lohweg, "Shift-Invariant Motif Discovery in Image Processing 'Best Paper Award'" in Special track MAIS: Machine Learning Algorithms in Image and Signal Processing, 2017 .
Sahar Torkamani und Volker Lohweg, "Shift-Invariant Motif Discovery in Image Processing" in Special track MAIS: Machine Learning Algorithms in Image and Signal Processing, 2017 .
Martin Wollschlaeger , Thilo Sauter und Jürgen Jasperneite, "The Future of Industrial Communication" in IEEE Industrial Electronics magazine, 2017 .
Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Margin-based Refinement for Support-Vector-Machine Classification" in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM, 2017 pp. 293-300.
Sahar Deppe und Volker Lohweg, "Survey on Time Series Motif Discovery" in Article ID: WIDM1199, 2017 .
Lars Dürkop, Automatische Konfiguration von Echtzeit-Ethernet. Springer, 2017.
Sabine Steinke , Philipp Bruland , Christine Blome , Nani Osada , Martin Dugas , Fleur Fritz , Matthias Augustin und Sonja Ständer, "Chronic pruritus: evaluation of patient needs and treatment goals with a special regard to differences according to pruritus classification and sex" in , 2017 pp. 363-370.
Oliver Niggemann , Florian Pethig , Andreas Kraft , Christian Diedrich , Jürgen Bock , Andreas Gössling , Rolf Hänisch , Johannes Reich , Friedrich Vollmar und Jörg Wende, "Interaktionsmodell für Industrie 4.0 Komponenten" in , 2017 .
Christian Diedrich , Alexander Bieliaiev , Heiko Koziolek , Florian Pethig , Tizian Schröder , Jens Vialkowitsch , Thomas Usländer , Jörg Wende und Alexander Willner, "Semantic Interoperability for Asset Communication within Smart Factories" in International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2017 .
Sophia Geßner , Philipp Neuhaus , Julian Varghese , Philipp Bruland , Alexandra Meidt , Iñaki Soto-Rey , Michael Storck , Justin Doods und Martin Dugas, "The Portal of Medical Data Models: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?}" in , 2017 pp. 858-862.
Philipp Bruland , Ulrich Kathöfer , Maximilian Treder , Nicole Eter und Martin Dugas, "Integrating x4T-EDC into an Image-Portal to Establish an Ophthalmic Reading Center" in , 2017 .
Sebastian Robert , Sebastian Büttner , Carsten Röcker und Andreas Holzinger, Reasoning Under Uncertainty: Towards Collaborative Interactive Machine Learning. Springer, 2016.
Kai Kellermeier , Carsten Pieper , Holger Flatt , Lukasz Wisniewski und Alexander Biendarra, "Performance Evaluierung von PROFINET RT Geräten in einem TSN basierten Backplane" in KommA 2016 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2016 .
Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "Discrete-Event Simulation of Wireless Coexistence for Industrial Applications: Requirements and Solutions" in KommA 2016 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2016 .
Lars Dürkop und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Übertragbarkeit des PlugPlay-Prinzips aus der Informationstechnik auf die Automatisierungstechnik" in KommA 2016 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2016 .
Markus Rentschler , Henning Trsek und Lars Dürkop, "IP Autokonfiguration für industrielle Netzwerkkomponenten in Industrie 4.0 Anwendungen basierend auf der OPC UA Protokollsuite" in KommA 2016 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2016 .
Mohammad Elattar , Verena Wendt und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Communications for Cyber-Physical Systems" in , 2016 .
M. Hao , L.S. Karsthof , Jochen Rust , Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "Hardwarebasiertes Koexistenzmanagement für echtzeitfähige, industrielle Funksysteme" in , 2016 .
Philipp Bruland , Mark McGilchrist , Eric Zapletal , Dionisio Acosta , Johann Proeve , Scott Askin , Thomas Ganslandt , Justin Doods und Martin Dugas, "Common data elements for secondary use of electronic health record data for clinical trial execution and serious adverse event reporting" in , 2016 pp. 159.
Jürgen Jasperneite und Oliver Niggemann, "Wie intelligent werden Maschinen?" in , 2016 .
L.S. Karsthof , M. Hao , Jochen Rust , Steffen Paul , Uwe Meier und Dimitri Block, "Dynamically Reconfigurable Real-Time Hardware Architecture for Channel Utilisation Analysis" in Industrial Wireless Communication IEEE Nordic Circuits and Systems Conference - NORCAS 2016, 2016 .
Markus Rentschler , Henning Trsek und Lars Dürkop, "IP Autokonfiguration für industrielle Netzwerkkomponenten in Industrie 4.0 Anwendungen basierend auf der OPC UA Protokollsuite" in KommA 2016 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2016 .
Henrik Mucha , Sebastian Büttner und Carsten Röcker, "Application Areas for Human-Centered Assistive Systems" in , 2016 .
Nemanja Hranisavljevic , Oliver Niggemann und Alexander Maier, "A Novel Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Hybrid Production Systems based on Deep Learning and Timed Automata" in International Workshop on the Principles of Diagnosis (DX), 2016 .
Alexander Diedrich , Alexander Feldman , Alejandro Perdomo-Ortiz , Rui Abreu , Oliver Niggemann und Johan de Kleer, "Applying Simulated Annealing to Problems in Model-based Diagnosis" in International Workshop on the Principles of Diagnosis (DX), 2016 .
Volker Paelke , Carsten Röcker , Nils Koch , Holger Flatt und Sebastian Büttner, "User Interfaces for Cyber-Physical Systems: Expanding the Designer’s Toolbox" in , 2016 pp. 833-843.
Andreas Bunte , Alexander Diedrich und Oliver Niggemann, "Semantics Enable Standardized User Interfaces for Diagnosis in Modular Production Systems" in , 2016 .
Dimitri Block , Malte Schmidt , Lars Dürkop , Nico Wiebusch und Uwe Meier, "Coexistence of Wireless Control Systems: An Integral Event-based Simulation Approach" in 21st IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2016, 2016 .
Alexander Fritze , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "A Concept for Self-Configuration of Adaptive Sensor and Information Fusion Systems" in 21th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), 2016 .
Anton Pfeifer und Volker Lohweg, "Detection of Commercial Offset Printing using an Adaptive Software Architecture for the DFT" in 21th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), 2016 .
Dominik Henneke , Christian Freudenmann , Markus Kammerstetter , David Rua , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Communications for AnyPLACE: A Smart Metering Platform with Management and Control Functionalities" in 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), 2016 .
Sahar Deppe , Alexander Dicks und Volker Lohweg, "Anomaly Detection on ATMs via Time Series Motif Discovery" in 21th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), 2016 .
Mohammad Elattar , Verena Wendt , Arne Neumann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Potential of Multipath Communications to Improve Communications Reliability for Internet-based Cyber-physical Systems" in 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), 2016 .
Holger Flatt , Sebastian Schriegel , Henning Trsek , Heiko Adamczyk und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Analysis of the Cyber-Security of Industry 4.0 Technologies based on RAMI 4.0 and Identification of Requirements" in 21st IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2016), 2016 .
Andreas Bunte , Alexander Diedrich und Oliver Niggemann, "Integrating Semantics for Diagnosis of Manufacturing Systems" in , 2016 .
Philipp Bruland , Claudia Riepe , Claudia Zeidler , Caroline Forner , Sonja Ständer , Martin Dugas , Michael Storck und Iñaki Soto-Rey, "Integration von ePRO- und EDC-Systemen im Kontext multizentrischer und multilingualer klinischer Forschung" in HEC 2016, 2016 .
Uwe Mönks , Helene Dörksen , Volker Lohweg und Michael Hübner, "Information Fusion of Conflicting Input Data" in Sensors, 2016 .
Jan-Friedrich Ehlenbröker , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Sensor Defect Detection in Multisensor Information Fusion" in , 2016 .
Sonja Ständer , Hartmut Ständer , Sabine Steinke , Philipp Bruland , Martin Dugas und Matthias Augustin, "Chronic pruritus: Care in daily practice" in , 2016 pp. 640-7.
Oliver Sand , Sebastian Büttner , Volker Paelke und Carsten Röcker, smARt.Assembly: Projection-Based Augmented Reality for Supporting Assembly Workers. Springer, 2016.
Steffen Henning , Oliver Niggemann und Jens Otto, "Pattern-Based Control-Code Synthesis" in 14th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2016 .
Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "A GPU-Based Method for Robust and Efficient Fault Detection in Industrial Automation Processes" in 14th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), 2016 .
Peng Li und Oliver Niggemann, "Improving Clustering Based Anomaly Detection with Concave Hull: An Application in Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbines" in 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2016), 2016 .
Jens Otto , Birgit Vogel-Heuser und Oliver Niggemann, "Optimizing modular and reconfigurable cyber-physical production systems by determining parameters automatically" in , 2016 pp. 1100-1105.
Holger Flatt , Sebastian Schriegel , Henning Trsek , Heiko Adamczyk und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Industrie 4.0 IT-Sicherheit" in atp edition, 2016 .
Sebastian Büttner , Markus Funk , Oliver Sand und Carsten Röcker, "Using Head-Mounted Displays and In-Situ Projection for Assistive Systems – A Comparison" in 9th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA '16) No.44, 2016 .
Markus Rentschler , Henning Trsek und Lars Dürkop, "OPC UA extension for IP Auto-Configuration in Cyber-Physical Systems" in 14th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2016), 2016 .
Stefan Windmann , Oliver Niggemann und Henning Trsek, "Konzepte zur Erhöhung der IT Sicherheit in industriellen Automatisierungssystemen" in Automation 2016, 2016 .
Stefan Windmann , Jens Eickmeyer und Oliver Niggemann, "Fehler in automatisierten Prozessen zuverlässig erkennen" in atp, 2016 .
Stefan Windmann , Sören Volgmann , Oliver Niggemann , Ansgar Bernardi , Ying Gu , Holger Pfrommer , Thilo Steckel und Michael Krüger, "Analyse großer Datenmengen in Verarbeitungsprozessen" in , 2016 .
Alexander Maier , Sebastian Schriegel und Oliver Niggemann, "Big Data and Machine Learning for the Smart Factory - Solutions for Condition Monitoring, Diagnosis and Optimization" in ndustrial Internet of Things: Cybermanufacturing Systems, 2016 .
Alexander Fritze , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "A Support System for Sensor and Information Fusion System Design" in 3rd International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence - New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, 2016 .
Andreas Bunte , Alexander Diedrich und Oliver Niggemann, "Natürlichsprachliche Schnittstelle für Produktionssysteme" in , 2016 .
Oliver Niggemann , Gautam Biswas , Hamed Khorasgani , Sören Volgmann und Andreas Bunte, "Datenanalyse in der intelligenten Fabrik" in , 2016 .
Derk Wesemann , Roland Heß , Stefan Witte und Andreas Schmelter, "Flexible Factory Automation: Potentials of Contactless Transmission Systems, Combining State-of-the-Art Technologies." 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems ,May., . 2016.
Silja Thewes , Christoph Reuber , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Ralf Beck, "Efficient In-Vehicle Calibration by the Usage of Automation and Enhanced Online DoE Approaches" in Simulation and Testing for Vehicle Technology, 2016 .
Jürgen Bock , Christian Diedrich , Andreas Gössling , Rolf Hänisch , Andreas Kraft , Florian Pethig , Oliver Niggemann , Johannes Reich , Friedrich Vollmar und Jörg Wende, "Interaktionsmodell für Industrie 4.0 Komponenten" in 14. Fachtagung Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, 2016 .
Dominik Henneke , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Analysis of Realizing a Future Industrial Network by Means of Software-Defined Networking (SDN)" in 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2016), 2016 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Verena Wendt , Markus Schumacher, , Jürgen Jasperneite und Christian Diedrich, "Scheduling of PROFINET IRT Communication in Redundant Network Topologies" in 12th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2016), 2016 .
Christian Diedrich , Jürgen Bock , Andreas Gössling , Andreas Graeser , Rolf Hänisch , Andreas Kraft , Oliver Niggemann , Johannes Reich , Friedrich Vollmar , Jörg Wende und Florian Pethig, "Interaktionsmodell für Industrie 4.0-Komponenten" in Forum Industrie 4.0, HMI 2016, 2016 .
Lars Dürkop und Jürgen Jasperneite, "„Plug Produce“ als Anwendungsfall von Industrie 4.0" Handbuch Industrie 4.0 ,Feb., . 2016.
Martin Dugas , Philipp Neuhaus , Alexandra Meidt , Justin Doods , Michael Storck , Philipp Bruland und Julian Varghese, "Portal of medical data models: information infrastructure for medical research and healthcare" in , 2016 .
Holger Reinecke , Günter Breithardt , Christiane Engelbertz , Roland E. Schmieder , Manfred Fobker , Hans O. Pinnschmidt , Boris Schmitz , Philipp Bruland , Karl Wegscheider , Hermann J. Pavenstädt und Eva Brand, "Baseline Characteristics and Prescription Patterns of Standard Drugs in Patients with Angiographically Determined Coronary Artery Disease and Renal Failure (CAD-REF Registry)" in , 2016 pp. e0148057.
Mark Funk , Eugen Gillich , Thomas Türke und Volker Lohweg, "Intaglio Quality Measurement" in Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection V}, 2016 .
Eugen Gillich , Jan Leif Hoffmann , Helene Dörksen , Volker Lohweg und Johannes Schaede, "Data Collection Unit – A Platform for Printing Process Authentication" in Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection V, 2016 .
Johannes Schaede , Volker Lohweg und Alexander Knobloch, "Banknote Cash Challenges met by advancing Low Cost Image Analysis Tools" in Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection V, 2016 .
Anton Pfeifer , Eugen Gillich , Volker Lohweg und Johannes Schaede, "Detection of Commercial Offset Printing in Counterfeited Banknotes" in Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection V, 2016 .
Silja Thewes , Matthias Krause , Christoph Reuber , Markus Lange-Hegermann , Rafael Dziadek und Martin Rebbert, "Erweiterte Modellierungstechniken für Gaussche Prozessmodelle" in 8. Tagung Design of Experiments (DoE) in der Motorenentwicklung, 2015 .
Sven Strickroth , Michael Striewe , Oliver Müller , Uta Priss , Sebastian Becker , Robert Garmann , Oliver J. Bott und Niels Pinkwart, "ProFormA: An XML-based exchange format for programming tasks" ,Nov., . 2015. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Nov. 11 2015].
Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "Data-Driven Assistance Functions for Industrial Automation Systems" in 12th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, 2015 .
Stefan Windmann , Alexander Maier , Oliver Niggemann , Christia Frey , Ansgar Bernardi , Ying Gu , Holger Pfrommer , Thilo Steckel , Michael Krüger und Robert Kraus, "Big Data Analysis of Manufacturing Processes" in 12th European Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, 2015 .
Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "Coexistence Performance of WSAN: Simulative Evaluation" in , 2015 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Alexander Biendarra , Carsten Pieper und Markus Schumacher,, "Seamless Schedule Switching in Time Triggered Ethernet based Communication Systems" in KommA 2015 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2015 .
Thilo Steckel , Ansgar Bernardi , Ying Gu , Stefan Windmann , Sören Volgmann und Oliver Niggemann, "Anomaly Detetection and Performance Evaluation of Mobile Agricultural Machines by Analysis of Big Data" in VDI Conference Agricultural Engineering (AgEng), 2015 .
Sahar Deppe und Volker Lohweg, "Shift-Invariant Feature Extraction for Time-Series Motif Discovery" in 25. Workshop Computational Intelligence VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), 2015 .
Martyna Bator , Sahar Deppe und Volker Lohweg, "Relevanzbewertung technischer Informationen mittels Data-Mining Verfahren am Anwendungsfall von Patentdokumenten" in 25. Workshop Computational Intelligence VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik (GMA), 2015 .
Lars Dürkop , Lukasz Wisniewski , Sascha Heymann , Benedikt Lücke , Philip Priss und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Analyse des Inbetriebnahmeaufwandes von industriellen Produktionsanlagen anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen" in KommA 2015 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2015 .
Volker Paelke , Carsten Röcker , Nils Koch , Holger Flatt und Sebastian Büttner, "User Interfaces for Cyber-Physical Systems: Expanding the Designer’s Toolbox" in , 2015 .
Sahar Deppe , Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Multi-Scale Motif Discovery in Image Processing" in Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models, 2015 .
Miriam Schleipen , Arndt Lüder , Olaf Sauer , Holger Flatt und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Anforderungen und Konzepte für Plug-and-Work - Adaptivität im Kontext von Industrie 4.0" in , 2015 pp. 801–820.
Jürgen Beyerer , Jürgen Jasperneite und Olaf Sauer, "Industrie 4.0" in , 2015 pp. 751–752.
Oliver Niggemann und Christia Frey, "Data-driven anomaly detection in cyber-physical production systems" in , 2015 pp. 821–832.
Sebastian Schriegel , Alexander Biendarra , Opher Ronen , Holger Flatt , Lessmann Gunnar und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Automatic Determination of Synchronization Path Quality using PTP Bridges with Integrated Inaccuracy Estimation for System Configuration and Monitoring" in ISPCS 2015, 2015 .
Stefan Windmann , Jens Eickmeyer , Johann Badinger und Oliver Niggemann, "Evaluation of Model-Based Condition Monitoring Systems in Industrial Application Cases" in Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems and Industry 4.0 (ML4CPS), 2015 .
Tobias Helbig , Steffen Henning und Johannes Hoos, "Effizientes Engineering im Sondermaschinenbau durch automatisierte Steuerungscode-Synthese auf Basis einer funktionalen Kategorisierung" in Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems and Industry 4.0 (ML4CPS), 2015 .
Kristijan Vukovic , Kristina Simonis , Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Efficient Image Processing System for an Industrial Machine Learning Task" in Conference on Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical Systems (ML4CPS), 2015 .
Alexander Diedrich , Andreas Bunte , Alexander Maier und Oliver Niggemann, Kognitive Architektur zum Konzeptlernen in technischen Systemen. Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems and Industry 4.0 (ML4CPS), 2015.
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Smart Factory based on intelligent technical systems" in Workshop Industrie 4.0: Informatik gestaltet neue Produktionssysteme anlässlich 45. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (invited talk), 2015 .
Johannes Ax , Aurel Buda , Daniel Schneider , John Hartfiel , Lars Dürkop , Thorsten Jungebluth , Jürgen Jasperneite , Andreas Vedral und Ulrich Rückert, "Universelle Echtzeit-Ethernet Architektur zur Integration in rekonfigurierbare Automatisierungssysteme" in GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI): INFORMATIK 2015, 2015 .
Peng Li , Jens Eickmeyer und Oliver Niggemann, "Data Driven Condition Monitoring of Wind Power Plants Using Cluster Analysis" in 2015 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC 2015), 2015 .
Sonja Ständer , Claudia Zeidler , Claudia Riepe , Sabine Steinke , Fleur Fritz , Philipp Bruland , Iñaki Soto-Rey , Michael Storck , Tove Agner , Matthias Augustin , Christine Blome , F. Dalgard , A. Evers , Simone Garcovich , Margarida Gonçalo , J. Lambert , Franz J. Legat , Tabi Leslie , Laurent Misery , Ulrike Raap , Adam Reich , E. Şavk , Markus Streit , Esther Serra-Baldrich , Jacek C. Szepietowski , Joanna Wallengren , Elke Weisshaar und Martin Dugas, "European EADV network on assessment of severity and burden of Pruritus (PruNet): first meeting on outcome tools" in , 2015 .
Alexander Dicks , Volker Lohweg , Henrik Wittke und Stefan Linke, "Structural Health Monitoring of Plastic Components with Piezoelectric Sensors" in 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2015 .
Birgit Vogel-Heuser , Daniel Schütz , Thorsten Schöler , Sebastian Pröll , Sabina Jeschke , Daniel Ewert , Oliver Niggemann , Stefan Windmann , Ulrich Berger und Christian Lehmann, "Agentenbasierte cyber-physische Produktionssysteme – Anwendungen für Industrie 4.0" in atp edition, 2015 pp. 36-45.
Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Automated Fuzzy Classification with Combinatorial Refinement" in 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015 .
Dimitri Block , Niels Hendrik Fliedner , Daniel Töws und Uwe Meier, "Wireless Channel Measurement Data Sets for Reproducible Performance Evaluation in Industrial Environments" in 20th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA, 2015 .
Lars Dürkop , Lukasz Wisniewski , Sascha Heymann , Benedikt Lücke und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Analyzing the engineering effort for the commissioning of industrial automation systems" in 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2015 .
Dominik Henneke , Mohammad Elattar und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Communication Patterns for Cyber-Physical Systems" in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), 2015 .
Ganesh Man Shrestha und Oliver Niggemann, "Hybrid Approach Combining Bayesian Network and Rule-based Systems for Resource Optimization in Industrial Cleaning Processes" in 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2015), 2015 .
Arne Neumann , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Utilizing OPC UA as comprehensive communication technology for Cyber Physical Production Systems" in 9th International Workshop on Service-Oriented Cyber-Physical Systems in Converging Networked Environments (SOCNE), 2015 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Markus Schumacher, , Jürgen Jasperneite und Christian Diedrich, "Increasing Flexibility of Time Triggered Ethernet based Systems by Optimal Greedy Scheduling Approach" in 20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2015 .
Stefan Windmann , Florian Jungbluth und Oliver Niggemann, "A HMM-Based Fault Detection Method for Piecewise Stationary Industrial Processes" in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), 2015 .
Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "MapReduce Algorithms for Efficient Generation of CPS Models from Large Historical Data Sets" in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), 2015 .
Stefan Windmann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An FPGA Based FIFO with Efficient Memory Management" in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2015), 2015 .
Felix Specht , Holger Flatt , Jens Eickmeyer und Oliver Niggemann, "Exploiting Multicore Processors in PLCs using Libraries for IEC 61131-3" in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automatio (ETFA 2015), 2015 .
Julian Varghese , Philipp Bruland , Philipp Neuhaus und Michael Storck, "Freies Portal für Medizinische Formulare" in , 2015 .
Mythreya Seetharama , Volker Paelke und Carsten Röcker, SafetyPIN: Secure PIN Entry through Eye Tracking. Springer, 2015.
Jens Eickmeyer , Peng Li , Florian Pethig und Oliver Niggemann, "Data Driven Modeling for System-Level Condition Monitoring on Wind Power Plants" in , 2015 .
Philipp Bruland , Waldemar Hänse , Fiona Schedel , Sonja Ständer und Fleur Fritz, "PIACS: A System for the Automatic Detection, Categorization and Comparison of Scratch-Related Skin Lesions in Dermatology" in , 2015 .
B. Warlich , Fleur Fritz , Nani Osada , Philipp Bruland , Astrid Stumpf , Gudrun Schneider , Martin Dugas , Bettina Pfleiderer und Sonja Ständer, "Health-Related Quality of Life in Chronic Pruritus: An Analysis Related to Disease Etiology, Clinical Skin Conditions and Itch Intensity" in , 2015 pp. 253-9.
Sebastian Büttner , Oliver Sand und Carsten Röcker, "Extending the Design Space in Industrial Manufacturing Through Mobile Projection" in Adjunct Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI '15), ACM Press, pp. 1130-1133, 2015 .
Oliver Niggemann , Gautam Biswas , John S. Kinnebrew , Hamed Khorasgani , Sören Volgmann und Andreas Bunte, "Data-Driven Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems Leveraging on Big Data and the Internet-of-Things for Diagnosis and Control" in , 2015 .
Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "Efficient Fault Detection for Industrial Automation Processes with Observable Process Variables" in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015), 2015 .
Mohammad Elattar , Lars Dürkop und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Utilizing LTE QoS Features to Provide Reliable Access Network for Cyber-Physical Systems" in 13th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015), 2015 .
Ganesh Man Shrestha , Peng Li und Oliver Niggemann, "Bayesian Predictive Assistance System: An Embedded Application for Resource Optimization in Industrial Cleaning Processes" in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2015), 2015 .
Steffen Priesterjahn , Maik Anderka , Timo Klerx und Uwe Mönks, "Generalized ATM Fraud Detection" in dvances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects. Proceedings of the 15th Industrial Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2015), 2015 pp. 166-181.
M. Kraetzig , Lutz Rauchhaupt und Björn Czybik, "Performance Evaluation of Mobil Network Technologies for Industrial M2M Application" in 2nd IFAC Conference on Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence and Telematics in Control (CESCIT'15), 2015 .
Uwe Mönks , Henning Trsek , Lars Dürkop , Volker Geneiß und Volker Lohweg, "Towards distributed intelligent sensor and information fusion" in Mechatronics, 2015 .
Steffen Henning , Benjamin Brandenbourger , Tobias Helbig und Oliver Niggemann, "Plug-and-Produce für Cyber-Physische-Produktionssysteme - Eine Fallstudie im OPAK-Projekt" in Automation 2015, 2015 .
Sascha Heymann , Jürgen Jasperneite , Sebastian Schröck und Alexander Fay, "Beschreibung von Produktionsprozessen in modularisierten Produktionsanlagen für Industrie 4.0" in Automation 2015, 2015 .
Jens Eickmeyer , Tanja Krüger , Adrian Frischkorn , Tobias Hoppe , Peng Li , Florian Pethig , Sebastian Schriegel und Oliver Niggemann, "Intelligente Zustandsüberwachung von Windenergieanlagen als Cloud-Service" in Automation 2015, 2015 .
Stefan Windmann , Florian Jungbluth , Oliver Niggemann und Heiko Stichweh, "Ansätze zur Erhöhung der Flexibilität und Vernetzbarkeit industrieller Steuerungen" in Automation 2015, 2015 .
Jens Otto , Sebastian Schriegel , Birgit Vogel-Heuser und Oliver Niggemann, "Eine Taxonomie für Plug Produce" in Automation 2015, 2015 .
David Schaffranek , Heiko Stichweh , Stefan Windmann , Sebastian Schriegel und Oliver Niggemann, "Integration von Selbstoptimierungsfunktionen zur Steigerung der Energieeffizienz in intralogistische Anlagen" in Automation 2015, 2015 .
Sabine Steinke , Philipp Bruland , Nani Osada , Christine Blome , Matthias Augustin und Sonja Ständer, "Chronic Pruritus: Evaluation of Patient-Relevant Needs" in Oral Presentation at 23rd World Congress of Dermatology, 2015 .
Jürgen Jasperneite , Arne Neumann und Florian Pethig, "OPC UA versus MTConnect" in , 2015 pp. 16-21.
Uwe Mönks , Henning Trsek , Lars Dürkop , Volker Geneiß und Volker Lohweg, "Towards distributed intelligent sensor and information fusion" in Mechatronics, 2015 .
Derk Wesemann , Jens Dünnermann , Marian Schaller , Norman Banick und Stefan Witte, "Less wires – a Novel Approach on Combined Power and Ethernet Transmission on a Single, Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable" in 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2015), 2015 .
Lars Dürkop , Jürgen Jasperneite und Alexander Fay, "An Analysis of Real-Time Ethernets With Regard to Their Automatic Configuration" in 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2015), 2015 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Satendrasingh Y Chahar und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Seamless reconfiguration of Time Triggered Ethernet protocols" in 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2015), 2015 .
Mohammad Elattar und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Using LTE as an Access Network for Internet-Based Cyber-Physical Systems" in 11th IEEE World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2015), 2015 .
Yashar Naderpour , Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "Evaluation of Deterministic Medium Access Based on a Cooperative Cognitive Radio Approach" in The Fifth International Conference on Advances in Cognitive Radio - COCORA 2015, 2015 .
Jan-Friedrich Ehlenbröker , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Consistency Based Sensor Defect Detection" in AMA Conferences 2015, SENSOR 2015 - IRS2 2015, 2015 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Wenn Assistenzsysteme den Menschen unterstützen und entlasten" in Produktivitätsfortschritte durch Industrie 4.0, 2015 pp. 8-9.
Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "Selbstdiagnose und Selbstoptimierung technischer Systeme" in WInTeSys, 2015 .
Oliver Niggemann , Steffen Henning , Sebastian Schriegel , Jens Otto und Anas Anis, "Models for Adaptable Automation Software - An Overview of Plug-and-Produce in Industrial Automation" in Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme (MBEES), 2015 pp. 73-82.
Stefan Windmann , Oliver Niggemann und Heiko Stichweh, "Energy efficiency optimization by automatic coordination of motor speeds in conveying systems" in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), 2015 .
Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "Automatic model separation and application to diagnosis in industrial automation systems" in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2015), 2015 .
Sebastian Schriegel , Oliver Niggemann , Jens Otto , Lars Dürkop und Steffen Henning, "Selbstkonfiguration in der Automation" in VDI-Tagung Multisensorik in der Fertigungsmesstechnik 2015, 2015 .
Astrid Stumpf , Sonja Ständer , B. Warlich , Fleur Fritz , Philipp Bruland , Bettina Pfleiderer , Gereon Heuft und Gudrun Schneider, "Relations between the characteristics and psychological comorbidities of chronic pruritus differ between men and women: women are more anxious than men" in , 2015 pp. 1323-8.
Sonja Ständer , Esther Pogatzki-Zahn , Astrid Stumpf , Fleur Fritz , Bettina Pfleiderer , Anika Ritzkat , Philipp Bruland , Tobias Lotts , Carsten Müller-Tidow , Gereon Heuft , Hermann J. Pavenstädt , Gudrun Schneider , Hugo Van Aken , Walter Heindel , Heinz Wiendl , Martin Dugas und Thomas Luger, "Facing the challenges of chronic pruritus: a report from a multi-disciplinary medical itch centre in Germany" in , 2015 pp. 266-71.
Andreas Holzinger , Carsten Röcker und Martina Ziefle, From Smart Health to Smart Hospitals. Springer, 2015.
Andreas Holzinger , Carsten Röcker und Martina Ziefle, Smart Health: Open Problems and Future Challenges. Springer, 2015.
Eugen Gillich , Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, Advanced Color Processing for Mobile Devices. IST/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2013, 2015.
Kai-Fabian Henning , Alexander Fritze , Eugen Gillich , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, Stable Image Acquisition for Mobile Image Processing Applications. IST/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2013, 2015.
Jürgen Jasperneite , Sven Hinrichsen und Oliver Niggemann, ",,Plug-and-Produce“ für Fertigungssysteme" in , 2015 .
Lars Dürkop , Björn Czybik und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Performance Evaluation of M2M Protocols Over Cellular Networks in a Lab Environment" in 18th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks (ICIN), 2015 .
Oliver Niggemann und Volker Lohweg, "On the Diagnosis of Cyber-Physical Production Systems - State-of-the-Art and Research Agenda" in Twenty-Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), 2015 .
Jens Otto und Oliver Niggemann, "Automatic Parameterization of Automation Software for Plug-and-Produce" in AAAI-15 Workshop on Algorithm Configuration (AlgoConf), 2015 .
Jens Dünnermann , Stefan Fuchs , Hans-Peter Schmidt und Stefan Witte, "Demo: Real time Ethernet with unshielded twisted single pair cabling" in IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 2014 .
Markus Runde , Stefan Hausmann , Christopher Tebbe , Björn Czybik , Karl-Heinz Niemann , Stefan Heiss und Jürgen Jasperneite, "SEC_PRO: sichere Produktion mit verteilten Automatisierungssystemen." in , 2014 .
Daniel Kirschberger , Holger Flatt und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An Architectural Approach for Reconfigurable Industrial I/O Devices" in International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs, 2014 .
Philipp Bruland , Christian Forster , Bernhard Breil , Sonja Ständer , Martin Dugas und Fleur Fritz, "Does single-source create an added value? Evaluating the impact of introducing x4T into the clinical routine on workflow modifications, data quality and cost-benefit" in , 2014 pp. 915-28.
Volker Paelke, "Augmented Reality in the Smart Factory" in IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Sahar Deppe und Volker Lohweg, "Identification of Multi-Scale Motifs" in 24. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2014 .
Richard Neumann , Alexander Dicks , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Fuzzy Pattern Klassifikation von Datensätzen mit nichtkonvexen Objektmorphologien" in 24. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2014 .
Volker Lohweg und Bärbel Mertsching, "4. Jahreskolloquium Bildverarbeitung in der Automation 2014 (BVAu2014)" in Bildverarbeitung in der Automation 2014, 2014 .
Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "A Novel Approach to Assess Wireless Coexistence" in KommA 2014 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2014 .
Hans-Peter Ott , Stephan Joest , Lars Dürkop und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Communication design considerations for M2M applications" in , 2014 .
Domenico Rotondi und Sergio Gusmeroli, "An application of Directory Service for a Smart Factory" in KommA 2014 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2014 .
Markus Runde , Christopher Tebbe , Björn Czybik , Karl-Heinz Niemann und Stefan Heiss, "SEC_PRO : sichere Produktion mit verteilten Automatisierungssystemen." in , 2014 .
Melanie Gallinat , Markus Köster und Stefan Heiss, "OPC-UA: Ein kritischer Vergleich der IT-Sicherheitsoptionen." in , 2014 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Industrie 4.0 – Bedeutung und Konsequenz für den Maschinenbau" in Vortrag: FUTURE MACHINERY 2014 Industrie 4.0 – Zukunftsfähige Maschinenentwicklung, 2014 .
Holger Flatt , Jürgen Jasperneite und Joachim Rauchfuß, "Hochverfügbare Kommunikation für die industrielle Automation" in atp, 2014 .
Holger Flatt , Jürgen Jasperneite und Joachim Rauchfuß, "Redundante Kommunikation in der Automation" in , 2014 pp. 32-40.
Andreas Holzinger , Michael Schwarz , Bernhard Ofner , Fleur Jeanquartier , Andre Calero-Valdez , Carsten Röcker und Martina Ziefle, Towards Interactive Visualization of Longitudinal Data to Support Knowledge Discovery on Multi-Touch Tablet Computers. Springer, 2014.
Andreas Holzinger , Betina Sommerauer , Peter Spitzer , Simon Juric , Borut Zalik , Matjaz Debevc , Chantal Lidynia , Andre Calero-Valdez , Carsten Röcker und Martina Ziefle, Mobile Computing is not Always Advantageous: Lessons Learned from a Real-World Case Study in a Hospital. Springer, 2014.
Sven Hinrichsen , Jürgen Jasperneite , Florian Schrader und Benedikt Lücke, "Versatile Assembly Systems - Requirements, Design Principles and Examples" in 4th International Conference on Production Engineering and Management (PEM 2014), 2014 .
Steffen Henning , Jens Otto , Oliver Niggemann und Sebastian Schriegel, "A Descriptive Engineering Approach for Cyber-Physical Systems" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Oliver Niggemann und Björn Kroll, "On the applicability of model based software development to cyber physical production systems" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Björn Kroll , David Schaffranek , Sebastian Schriegel und Oliver Niggemann, "System modeling based on machine learning for anomaly detection and predictive maintenance in industrial plants" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Dimitri Block , Yashar Naderpour , Ganesh Man Shrestha und Uwe Meier, "Performance Evaluation of Cognitive Wireless Medium Access Methods in Industrial Coexisting Environments" in 19th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Markus Schumacher, , Jürgen Jasperneite und Christian Diedrich, "Linear Time, Possibly Disjoint Path Search Approach for Ethernet Based Industrial Automation Networks" in IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology Factory Automation, 2014 .
Barath Kumar , Rainer Drath , Ben Schroeder und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Test generation from functional 3D virtual environment models" in ETSI User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing (UCAAT 2014), 2014 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Towards the Smart Factory – Status and open issues" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA) (Keynote), 2014 .
Syed Sheraz Gilani , Tim Tack , Holger Flatt und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An App-based Approach for Reconfigurable Field Devices" in 19thIEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Oliver Niggemann , Stefan Windmann , Sören Volgmann , Andreas Bunte und Benno Stein, "Using Learned Models for the Root Cause Analysis of Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in , 2014 .
Andreas Holzinger , Michael Schwarz , Bernhard Ofner , Fleur Jeanquartier , Andre Calero-Valdez , Carsten Röcker und M. Ziefle, "Towards Interactive Visualization of Longitudinal Data to Support Knowledge Discovery on Multi-Touch Tablet Computers" in S. Teufel et al. (Eds.) CD-ARES Workshops 2014, 2014 pp. 124 - 137.
Ganesh Man Shrestha und Oliver Niggemann, "A Bayesian Predictive Assistance System for Resource Optimization - A Case Study in Industrial Cleaning Process" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Helene Dörksen , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Fast Classification in Industrial Big Data Environments" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Combinatorial Refinement of Feature Weighting for Linear Classification" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Sebastian Schriegel und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Investigation in Automatic Determination of Time Synchronization Accuracy of PTP Networks with the Objective of Plug-and-Work" in 2014 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement Control and Communication (ISPCS), 2014 .
Jan-Friedrich Ehlenbröker , Uwe Mönks , Derk Wesemann und Volker Lohweg, "Condition Monitoring for Hazardous Material Storage" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Uwe Pohlmann , Henning Trsek , Lars Dürkop , Stefan Dziwok und Felix Oestersötebier, "Application of an Intelligent Network Architecture on a Cooperative Cyber-Physical System: An Experience Report" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Nils Koch , Holger Flatt , Jürgen Jasperneite , Michael Voit und Florian van de Camp, "A Flexible Context-Aware Assistance System for Industrial Applications Using Camera based Localization" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Uwe Pohlmann , Henning Trsek , Lars Dürkop , Stefan Dziwok und Felix Oestersötebier, "Application of an Intelligent Network Architecture on a Cooperative Cyber-Physical System: An Experience Report" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Oliver Niggemann , Stefan Windmann , Sören Volgmann , Andreas Bunte und Benno Stein, "Using Learned Models for the Root Cause Analysis of Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in , 2014 .
Natalia Moriz , Björn Böttcher , Oliver Niggemann und Josef Lackhove, "Assisted Design for Automation Systems - from Formal Requirements to Final Designs" in , 2014 .
Christian Frey , Michael Heinzmann , Jürgen Jasperneite , Oliver Niggemann , Olaf Sauer , Miriam Schleipen und Thomas Usländer, "IKT in der Fabrik der Zukunft - Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zu Industrie 4.0" in atp edition, 2014 .
Uwe Mönks, "Industrie 4.0: Intelligente Vernetzung als integraler Bestandteil" in nrw.uniTS trifft Produktion: IT'S – YOUR FUTURE!, 2014 .
Sören Volgmann , Francisco Rangel , Oliver Niggemann und Paolo Rosso, "Emotional Trends in Social Media - A State Space Approach" in 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 2014 pp. 1123-1124.
"Counting Solutions of Differential Equations" in Vortrag: Applications of Computer Algebra 2014, New York, 2014 .
Uwe Mönks , Henning Trsek , Lars Dürkop , Volker Geneiß und Volker Lohweg, "Assisting the Design of Sensor and Information Fusion Systems" in 2nd International Conference on System-integrated Intelligence, 2014 .
Tim Tack , Alexander Maier und Oliver Niggemann, On Visual Analytics in Plant Monitoring. Springer, 2014.
Björn Kroll , David Schaffranek , Markus Köster und Oliver Niggemann, "Modellierung des Normalverhaltens von kontinuierlichen Signalen einer Industrieanlage zur Anomalieerkennung und Wartungsplanung" in Automation, 2014 .
Florian Pethig , Sebastian Schriegel und Oliver Niggemann, "Analyse und Diagnose von Echtzeit-Ethernet mit intelligenten Assistenzverfahren" in Automation, 2014 .
Alexander Maier, "Online Passive Learning of Timed Automata for Cyber-Physical Production Systems" in The 12th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2014), 2014 .
M. Kraetzig , Björn Czybik und Lars Dürkop, "Methodik zur Bewertung von drahtlosen Netzzugangstechnologien für zuverlässige M2M-Anwendungen" in Automation 2014, 2014 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Über die Größe der Lösungsmenge eines Differentialgleichungssystems" in Vortrag: Mathematisches Kolloquium, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 2014 .
Oliver Niggemann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Konzepte und Anwendungsfälle für die intelligente Fabrik" in Industrie 4.0 in Produktion, Automatisierung und Logistik, 2014 .
Anas Anis , Wilhelm Schäfer und Oliver Niggemann, "A Comparison of Modeling Approaches for Planning in Cyber Physical Production Systems" in 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2014 .
Jürgen Gausemeier , Roman Dumitrescu , Jürgen Jasperneite , Arno Kühn und Henning Trsek, "Der Spitzencluster it’s OWL auf dem Weg zu Industrie 4.0" in , 2014 pp. 336-346.
Verena Ermes , Armin Janß , Klaus Radermacher und Carsten Röcker, "Analyzing the Benefits of Integrative Multi-Dimensional Assessments of Usability Features in Interaction-Centered User Studies" in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare. Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST), Brussels, Belgium, pp. 227 - 230, 2014 .
Lars Dürkop , Henning Trsek , Jens Otto und Jürgen Jasperneite, "A field level architecture for reconfigurable real-time automation systems" in 10th IEEE Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, 2014 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Jürgen Jasperneite und Henning Trsek, "Control-as-a-Service from the Cloud: A Case Study for using Virtualized PLCs" in IEEE Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS’2014), 2014 .
Daniel Bayer und Markus Schumacher,, "Ethernet Verification IP for Automotive Applications" in CDNALive EMEA 2014, 2014 .
Oliver Niggemann, "On the Importance of Model Learning for Intelligent Automation Systems." in 6. Expertenforum „Agenten im Umfeld von Industrie 4.0, 2014 .
Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Fast Evidence-based Information Fusion" in 4th Internation Workshop on Cognitive Information, 2014 .
Yuan Chen , Bhavin Chamadiya und Ulrich Büker, "V2V Communication - Analysis and Validation of Propagation Models in Real World Scenarios" in SAE World Congress 2015, SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-0289, 2014 .
Oliver Niggemann und Björn Kroll, "Of the applicability of model based software development to cyber physical production systems" in CyPhERS 2nd Experts Workshop CPSWeek 2014, 2014 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Sven Hinrichsen, "Das Chamäleon der Montage" in , 2014 pp. 30 - 33.
Jürgen Gausemeier , Roman Dumitrescu , Jürgen Jasperneite , Arno Kühn und Henning Trsek, "Auf dem Weg zu Industrie 4.0: Lösungen aus dem Spitzencluster it´s OWL" in Imagebroschüre des Spitzenclusters zum Thema Industrie 4.0, 2014 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Counting Solutions of Differential Equations" in Vortrag: Jahrestagung DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1489, Bad Boll, 2014 .
Christian Frey , Michael Heinzmann , Jürgen Jasperneite , Oliver Niggemann , Olaf Sauer , Miriam Schleipen , Thomas Usländer und Michael Voit, "IKT in der Fabrik der Zukunft - Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zu Industrie 4.0" in , 2014 .
Oliver Niggemann, "Was macht eine Produktion intelligent?" in , 2014 .
Henning Trsek und Lars Dürkop, "Digitale Infrastrukturen als Enabler für innovative Anwendungen" Digitale Infrastrukturen - Jahrbuch 2013/2014 Nationaler IT-Gipfel ,Feb., pp. 275 - 313, 2014.
Henning Trsek und Lars Dürkop, "Digitale Infrastrukturen - Jahrbuch 2013/2014 Nationaler IT-Gipfel" in Digitale Infrastrukturen als Enabler für innovative Anwendungen, 2014 pp. 275 - 313.
Norimichi Ukita , Daniel Kaulen und Carsten Röcker, "Towards an Automatic Motion Coaching System: Feedback Techniques for Different Types of Motion Errors" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems (PhyCS'14) pp. 167-172, 2014 .
Jürg Hofmann , Eugen Gillich , Helene Dörksen , Daniel Chassot , Johannes Schaede , Thomas Türke und Volker Lohweg, New Strategies in Image Processing for Standardized Intaglio Quality Analysis in the Printing Process. 2014.
Christian Forster , Philipp Bruland , Jens Lechtenbörger , Bernhard Breil und Gottfried Vossen, "Connecting Clinical Care and Research: Single-Source with x4T—Process Design, Architecture, and Use Cases" in , 2014 pp. 63-72.
Volker Lohweg und Jan-Friedrich Ehlenbröker, "microIDENT – A System for Simple Coding and Authentication of documents." in Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection IV, 2014 .
Philipp Bruland und Martin Dugas, "Transformations between CDISC ODM and openEHR Archetypes" in , 2014 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann und Daniel Robertz, "Thomas decompositions of parametric nonlinear control systems" in IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 2013 .
Mohamed Barakat und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Computing Ext in Serre quotient categories" in Oberwolfach Report No. 25/2013, 2013 .
Uwe Mönks und Steffen Priesterjahn, "Automated Fusion Attribute Generation for Conditioning Monitoring." in 23. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2013 .
Fabian Paschke , Daniel Bayer , Martyna Bator , Uwe Mönks , Alexander Dicks , Olaf Enge-Rosenblatt und Volker Lohweg, "Sensorlose Zustandsüberwachung an Synchronmotoren." in 23. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2013 .
Carsten Röcker , M. Ziefle , Andreas Holzinger , Kevin McGee , Susan Hansen und Jochen Meyer, "SmartHEALTH: 5th International Workshop on Smart Healthcare and Wellness Applications" in Digital Proceedings of the Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia (OZCHI'13), 2013 .
Holger Flatt , Jürgen Jasperneite und Joachim Rauchfuß, "Ein FPGA-Ansatz zur Anwendung von PRP/HSR-Redundanzprotokollen mit IEEE 1588 Zeitsynchronisation in der Automatisierungstechnik" in Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation - KommA, 2013 .
Sebastian Schriegel , Holger Flatt und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Gütegarantien für Zeitsynchronisationsgenauigkeit in IEEE 1588-Netzwerken durch standardisierte Gerätequalifizierung" in Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation - KommA, 2013 .
Tim Tack und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Application specific Automation Devices - the App-based approach" in Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation - KommA, 2013 .
Ulrich Köhler , Nikolaus Decius , Christopher Masjosthusmann und Ulrich Büker, "Development of a Scalable Multi-Controller ECU for a Smart, Safe and Efficient Battery Electric Vehicle" in Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications, 2013, 2013 pp. 193-198.
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Industrial Automation Services as part of the Cloud: First experiences" in Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation - KommA, 2013 .
Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "Coexistence Evaluation of Wireless Adaptive Medium Access Methods in Industrial Automation" in KommA 2013 – Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2013 .
Sebastian Becker , Andreas Stöcker , Daniel Bräckelmann , Robert Garmann , Sören Grzanna , Felix Heine , Carsten Kleiner , Peter Werner und Oliver J. Bott, "Prototypische Integration automatisierter Programmbewertung in das LMS Moodle" in Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben (ABP 2013), 2013 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Wie die Intelligenz in die Fabrik kommt!" in 1. MarktTechnik Summit Industrie 4.0, 2013 .
Oliver Niggemann , Asmir Vodenčarević , Alexander Maier , Stefan Windmann und Hans Kleine Büning, "A Learning Anomaly Detection Algorithm for Hybrid Manufacturing Systems" in The 24th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis (DX-2013), 2013 .
Oliver Niggemann, "Die intelligente Fabrik" in , 2013 .
Andreas Stöcker , Sebastian Becker , Robert Garmann , Felix Heine , Carsten Kleiner und Oliver J. Bott, "Evaluation automatisierter Programmbewertung bei der Vermittlung der Sprachen Java und SQL mit den Gradern "aSQLg" und "Graja" aus studentischer Perspektive" in DeLFI 2013: Die 11 e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik, 2013 pp. 233-238.
Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Cloud Computing for Industrial Automation Systems - A Comprehensive Overview" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 .
Holger Flatt , Frank Schewe und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An FPGA Based Cut-Through Switch Optimized for One-Step PTP and Real-Time Ethernet" in at International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication 2013, 2013 .
Holger Flatt , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Reliable Synchronization Accuracy in IEEE 1588 Networks Using Device Qualification with Standard Test Patterns" in International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication (ISPCS 2013), 2013 .
Markus Schumacher, , Lukasz Wisniewski , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Node to Node Synchronization Accuracy Requirements of Dynamic Frame Packing" in International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication (ISPCS 2013), 2013 .
Björn Kroll , Sebastian Schriegel und Oliver Niggemann, "A Software Architecture for the Analysis of Energy- and Process-Data" in , 2013 .
Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Machine Conditioning by Importance Controlled Information Fusion" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 .
Christian Bayer , Martyna Bator , Olaf Enge-Rosenblatt , Uwe Mönks , Alexander Dicks und Volker Lohweg, "Sensorless Drive Diagnosis Using Automated Feature Extraction, Significance Ranking and Reduction" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 .
Lutz Rauchhaupt und Uwe Meier, "Performance Classes for Industrial Wireless Application Profiles and its Determination" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 .
Ganesh Man Shrestha , Jahanzaib Imtiaz und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An Optimized OPC-UA Transport Profile to Bringing Bluetooth Low Energy Device into IP Networks" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (best WIP paper award), 2013 .
Syed Sheraz Gilani , Stefan Windmann , Florian Pethig , Björn Kroll und Oliver Niggemann, "The Importance of Model-Learning for the Analysis of the Energy Consumption of Production Plant" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 .
Uwe Meier und Lutz Rauchhaupt, "Bewertung industrieller Funklösungen - Standardtests und Performance-Klassen" in atp edition - Automatisierungstechnische Praxis, 2013 pp. 44-56.
Holger Flatt , Jürgen Jasperneite , Daniel Dennstedt und Tran Dinh Hung, "Mapping of PRP/HSR Redundancy Protocols onto a Configurable FPGA/CPU Based Architecture" in IEEE International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS XIII), 2013 .
Henning Trsek , Tim Tack , Jürgen Jasperneite und Edgar Nett, "Towards an Isochronous Wireless Communication System for Industrial Automation" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 .
Björn Böttcher , Johann Badinger , Natalia Moriz und Oliver Niggemann, "Design of Industrial Automation Systems - Formal Requirements in the Engineering Process" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2013 .
Björn Czybik , Stefan Heiss und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Performance Evaluation of MAC Algorithms for Real-Time Ethernet Communication Systems." in 11th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2013 .
Lars Dürkop , Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Henning Trsek , Lukasz Wisniewski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Using OPC-UA for the Autoconfiguration of Real-time Ethernet Systems" in 11th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2013 .
"Scalability of OPC-UA Down to the Chip Level Enables "Internet of Things"" in 11th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics 2013, 2013 .
Derk Wesemann , Stefan Witte und Olaf Grünberg, "CAN-Transceiver im Nahfeld - ein kontaktloser Feldbus" Embedded Systems Symposium München ,Jul., . 2013.
Jahanzaib Imtiaz und Ramakrishnan Ramanathan, "NFC in Industrial Applications for Monitoring Plant Information" in The Fourth International Conference on Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies, 2013 .
Oliver Niggemann, "Intelligent unterstützen" in , 2013 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Thomas Decomposition of Differential Systems" in Vortrag: Differential Algebra and Related Topics, Lille, 2013 .
Markus Runde , Björn Czybik , Christopher Tebbe , Stefan Hausmann , Karl-Heinz Niemann und Stefan Heiss, Performanceevaluation eines Security-Layers für die Echtzeit-kommunikation mit PROFINET auf ressourcenbeschränkten Plattformen.. VDI, 2013.
Sebastian Schriegel , Carine Timma Mebou , Stefan Windmann und Oliver Niggemann, "Entwurfsmethodik für Anlagensteuerungen mit integriertem, kognitiven Echtzeit-Energiemanagement" in VDI Kongress AUTOMATION 2013, 2013 .
Barath Kumar , Syed Sheraz Gilani , Oliver Niggemann und Wilhelm Schäfer, "Automated test case generation from complex environment models for PLC control software testing and maintenance" in VDI Congress AUTOMATION 2013, 2013 .
Tim Tack , Alexander Maier und Oliver Niggemann, "Visuelle Anomalie-Erkennung in Produktionsanlagen" in VDI Kongress AUTOMATION 2013, 2013 .
Markus Schumacher, , Lukasz Wisniewski , Jürgen Jasperneite und Sebastian Schriegel, "Echtzeit-Ethernet im Gigabit-Zeitalter" in VDI Kongress AUTOMATION 2013, 2013 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "A Constructive Setup for Coherent Sheaves" in Vortrag: Seminar of the algebra group, Trondheim, 2013 .
Sven Hinrichsen und Jürgen Jasperneite, "INDUSTRIE 4.0 – Begriff, Stand der Umsetzung und kritische Würdigung" in Betriebpraxis Arbeitsforschung, 2013 pp. 45-47.
Jürgen Jasperneite und Jahanzaib Imtiaz, "OPC UA as an Enabler for Internet of Things" in OPC Europe Day 2013, 2013 .
Holger Borcherding , Markus Köster , Stefan Windmann , Martin Ehlich und Oliver Niggemann, "Energieeffizienz in der Intralogistik - Elektrische Antriebstechnik - intelligent und nachhaltig" in wt Werkstattstechnik online, 2013 .
Stefan Windmann , Shuo Jiao , Oliver Niggemann und Holger Borcherding, "A Stochastic Method for the Detection of Anomalous Energy Consumption in Hybrid Industrial Systems" in 11th International IEEE Conference on Industrial Informatics 2013, 2013 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Jürgen Jasperneite und Christian Diedrich, "Effective and Fast Approach to Schedule Communication in PROFINET IRT Networks" in The 22nd IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE2013), 2013 .
Sebastian Faltinski , Michael Jäger , Oliver Niggemann und Frank Marek, "Auf dem Weg vom Spielzeug zum Werkzeug" in , 2013 .
Christopher Masjosthusmann , Ulrich Büker , Ulrich Köhler und Nikolaus Decius, "A Load Balancing Strategy for Increasing Battery Lifetime in Electric Vehicles" in SAE World Congress 2013, SAE Technical Paper 2013-01-0499, 2013 .
Jens Otto , Björn Böttcher und Oliver Niggemann, "Plug-and-Produce: Semantic Module Profile" in MBEES 2013 - 9. Dagstuhl Workshop on Model-Based Development of Embedded Systems, 2013 .
Dimitri Block und Uwe Meier, "Wireless Deterministic Medium Access: A Novel Concept Using Cognitive Radio" in The Third International Conference on Advances in Cognitive Radio - COCORA 2013 (best paper award), 2013 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Industrie 4.0 zum Anfassen in der Lemgoer Modellfabrik" in Forum Industrial IT des ZVEI anlässlich der Hannovermesse 2013, 2013 .
Sebastian Faltinski , Jahanzaib Imtiaz und Oliver Niggemann, "Spielerei oder praktikabler Ansatz? - Das Potenzial der App-Technologie in der Automation" in , 2013 .
Henning Trsek, "Internet of Things at Work - Plug-and-play für die industrielle Automation" in Forum Industrial IT des ZVEI anlässlich der Hannovermesse 2013, 2013 .
Dimitri Block , Henning Trsek und Uwe Meier, "Real-Time Characterization of Fast-Varying Industrial Wireless Channels" in RADCOM 2013 - Radar, Communication and Measurement, 2013 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "From coherent sheaves to Gröbner bases or a reason why CASs communicate" in Vortrag: Jahrestagung DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1489, Konstanz, 2013 .
Jan-Christopher Brand , Tino Döhring , Thomas Werner , Christopher Tebbe , Stefan Hausmann , Karl-Heinz Niemann und Stefan Heiss, Analyse der IT-Security in der industriellen Automation.. 2013.
Volker Lohweg , Helene Dörksen , Jan Leif Hoffmann , Roland Hildebrand , Eugen Gillich , Johannes Schaede und Jürg Hofmann, "Banknote authentication with mobile devices" in Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics, 2013 .
Alexander Maier , Markus Köster , Carlos Paiz Gatica und Oliver Niggemann, "Automated Generation of Timing Models in Distributed Production Plants" in IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2013), 2013 .
Asmir Vodenčarević , Alexander Maier und Oliver Niggemann, "Evaluating Learning Algorithms for Stochastic Finite Automata" in 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2013), 2013 .
Nikolai Schetinin , Natalia Moriz , Barath Kumar , Sebastian Faltinski , Oliver Niggemann und Alexander Maier, "Why do verification approaches in automation rarely use HIL-test?" in 2013 International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2013 .
Carsten Röcker , Daniela Plewe , Takashi Kiriyama und Marco Rozendaal, When Design Meets Intelligence: Incorporating Aesthetic Intelligence in Smart Spaces. Springer, 2013.
Martyna Bator , Alexander Dicks , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Feature Extraction and Reduction Applied to Sensorless Drive Diagnosis" in 22. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2012 .
Holger Hähnel , Arne-Jens Hempel , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Integration of Statistical Analyses for Parametrisation of the Fuzzy Pattern Classification" in 22. Workshop Computational Intelligence, 2012 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Common Automation Protocol Architecture and Real-time Interface (CAPRI)" in Echtzeit 2012: „Kommunikation unter Echtzeitbedingungen”, 2012 .
Sebastian Schriegel , Florian Pethig und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Intelligente Lastverschiebung in der Produktionstechnik – Ein Weg zum Industrial Smart Grid" in VDE-Kongress Smart Grid 2012 – Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft, 2012 .
Eugen Gillich , Roland Hildebrand , Jan Leif Hoffmann , Helene Dörksen und Volker Lohweg, "Smartphones as Smart Cameras – Is It Possible?" in BVAu 2012 - 3. Jahreskolloquium "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation", 2012 .
Volker Lohweg und Bärbel Mertsching, Tagungsband "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation - BVAu2012". BVAu - Bildverarbeitung in der Automation / KommA - Kommunikation in der Automation, 2012.
Jan-Christopher Brand und Stefan Heiss, "Schwachstellen und Robustheitstests in der Automatisierungstechnik." in , 2012 .
Stefan Hausmann und Stefan Heiss, "Public Key Infrastrukturen für die Automatisierungstechnik." in , 2012 .
Lars Dürkop , Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Service Oriented Architecture for the Auto-configuration of Real-Time Ethernet Systems" in 3. Jahreskolloquium "Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2012), 2012 .
Jan-Friedrich Ehlenbröker und Volker Lohweg, "Video-Based Data Transfer for Document Authentication" in , 2012 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, Tagungsband: Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation. BVAu - Bildverarbeitung in der Automation / KommA - Kommunikation in der Automation, 2012.
Carsten Pieper , Markus Schumacher, , Daniel Kirschberger , Björn Kroll , Sebastian Schriegel und Eugen Breit, "Funktionsdurchgängige Kopplung von Industrial Ethernet-Protokoll-Domänen mit Multi-Layer-Gateways" in 3. Jahreskolloquium "Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2012)", 2012 .
Alexander Maier , Carlos Paiz Gatica , Oliver Niggemann , Markus Köster und Jan Stefan Michels, "Lernen des Zeitverhaltens in verteilten Produktionsanlagen" in Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2012), 2012 .
Carsten Röcker , Kai Kasugai , Daniela Plewe , Takashi Kiriyama und Artur Lugmayr, "Aesthetic Intelligence: The Role of Design in Ambient Intelligence" in Ambient Intelligence, 2012 pp. 445-446.
Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Machine-to-Machine-Kommunikation - Eine Chance für die deutsche Industrie" Arbeitsgruppe 2 des Nationalen IT-Gipfels ,Oct., pp. 199 - 230, 2012.
Thomas Bächler , Vladimir P. Gerdt , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Daniel Robertz, "Algorithmic Thomas Decomposition of Algebraic and Differential Systems" ,Oct., . 2012.
Stefan Hausmann und Stefan Heiss, "Usage of Public Key Infrastructures in Automation Networks" in , 2012 .
Andreas Stöcker , Tatiana Chukhlova , Stephan Tjettmers , Sebastian Becker und Oliver J. Bott, "E-Prüfungen mit dem LMS Moodle: Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie" in INFORMATIK 2012, 2012 pp. 1807-1821.
Lars Dürkop , Henning Trsek , Jürgen Jasperneite und Lukasz Wisniewski, "Towards Autoconfiguration of Industrial Automation Systems: A Case Study Using PROFINET IO" in 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), (best paper award), 2012 .
Amine M. Houyou , Hans-Peter Huth , Christos Kloukinas , Henning Trsek und Domenico Rotondi, "Agile Manufacturing: General Challenges and an IoT@Work Perspective" in 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), 2012 .
Florian Pethig , Björn Kroll , Oliver Niggemann , Alexander Maier und Tim Tack, "A Generic Synchronized Data Acquisition Solution for Distributed Automation Systems" in 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2012 .
Kaleem Ahmad , Uwe Meier und Stefan Witte, "Predictive Oppertunistic Spectrum Access Using Markov Models" in 17th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), 2012 .
Holger Flatt , Sebastian Schriegel , Jürgen Jasperneite und Frank Schewe, "An FPGA based Approach for the Enhancement of COTS Switch ASICs with Real-Time Ethernet Functions" in 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), 2012 .
Stefan Hausmann und Stefan Heiss, "Usage of Public Key Infrastructures in Automation Networks" in , 2012 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Oliver Niggemann, "Intelligente Assistenzsysteme zur Beherrschung der Systemkomplexität in der Automation" in ATP edition - Automatisierungstechnische Praxis 9/2012, 2012 .
Roland Heß , Andreas Steinmetz , Sebastian Schriegel und Markus Schumacher,, "Profinet und Power-over-Ethernet: Einfache Vernetzung dezentraler Sensorik" in , 2012 pp. 26 - 28.
Jochen Meyer , Susanne Boll , Young S. Lee , Oscar Mayora , Katie Siek und Carsten Röcker, "Wellness Interventions and HCI: Theory, Practice, and Technology" in , 2012 pp. 51-53.
Felix Ring , Aneeq Mahmood , Lukasz Wisniewski und Henning Trsek, "Wireless Real-time Communication for Industrial Automation Systems in Simulation and Reality" in 13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, 2012 .
Philipp Bruland , Bernhard Breil , Fleur Fritz und Martin Dugas, "Interoperability in clinical research: from metadata registries to semantically annotated CDISC ODM" in Stud Health Technol Inform. 2012;180:564-8. MIE 2012, 2012 .
Philipp Bruland , Christian Forster und Martin Dugas, "x4T-EDC: A Prototype for Study Documentation Based on the Single Source Concept" in Short Communication at MIE 2012, Pisa, 2012 .
Fleur Fritz , Philipp Bruland , S. Balhorn und Martin Dugas, "Quality of Information for Pruritus Research through Single Source" in Short Communication at MIE 2012, 2012 .
Bernhard Breil , Andreas Watermann , Peter Haas , Philipp Dzuiballe und Martin Dugas, "Semantic enrichment of medical forms - semi-automated coding of ODM-elements via web services" in Stud Health Technol Inform. 2012;180:1102-4. MIE 2012, 2012 .
Sebastian Faltinski , Holger Flatt , Florian Pethig , Björn Kroll , Asmir Vodenčarević , Alexander Maier und Oliver Niggemann, "Detecting Anomalous Energy Consumptions in Distributed Manufacturing Systems" in IEEE 10th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, 2012 .
Oliver Niggemann , Benno Stein , Asmir Vodenčarević , Alexander Maier und Hans Kleine Büning, "Learning Behavior Models for Hybrid Timed Systems" in Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), 2012 .
Alexander Maier , Tim Tack und Oliver Niggemann, "Visual Anomaly Detection in Production Plants" in 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), 2012 .
Sonja Ständer , Christine Blome , Bernhard Breil , Philipp Bruland , Ulf Darsow , Martin Dugas , A. Evers , Fleur Fritz , Martin Metz , Ngoc Quan Phan , Ulrike Raap , Adam Reich , Gudrun Schneider , Sabine Steinke , Jacek C. Szepietowski , Elke Weisshaar und Matthias Augustin, "Assessment of pruritus - current standards and implications for clinical practice: consensus paper of the Action Group Pruritus Parameter of the International Working Group on Pruritus Research (AGP)" in , 2012 pp. 521-2, 524-31.
Bernhard Breil , Jochen Kenneweg , Fleur Fritz , Philipp Bruland , Justin Doods , Benjamin Trinczek und Martin Dugas, "Multilingual Medical Data Models in ODM Format: A Novel Form-based Approach to Semantic Interoperability between Routine Healthcare and Clinical Research" in , 2012 pp. 276-89.
Sebastian Faltinski , Natalia Moriz , Nikolai Schetinin und Oliver Niggemann, "AutomationML als Grundlage für einen durchgängigen Modellierung-, Simulations- und Integrationsprozess in der Anlageplanung" in Automation 2012, 2012 .
Stefan Hausmann , Jan-Christopher Brand und Stefan Heiss, SKAT - Sichere Kommunikationsnetze (VPN) in der Automatisierungstechnik.. inIT - Lemgoer Schriftenreihe, 2012.
Stefan Hausmann , Jan-Christopher Brand , Alexander Miske und Stefan Heiss, "SKAT - Sichere Kommunikationsnetze (VPN) in der Automatisierungstechnik" in , 2012 .
Alexander Maier , Florian Pethig , Asmir Vodenčarević , Nikolai Schetinin , Oliver Niggemann und Hans Kleine Büning, "Analyse und Visualisierung des Energieverbrauchs in Produktionsanlagen" in , 2012 .
Markus Runde , Stefan Hausmann , Karl-Heinz Niemann und Stefan Heiss, "Anwendung komponentenbezogener IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in Automatisierungsnetzwerken" in , 2012 .
Kai Kasugai , Felix Heidrich , Carsten Röcker , Peter Russell und Martina Ziefle, "Perspective Views in Video Communication Systems: An Analysis of Fundamental User Requirements" in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis'12), 2012 pp. 6 pages.
Uwe Mönks , Karl Voth und Volker Lohweg, "An Extended Perspective on Evidential Aggregation Rules in Machine Conditioning" in Third International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing, 2012 .
Ganesh Man Shrestha , Kaleem Ahmad und Uwe Meier, "Statistical Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Industrial Wireless Coexisting Environments" in IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems, 2012 .
Holger Flatt , Sebastian Schriegel , Thimo Neugarth und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An FPGA based HSR Architecture for Seamless PROFINET Redundancy" in 9th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2012), 2012 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Markus Schumacher, , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Fast and simple scheduling algorithm for PROFINET IRT networks" in 9th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2012), 2012 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Jürgen Jasperneite und Karl Weber, "Approaches to reduce the Latency for High Priority Traffic in IEEE 802.1 AVB Networks" in 9th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2012), 2012 .
Piotr Gaj , Max Felser und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Guest Editorial - Special Section on Distributed Computer Systems in Industry" in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2012 .
Alexander Dicks , Martyna Bator , Volker Lohweg , Sebastian Faltinski und Oliver Niggemann, "Cyber-Physical Systems im Maschinen- und Anlagenbau – ein Konzept für die Zukunft?" in Cyber-Physical Systems – Enabling Multi-Nature Systems (CPMNS), 2012 .
Markus Runde , Stefan Hausmann , Karl-Heinz Niemann und Stefan Heiss, "Anwendung komponentenbezogener IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in Automatisierungsnetzwerken." in , 2012 .
Florian Pethig und Oliver Niggemann, "A Process Data Acquisition Architecture for Distributed Industrial Networks" in Embedded World Conference 2012, 2012 .
Derk Wesemann , Stefan Witte und Helmut Beikirch, "Contactless CAN interface for rail topologies" in Proceedings of the 13th international CAN conference (iCC 2012), 2012 .
Barath Kumar , Oliver Niggemann , Wilhelm Schäfer und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Modeling and Testing of Automation Systems" in , 2012 pp. 1027-1034.
Sebastian Faltinski , Oliver Niggemann , Natalia Moriz und André Mankowski, "AutomationML: From Data Exchange to System Planning and Simulation" in 2012 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 2012 .
Volker Lohweg , Helene Dörksen , Eugen Gillich , Roland Hildebrand , Jan Leif Hoffmann und Johannes Schaede, "Document Security" in The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection III, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2012 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Thomas Decomposition of Differential Systems" in Vortrag: Oberseminar Computational Mathematics, Kassel, 2012 .
Volker Lohweg , Helene Dörksen , Eugen Gillich , Roland Hildebrand , Jan Leif Hoffmann und Johannes Schaede, "Mobile Devices for Banknote Authentication – is it possible?" in , 2012 .
Jan-Friedrich Ehlenbröker , Steffen Priesterjahn , Alexander Drichel und Volker Lohweg, "Robust ATM PIN Pad Authentication with Coded Features." in Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection III, 2012 .
Jochen Meyer , Susanne Boll , Young S. Lee , Oscar Mayora , Katie Siek und Carsten Röcker, "Technologies for Well-Being: Opportunities and Challenges for HCI" in Paper presented at the International Workshop on Designing for Wellness and Behavior Change, NordiCHI’12, 2012 .
Carsten Röcker und Kai Kasugai, "Interactive Architecture in Domestic Spaces" in Constructing Ambient Intelligence, Communications in Computer and Information Science Series, 2012 pp. 12-18.
Kai Kasugai , Carsten Röcker , Daniela Plewe , Takashi Kiriyama und Vipi Oksman, "Aesthetic Intelligence: Concepts, Technologies and Applications" in Constructing Ambient Intelligence, Communications in Computer and Information Science Series, 2012 pp. 1-4.
Felix Heidrich , Kai Kasugai , Carsten Röcker , Peter Russell und Martina Ziefle, "roomXT: Advanced Video Communication for Joint Dining over a Distance" in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth'12), 2012 pp. 211-214.
Carsten Röcker und M. Ziefle, "Current Approaches to Ambient Assisted Living" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Future Information Technology and Management Science Engineering (FITMSE'12) - Lecture Notes in Information Technology, 2012 pp. 6-14.
Barath Kumar , Wilhelm Schäfer und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An approach to Model and Test Automation Systems" in 3rd International Symposium on Computer, Communication, Control and Automation (3CA 2011), 2011 .
Kaleem Ahmad und Uwe Meier, "Target Sensing for Cognitive" in 8th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems - ISWCS 2011, 2011 .
Kai Kasugai , Carsten Röcker , Bert Bongers , Daniela Plewe und Christian Dimmer, "Aesthetic Intelligence: Designing Smart and Beautiful Architectural Spaces" in Ambient Intelligence, LNCS 7040, 2011 pp. 360-361.
Asmir Vodenčarević , Hans Kleine Büning , Oliver Niggemann und Alexander Maier, "Using Behavior Models for Anomaly Detection in Hybrid Systems." in , 2011 .
Carsten Röcker, "Designing Ambient Assisted Living Applications: An Overview of State-of-the-Art Implementation Concepts" in Modeling, Simulation and Control, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Digital Engineering (ICIDE'11), 2011 pp. 167 - 172.
Aneeq Mahmood , Henning Trsek , Georg Gaderer , Stefan Schwalowsky und Nikolaus Kerö, "Towards High Accuracy in IEEE 802.11 based Clock Synchronization using PTP" in 2011 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS 2011), 2011 .
Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "An isochronous medium access control for real-time wireless communications in industrial automation systems - A use case for wireless clock synchronization" in 2011 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS 2011), 2011 .
Henning Trsek , Stefan Schwalowsky , Björn Czybik und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Implementation of an advanced IEEE 802.11 WLAN AP for real-time wireless communications" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), 2011 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Jürgen Jasperneite und Sebastian Schriegel, "A Proposal to Integrate Process Data Communication to IEEE 802.1 Audio Video Bridging (AVB)" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), 2011 .
Paul Neufeld , Uwe Meier , Lutz Rauchhaupt und M. Kraetzig, "A Unified Approach for the Assessment of Industrial Wireless Solutions" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), 2011 .
Michael Jäger , Roman Just und Oliver Niggemann, "Using automatic Topology Discovery to diagnose PROFINET networks" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), 2011 .
Michael Wienke , Sebastian Faltinski , Oliver Niggemann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "mINA-DL: A Novel Description Language Enabling Dynamic Reconfiguration in Industrial Automation" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), 2011 .
Barath Kumar , Björn Czybik und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Model Based TTCN-3 Testing of Industrial Automation Systems - First results" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), 2011 .
Sebastian Faltinski , Michael Wienke , Oliver Niggemann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "mINA - Eine echtzeitfähige Middleware für die Industrieautomation zur Realisierung semantikbasierter Wandelbarkeit" in 2. Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2011), 2011 .
Alexander Ockert , Michael Jäger , Roman Just und Oliver Niggemann, "PROFINET Diagnose basierend auf automatischer Topologieerkennung" in 2. Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation (KommA 2011), 2011 .
Philipp Dzuiballe , Christian Forster , Bernhard Breil , Fleur Fritz und Martin Dugas, "X4T: Eine Single Source-Architektur zur Sekundärnutzung der Routinedokumentation für die klinische Forschung" in , 2011 .
Asmir Vodenčarević , Hans Kleine Büning , Oliver Niggemann und Alexander Maier, "Identifying Behavior Models for Process Plants" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies Factory Automation (ETFA), 2011 .
Henning Trsek , Lukasz Wisniewski , Emanuele Toscano und Lucia Lo Bello, "A flexible approach for real-time wireless communications in adaptable industrial automation systems" in 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), 2011 .
Philipp Dzuiballe , Christian Forster , Bernhard Breil , Volker Thiemann , Fleur Fritz , Jens Lechtenbörger , Gottfried Vossen und Martin Dugas, "The Single Source Architecture x4T to Connect Medical Documentation and Clinical Research" in Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;169:902-6. MIE 2011, 2011 .
Alexander Maier , Oliver Niggemann , Asmir Vodenčarević , Roman Just und Michael Jäger, "Anomaly Detection in Production Plants using Timed Automata" in 8th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), 2011 .
Kaleem Ahmad , Ganesh Man Shrestha und Uwe Meier, "Real-Time Issues of Predictive Modeling for Industrial Cognitive Radios" in IEEE 9th International Conference on Industrial Informatics - INDIN 2011, 2011 .
Carsten Röcker , M. Ziefle und Andreas Holzinger, "Social Inclusion in AAL Environments: Home Automation and Convenience Services for Elderly Users" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'11), 2011 pp. 55 - 59.
Dirk John und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Interoperabilität auf Feldebene" in at - Automatisierungstechnik, 2011 .
Olaf Graeser , Barath Kumar , Natalia Moriz , Alexander Maier und Oliver Niggemann, "AutomationML as a Basis for Offline- and Realtime-Simulation" in , 2011 .
M. Ziefle , Carsten Röcker und Andreas Holzinger, "Medical Technology in Smart Homes: Exploring the User’s Perspective on Privacy, Intimacy and Trust" in Proceedings of the IEEE 35th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW'11), 2011 pp. 410-415.
Karl Voth , Stefan Glock , Uwe Mönks , Thomas Türke und Volker Lohweg, "Multi-sensory Machine Diagnosis on Security Printing Machines with Two Layer Conflict Solving" in SENSOR+TEST Conference 2011, 2011 .
Kaleem Ahmad , Michael Grotekemper , Adrian Riegel und Stefan Witte, "FuLOG – Radio Based Data Logger For Integration In Production Processes" in IWMS 2011, 2011 .
Olaf Sauer und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Adaptive information technology in manufacturing" in CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems, 2011 .
Natalia Moriz , Sebastian Faltinski , Olaf Graeser , Oliver Niggemann , Mike Barth und Alexander Fay, "Integration und Anwendung von objektorientierten Simulationsmodellen in AutomationML" in 20. VDI-Kongress AUTOMATION 2019, 2011 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Franz-Josef Goetz und Karl Weber, "Reduction of Impacts of Legacy Traffic on Stream Latency [Presentation]" in IEEE 802.1 AVB Task Group Interim Meeting, 2011 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Orazio Mirabella, "INTERBUS" in Industrial Electronics Handbook, 2011 pp. 33-1 -- 33-9.
Henning Trsek , Jürgen Jasperneite , Lucia Lo Bello und Milos Manic, "Wireless Local Area Networks" Industrial Electronics Handbook ,Apr., pp. 48-1 -- 48-13, 2011.
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "Thomas Decomposition of Algebraic and Differential Systems" in Vortrag: Functional Equations in Limoges (FELIM), Limoges, 2011 .
Oliver Niggemann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Systemmodelle für wandelbare Automatisierungssysteme" in 8. Symposium Informationstechnologien für Entwicklung und Produktion in der Verfahrenstechnik Dechema, 2011 .
M. Gleißner , Matthias Söllner , Derk Wesemann , Stefan Witte , Jan Stefan Michels , Rüdiger Schmidt und Hans-Peter Schmidt, "Hocheffiziente, kontaktlose Energie- und Datenübertragung – Systemgestaltung für anreihbare Automatisierungskomponenten" in AALE 2011; Tagungsband, 2011 .
Oliver Niggemann , Alexander Maier , Asmir Vodenčarević und Bernhard Jantscher, "Fighting the Modeling Bottleneck – Learning Models for Production Plants" in , 2011 .
Thomas Bächler , Vladimir P. Gerdt , Markus Lange-Hegermann , Wilhelm Plesken und Daniel Robertz, "Thomas Decomposition and its Applications" in ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 2011 .
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "The Cohomology of Coherent Sheaves" in Vortrag: Constructive homological algebra methods, implementations and applications at Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Luminy, 2011 .
Denis Petker , Thomas Türke , Harald Willeke , Johannes Schaede , Eugen Gillich und Volker Lohweg, "Real-time Wavelet-Based Inline Banknote-in-Bundle Counting for Cut-and-Bundle Machines" in IST/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2011 Conference, 2011 .
Carsten Röcker und M. Ziefle, "Towards Sustainable Homecare Solutions for an Aging Society" in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (Sustain’11). The 186th Symposium on Sustainable Humanosphere., 2011 pp. 663-666.
Carsten Röcker und M. Ziefle, "Designing Privacy-Sensitive Healthcare Applications for the Home Domain" in Electronic Proceedings of the ACM Conference of the Australian Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group (OZCHI’11), 2011 pp. 4 pages.
Carsten Röcker und Anthony Maeder, "User-Centered Design of Smart Healthcare Applications" in , 2011 pp. article e11.
M. Ziefle , Carsten Röcker und Andreas Holzinger, "Perceived Usefulness of Assistive Technologies and Electronic Services for Ambient Assisted Living" in Proceedings of the 5th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies, 2011 .
M. Ziefle , Carsten Röcker , Wiktoria Wilkowska , Kai Kasugai , Lars Klack , Christina Möllering und Shirley Beul, "A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Ambient Assisted Living" E-Health, Assistive Technologies and Applications for Assisted Living: Challenges and Solutions. ,Jan., pp. 76 - 93, 2011.
Felix Heidrich , M. Ziefle , Carsten Röcker und Jan Borchers, "Interacting with Smart Walls: A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Input Technologies for Augmented Environments" in Proceedings of the ACM Augmented Human Conference (AH'11), 2011 .
Carsten Röcker, "Smart Medical Services: A Discussion of State-of-The-Art Approaches" in Proceedings of the International IEEE Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ICMLC'11), 2011 pp. 334 - 338.
Thomas Bächler , Vladimir P. Gerdt , Markus Lange-Hegermann und Daniel Robertz, "Thomas Decomposition of Algebraic and Differential Systems" in CASC 2010: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 6244), 2010 .
Shirley Beul , Lars Klack , Kai Kasugai , Christina Möllering , Carsten Röcker , Wiktoria Wilkowska und M. Ziefle, "Between Innovation and Daily Practice in the Development of AAL Systems: Learning from the Experience with Today’s Systems" in Proceedings of the 3rd International ICST Conference on Electronic Healthcare for the 21st Century (E-Health 2010), 2010 .
Daniel Kirschberger und Sebastian Schriegel, "IEEE 1588-Leistungstester mit Emulation von Umwelteinflüssen" in Echtzeit 2010 - Eingebettete Systeme GI-Fachausschuß (FA) Echtzeitsysteme, 2010 .
Eugen Gillich und Volker Lohweg, Banknotenauthentifizierung. Centrum Industrial IT, Lemgo, 2010.
Mark Schäfermann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Evaluierung von 2G und 3G Mobilfunknetzen für M2M-Anwendungen" in Fachkolloquium KommA, 2010 .
Sebastian Faltinski , Oliver Niggemann und Jörg Jeschin, "Evaluation of different middleware approaches for industrial automation" in Jahreskolloquium „Kommunikation in der Automation", 2010 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Ulrich Jumar, Tagungsband: Fachkolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation. KommA - Jahreskolloquium Kommunikation in der Automation, 2010.
Jan-Friedrich Ehlenbröker , Uwe Mönks und Volker Lohweg, "Surface Fingerprint Detection" in 1. Fachkolloquium "Bildverarbeitung in der Automation", 2010 .
Carsten Röcker, "Living and Working in Automated Environments - Evaluating the Concerns of End-Users in Technology-Enhanced Spaces" in Proceedings of the Second International IEEE Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE'10), 2010 pp. 513 - 517.
Henning Trsek und Georg Gaderer, "flexWARE - Drahtlose Echtzeitkommunikation für die Fertigungsautomatisierung" in Jahreskolloquium „Kommunikation in der Automation" (KommA 2010), 2010 .
Sebastian Schriegel , Daniel Kirschberger und Henning Trsek, "Reproducible IEEE 1588-Performance Tests with Emulated Environmental Influences" in 2010 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication, 2010 .
Stefan Schwalowsky , Reinhard Exel , Henning Trsek und Nikolaus Kerö, "System Integration of an IEEE 802.11 based TDoA Localization System" in 2010 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication, 2010 .
Ivan Dominguez , Lukasz Wisniewski und Henning Trsek, "Identification of Traffic Streams in Ethernet-based Industrial Fieldbuses" in 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010) Bilbao, Spain, 2010 .
Sebastian Becker , Nadine Homeyer , Tatiana Konovalova , Philip Stegmaier , Birgit Lewicki-Potapov , Nico Voss und Alexander Kel, "ExPlain TM -WAX: causal analysis of gene batteries and identification of key nodes in signal transduction networks" , vol. Special Issue on Bioinformatics ,Sep., pp. 34-49, 2010. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Oct. 22 2024].
Paul Neufeld , Uwe Meier und Dimitri Block, "Echtzeitfähige Vermessung und Emulation industrieller Funkkanäle" in Wireless Technologies, 2010 .
Kaleem Ahmad , Ganesh Man Shrestha , Uwe Meier und Halina Kwasnicka, "Neuro-Fuzzy Signal Classifier (NFSC) for Standard Wireless Technologies" in 7th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems - ISWCS 2010, 2010 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Leszek Borzemski und Jürgen Jasperneite, "A New Scheduling Wireless Communication Mechanism in Cellular Systems Based on Genetic Approach" in International Conference Information Systems, Architecture, and Technology (ISAT 2010), 2010 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Jürgen Jasperneite und Karl Weber, "Redundant Structures for a Generic Real-time Ethernet System" in 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2010 .
Kaleem Ahmad , Ganesh Man Shrestha und Uwe Meier, "Coexistence Optimized Cognitive Engine (COCE)" in 15th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2010, 2010 .
Oliver Niggemann , Volker Lohweg und Tim Tack, "A Probabilistic MajorClust Variant for the Clustering of Near-Homogeneous Graphs" in 33rd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2010), 2010 .
Carsten Röcker, "Socially Dependent Interaction in Smart Spaces: How the Social Situation Influences the Interaction Style in Computer-Enhanced Environments" in Proceedings of the International IEEE Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technology (ICMET'10), 2010 pp. 314 - 318.
Kaleem Ahmad , Uwe Meier und Halina Kwasnicka, "Fuzzy Logic Based Signal Classification with Cognitive Radios for Standard Wireless Technologies" in 5th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications - CrownCom 2010, 2010 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Anforderungen wandlungsfähiger Produktionstechnik an die Automation" in Fachforum Automation "Mehr Intelligenz in der Produktion", Gemeinschaftsveranstaltung AiF/IHK, 2010 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Henning Trsek , Ivan Dominguez , Anetta Nagy , Reinhard Exel und Nikolaus Kerö, "Location-based Handover in Cellular IEEE 802.11 Networks for Factory Automation" in 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techonologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), 2010 .
Kaleem Ahmad , Philip Ostfeld , Uwe Meier und Halina Kwasnicka, "Exploitation of Multiple Hyperspace Dimensions to Realize Coexistence Optimized Wireless Automation Systems" in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2010 pp. 758 - 766.
Markus Lange-Hegermann, "LocalizeRingForHomalg: Localize Commutative Rings at Maximal Ideals" in Vortrag: International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC) 2010, München, 2010 .
Mohamed Barakat und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "The Ideas behind the homalg Project" in Vortrag: Sage Days 23.5: Singular and Sage, Kaiserslautern, 2010 .
Olaf Graeser und Oliver Niggemann, "On the Complexity of PROFINET IRT Scheduling" in RTSOPS 2010: 1st International Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar, 2010 .
Andreas Holzinger , M. Ziefle und Carsten Röcker, "Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering for Elderly (HCI4AGING): Introduction to the Special Thematic Session" in Computers Helping People with Special Needs, Part II, LNCS 6180, 2010 pp. 556 - 559.
Uwe Mönks , Volker Lohweg und Denis Petker, "Fuzzy-Pattern-Classifier Training with Small Data Sets" in IPMU 2010 - International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems, 2010 .
Volker Lohweg und Uwe Mönks, "Sensor Fusion by Two-Layer Conflict Solving" in The 2nd International Workshop on Cognitive Information Processing, 2010 .
Derk Wesemann , Jan Stefan Michels , Hans-Peter Schmidt und Stefan Witte, "Kontaktlose Energie- und Datenübertragung für anreihbare Automatisierungskomponenten" in , 2010 .
Christopher Seibold , Matthias Söllner , Rüdiger Schmidt , Jan Stefan Michels , Derk Wesemann , Stefan Witte und Hans-Peter Schmidt, "Measurement and Design Optimization for Contact less Power Supplies in industrial automation" in XV International Workshop on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, 2010 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Durchgängiger flexibler Datenaustausch zwischen Feldebene und MES" in Karlsruher Leittechnisches Kolloquium 2010 (KLK2010), 2010 .
Kai Kasugai , M. Ziefle , Carsten Röcker und Peter Russell, "Creating Spatio-Temporal Contiguities Between Real and Virtual Rooms in an Assistive Living Environment" in Proceedings of Create’10 - Innovative Interactions, 2010 pp. 62 - 67.
Fleur Fritz , Bernhard Breil , Philipp Dzuiballe , S. Herzberg und Martin Dugas, "Single-Source-Ansätze am Universitätsklinikum Münster" in , 2010 pp. 57 - 59.
Carsten Röcker, "Why Traditional Technology Acceptance Models Won't Work With Future Information Technologies" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems (ICIS'10), Part 1, 2010 pp. 1- 8.
Lixue Han , Jürgen Jasperneite und Thomas Werner, "DIVAN: A Network Calculator for the Off-line Performance Analysis of Virtual Automation Networks" in 8th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems COMMUNICATION in AUTOMATION (WFCS 2010), 2010 .
Barath Kumar , Michael Jäger und Jürgen Jasperneite, "A Proposal for Graphical Extension of TTCN-3 Graphical Presentation Format (GFT)" in 8th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems COMMUNICATION in AUTOMATION (WFCS 2010), 2010 .
Oliver Niggemann, "System-Level Design and Simulation of Automation Systems" in 8th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems - COMMUNICATION in AUTOMATION (WFCS 2010), 2010 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Lukasz Wisniewski , Jürgen Jasperneite und Karl Weber, "A Layer-2 Multicast Forwarding Policy for a Generic Real-time Ethernet System" in 8th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems COMMUNICATION in AUTOMATION (WFCS 2010), 2010 .
Oliver Niggemann , Alexander Maier und Olaf Graeser, "Systemweite Modellierung und Simulation von Automatisierungsanlagen" in Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA 2010), 2010 .
Barath Kumar und Jürgen Jasperneite, "MARTE's Schedulability sub-package (SAM): From theory to implementation" in Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA 2010), 2010 .
Barath Kumar , Oliver Niggemann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Test Generation for Hybrid, Probabilistic Control Models" in Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme (EKA 2010), 2010 .
Ivan Dominguez , Lukasz Wisniewski , Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Link-Layer Retransmissions in IEEE 802.11g based Industrial Networks" in 8th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems COMMUNICATION in AUTOMATION (WFCS 2010), 2010 .
Barath Kumar und Jürgen Jasperneite, "UML Profiles for Modeling Real-Time Communication Protocols" in Journal of Object Technology, 2010 .
M. Ziefle und Carsten Röcker, "Acceptance of Pervasive Healthcare Systems: A Comparison of Different Implementation Concepts" in Proceedings of the 4th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth’10), 2010 .
Volker Lohweg , Eugen Gillich , Stefan Glock , Uwe Mönks und Johannes Schaede, Intaglio Based Banknote Authentication. Orell Füssli, Zürich, 2010.
Carsten Röcker, "Information Privacy in Smart Office Environments: A Cross-Study Analyzing the Willingness of Users to Share Context Information" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA'10) LNCS, 2010 .
Stefan Witte , Eberhard Niggemann , Hans-Peter Schmidt und B. Zimmermann, "Fördern und Fordern außerhalb der Hochschule" in Summer Academy, 2010 .
Oliver Niggemann , Alexander Maier und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Model-based Development of Automation Systems" in 6. Dagstuhl-Workshop MBEES 2010: Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme, 2010 .
Volker Lohweg und Johannes Schaede, "Document Production and Verification by Optimization of Feature Platform Exploitation" in Optical Document Security - The Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Detection, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010 .
Carsten Röcker, "Services and Applications for Smart Office Environments - A Survey of State-of-the-Art Usage Scenarios" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT'10), 2010 pp. 385 - 401.
Lars Klack , Kai Kasugai , Thomas Schmitz-Rohde , Carsten Röcker , M. Ziefle , Christina Möllering , Eva-Maria Jakobs , Peter Russell und Jan Borchers, "A Personal Assistance System for Older Users with Chronic Heart Diseases" in Proceedings of the Third Ambient Assisted Living Conference (AAL'10), 2010 .
Barath Kumar , Oliver Niggemann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Statistical Models of Network Traffic" in International Conference on Computer, Electrical and Systems Science, 2010 .
Carsten Röcker , Wiktoria Wilkowska , M. Ziefle , Kai Kasugai , Lars Klack , Christina Möllering und Shirley Beul, "Towards Adaptive Interfaces for Supporting Elderly Users in Technology-Enhanced Home Environments" in Proceedings of the 18th Biennial Conference of the International Communications Society: Culture, Communication and the Cutting Edge of Technology, 2010 .
Mohamed Barakat und Markus Lange-Hegermann, "LocalizeRingForHomalg" in Vortrag: Nikolaus Conference 2009, Aachen, 2009 .
Olaf Graeser und Oliver Niggemann, "Planning of Time Triggered Communication Schedules" in Echtzeit 2009 - Software-intensive Verteilte Echtzeitsysteme, 2009 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Echtzeitkommunikation (Kap. 5)" in Software-Entwicklung für Echtzeitsysteme, 2009 .
Derk Wesemann , Stefan Witte und Jan Stefan Michels, "Effects of multiple loads in a contactless, inductively coupled linear power transfer system" in 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO '09, 2009 .
Derk Wesemann , Stefan Witte und Jan Stefan Michels, "Position Detection in linear, proximity coupling Networks" in 6th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, ELECO '09, 2009 .
Roman Just und Henning Trsek, "Kommunikationsanforderungen an verteilte Echtzeitsysteme in der Fertigungsautomatisierung" in Echtzeit 2009 - Software-intensive Verteilte Echtzeitsysteme, 2009 .
Ahmad-Ali Tabassam , Henning Trsek , Stefan Heiss und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Fast and Seamless Handover for Secure Mobile Industrial Applications with 802.11r." in 5th IEEE International Workshop on Performance and Management of Wireless and Mobile Networks (P2MNET), 2009 .
Kaleem Ahmad , Uwe Meier und Halina Kwasnicka, "Dynamic Spectrum Access: Cyclic Transmission Exploitation Using Cognitive Radio for Coexistence Optimized Wireless Automation Systems" in 13th IEEE International Multitopic Conference 2009 - INMIC 2009, 2009 .
Carsten Röcker und Miguel Eduardo, "Revisiting Privacy in Smart Spaces: Social and Architectural Aspects of Privacy in Technology-Enhanced Environments" in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Computing, Communication and Control (ISCCC'09), 2009 pp. 201 - 205.
Carsten Röcker, "Toward Smart Office Environments - Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Ambient Intelligence Technologies in Knowledge-Based Enterprises" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Management and Marketing (EBMM'09), 2009 pp. 17 - 21.
Sebastian Schriegel , Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Enhancement for a Clock Synchronization Protocol in Heterogeneous Networks" in 2009 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication, 2009 .
Stefan Hausmann und Stefan Heiss, "VPN-Implementierungen auf Endgeräten der Automatisierungstechnik." in , 2009 .
Henning Trsek , Sebastian Faltinski , Jürgen Jasperneite und Ivan Dominguez, "IEEE 802.11n für die industrielle Automatisierung – Welche Vorteile bringt der neue WLAN Standard?" in 11. Wireless Technologies Kongress 2009, 2009 .
Alberg Treytl , Thilo Sauter , Heiko Adamczyk , Svilen Ivanov und Henning Trsek, "Security Concepts for Flexible Wireless Automation in Real-Time Environments" in 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techonologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2009), 2009 .
Barath Kumar , Oliver Niggemann und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Timed Automata for Modeling Network Traffic" in Machine Learning in Real-Time Applications (MLRTA 09) (in conjunction with 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2009)), 2009 .
Kaleem Ahmad , Uwe Meier , Halina Kwasnicka , Andreas Pape und Helena-Sofie Schöttler, "A Cognitive Radio Approach to Realize Coexistence Optimized Wireless Automation Systems" in 14th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA 2009, 2009 .
Volker Lohweg und Oliver Niggemann, "Machine Learning in Real-time Applications (MLRTA09 - KI 2009 Workshop)" in Lemgoer Schriften zur industriellen Informationstechnik (Lemgo Series on Industrial Information Technology), 2009 .
Thilo Sauter , Jürgen Jasperneite und Lucia Lo Bello, "Towards New Hybrid Networks for Industrial Automation" in 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techonologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2009), 2009 .
Taswar Iqbal , Dinh Khoi Lee und Volker Lohweg, "Human Perception Based Counterfeit Detection for Automated Teller Machines, KI 2009, Artificial Intelligence and Automation" in 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence Paderborn, 2009 .
Uwe Mönks , Volker Lohweg und Pascal Lödige, "Aggregation Operator Based Fuzzy Pattern Classifier Design" in KI 2009 Workshop, 2009 .
Jan-Friedrich Ehlenbröker , Karl Voth und Volker Lohweg, "Human-based surface detection: KI 2009, Artificial Intelligence and Automation (AI at Universities of Applied Sciences)" in 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence Paderborn, 2009 .
Taswar Iqbal , Alexander Dicks und Volker Lohweg, "Metal Surface Coding as a trusted body for brand labeling, KI 2009, Artificial Intelligence and Automation (AI at Universities of Applied Sciences)" in 32nd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence Paderborn, 2009 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Karl Weber, "Echtzeit-Ethernet für den Einsatz im Maschinenbau" in 9. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tagen "Forschung in Bewegung", 2009 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Jürgen Jasperneite und Lixue Han, "A Performance Study of Ethernet Audio Video Bridging (AVB) for Industrial Real-time Communication" in 14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techonologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2009), 2009 .
Stefan Schwalowsky , Henning Trsek , Georg Gaderer und Reinhard Exel, "Lokalisierung in IEEE 802.11 WLANs durch hochgenaue Uhrensynchronisation und TDoA Messungen" in 11. Wireless Technologies Kongress 2009 Stuttgart, 2009 .
Volker Lohweg , Eugen Gillich und Johannes Schaede, "New Concepts in Banknote Authentication" in , 2009 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "IT-Sicherheit in der Automatisierungstechnik" Maschinenbau und Metallbearbeitung Deutschland ,Aug., . 2009.
Henning Trsek, "Mobile und sichere industrielle Kommunikation mit WLANs" Maschinenbau und Metallbearbeitung ,Aug., . 2009.
Markus Schumacher, , Jürgen Jasperneite und Karl Weber, "Optimierte Datenübertragung für Echtzeit-Ethernet" in , 2009 .
Stefan Glock , Stefan Hausmann , Sebastian Gerke , Alexander Warok , Peter Spiess , Stefan Witte und Volker Lohweg, "Optical classification for quality and defect analysis of train brakes" in Proceedings of the SPIE Europe International Symposium on Optical Metrology, part of Laser World of Photonics 2009, 2009 .
Carsten Röcker, "Ambient Intelligence in the Production and Retail Sector: Emerging Opportunities and Potential Pitfalls" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology (ICIMT'09), 2009 pp. 1393 - 1404.
Oliver Niggemann , Benno Stein , Pascal Hildebrand und Henrik Hesse, "Using Models for Dynamic System Diagnosis - A Case Study in Automotive Engineering" in Tagungsband des Dagstuhl-Workshops "Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme V" (MBEES), 2009 .
Lukasz Wisniewski , Mohsin Hameed , Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "A Survey of Ethernet Redundancy Methods for Real-Time Ethernet Networks and its Possible Improvements" in 8th International Conference on Fieldbuses networks in Industrial Embedded Systems (FET'2009), 2009 pp. 163 - 170.
Jürgen Jasperneite , Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Markus Schumacher, und Karl Weber, "A Proposal for a Generic Real-time Ethernet System" in , 2009 pp. 75-85.
Kaleem Ahmad , Uwe Meier , Halina Kwasnicka , Andreas Pape und Helena-Sofie Schöttler, "A Generic Cognitive Radio for Evaluating Coexistence Optimized Industrial Automation Systems" in 6th IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh, and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks - SECON 2009, 2009 .
Florian Odronitz , Sebastian Becker und Martin Kollmar, "Reconstructing the phylogeny of 21 completely sequenced arthropod species based on their motor proteins" ,Apr., . 2009. [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed Apr. 21 2009].
Ahmad-Ali Tabassam und Mohamed Moncef, "Simulation Analysis of Bluetooth Piconets Self-disturbance in Industrial Applications: a Case Study" in International Conference on Ultra Modern Telecommunications 2009 (ICUMT 2009), 2009 .
Carsten Röcker, "Requirements and Guidelines for the Design of Team Awareness Systems" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT'09), 2009 pp. 164 - 172.
Oliver Niggemann, "Using Simulation to Verify Diagnosis Algorithms of Electronic Systems" in SAE World Congress, 2009 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Markus Schumacher,, "ESANA: Echtzeit-Ethernet für die Sensor/Aktorvernetzung." in Bericht: Abschlussbericht BMBF-Projekt, 2009 .
Volker Lohweg , Rui Li , Thomas Türke , Harald Willeke und Johannes Schaede, "FPGA-based Multi-sensor Real Time Machine Vision for Banknote Printing" in , 2009 .
M. Ziefle , Carsten Röcker , Kai Kasugai , Lars Klack , Eva-Maria Jakobs , Thomas Schmitz-Rohde , Peter Russell und Jan Borchers, "eHealth – Enhancing Mobility with Aging" in Roots for the Future of Ambient Intelligence, Adjunct Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI'09), 2009 .
Jürgen Weczerek und Henning Trsek, "Schnelles Roamen in industriellen WLAN-Netzwerken" in SPS/IPC/Drives Kongress 2008, 2008 .
Stefan Ingenhorst , Stefan Schröder , Christian Becker , Stefan Witte und Stefan Heiss, IT meets Railways-Anforderungen für IP basierte LANs in Zügen.. 2008.
E.U. Warriach und Stefan Witte, "Approach for performance investigation of different Bluetooth modules and communication modes" in 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies, 2008. ICET 2008, 2008 pp. 167-171.
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Industrial Communications - A Survey" in Industrial Open Days (invited talk), 2008 .
Barath Kumar , Jahanzaib Imtiaz und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Applicability of UML MARTE's Schedulability sub-package for Engineering Industrial Real-time Protocols" in 2nd Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC 2008) (in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2008)), 2008 .
Cihan Aydogdu , Oliver Niggemann , Jens Vorrath und Dennis Ludwig, "Using Software Architecture Models in Automotive Development Processes." in , 2008 .
Olaf Graeser , Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Investigations on Traffic Patterns for Timing Requirements of an Industrial Real-Time System in Factory Automation" in 2nd Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing (JRWRTC 2008) (in conjunction with the 16th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems (RTNS 2008), 2008 .
Mohsin Hameed , Henning Trsek , Olaf Graeser und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Performance Investigation and Optimization of IEEE802.15.4 for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks" in 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2008, 2008 .
Manuel Bastert , Konstantin Nußbaum , Valentin Düe , Manuel Keinhorst und Uwe Meier, "Reproduzierbare Vermessung von Funksystemen in zeit- und frequenzselektiven Fading-Umgebungen" in 10. Wireless Technologies Kongress 2008, 2008 .
Manuel Bastert , Vjaceslav Magazinik , Manuel Keinhorst und Uwe Meier, "Maritime Funkanwendungen - Einsatzszenarien und Erprobungsmessungen" in 10. Wireless Technologies Kongress 2008, 2008 .
Marcus Niederhöfer und Volker Lohweg, "Application-based Approach for Automatic Texture Defect Recognition on Synthetic Surfaces" in 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2008), 2008 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz , Jürgen Jasperneite , Karl Weber , Lessmann Gunnar und Franz-Josef Goetz, "A Novel Method for Auto Configuration of Realtime Ethernet Networks" in 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA2008), 2008 .
Oliver Niggemann und Cihan Aydogdu, "Durchgehende Systemverifikation im Automotiven Entwicklungsprozess (in german)" in Tagungsband des Dagstuhl-Workshops "Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme IV" (MBEES), 2008 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Wenn Drähte stören, haben Wireless-Lösungen Vorteile" Maschinenbau und Metallbearbeitung Deutschland ,Aug., pp. 228 -229, 2008.
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Integration von Feldbussen in Echtzeit-Ethernet-Netzwerke" Maschinenbau und Metallbearbeitung Deutschland ,Aug., pp. 162-163, 2008.
Kaleem Ahmad und Uwe Meier, "Coexistence Optimization of Wireless PAN Automation Systems" in 7th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems - WFCS 2008, 2008 .
Uwe Meier , Kai Helmig und Kaleem Ahmad, "Systematische Untersuchung der Störfestigkeit, Übertragungs- und Datensicherheit industrieller Wireless-Technologien, BMBF 1769X05" in Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe, Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Technische Informatik; Institut Industrial IT - inIT; 2008; Summary, Final Report, Wireless Automation Users' Guide, 2008 .
Markus Schumacher, , Jürgen Jasperneite und Karl Weber, "A new Approach for Increasing the Performance of the Industrial Ethernet System PROFINET" in 7th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2008), 2008 pp. 159 - 167.
Barath Kumar und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Industrial Communication Protocol Engineering using UML 2.0: a Case Study" in 7th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2008), 2008 pp. 247 - 250.
Oliver Niggemann und Joachim Stroop, "Models for Model's Sake." in Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) - Experience Track on Automotive Systems, 2008 .
Jahanzaib Imtiaz, Route Transmission Control Applications and Java Web Services. VDMA Verlag GmbH, 2008.
Jürgen Jasperneite , Lessmann Gunnar und Karl Weber, "Mit Profinet in die Zukunft" Profibus Profinet Journal ,Apr., pp. 8-9, 2008.
Walter Dyck , Thomas Türke , Johannes Schaede und Volker Lohweg, "A New Concept on Quality Inspection and Machine Conditioning for Security Prints" in Optical Document Security - The 2008 Conference on Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence, 2008 .
Kaleem Ahmad und Uwe Meier, "Performance Investigation and Optimization of Chirp Spread Spectrum Systems for Wireless Sensor Actuator Networks" in Third International IEEE Conference on Wireless Communications and Sensor Networks, 2007 .
Carsten Magerkurth und Carsten Röcker, "Towards the Emergence of a New Application Domain" Concepts and Technologies for Pervasive Games: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research , vol. 1 ,Dec., pp. 5-9, 2007.
Ulrich Büker , Rüdiger Schmidt , Stefan Wiesner und Katharina Seifert, "Fahrerzustandserkennung und –identifikation mit einer Innenraumkamera" ,Nov., pp. 193-204, 2007.
Ahmad-Ali Tabassam und Stefan Heiss, "Bluetooth Device Discovery and Hop Synchronization by the Eavesdropper." in , 2007 .
Ulrich Büker und Dirk Oeynhausen, "Method and apparatus for automatic image segmentation of a foreground-object" in Patentanmeldung EP000001416441, eingereicht 2003, erteilt, 2007 .
Michael Höing , Kai Helmig und Uwe Meier, "Erprobungstests drahtloser Sensor-Aktor-Systeme im Industrieumfeld" in , 2007 pp. 26 - 32.
Henning Trsek , Jürgen Jasperneite und Lessmann Gunnar, "A Concept for the System Integration of Wireless Sensor Networks to Industrial Automation Systems using PROFINET" in 7th IFAC International Conference on Fieldbuses and nETworks in industrial and embedded systems, 2007 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Nora Crocoll, "Leitfaden erleichtert den Einstieg" in , 2007 pp. 26-28 (non-review).
Sebastian Schriegel und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Investigation of Industrial Environmental Influences on Clock sources and their Effect on the Synchronization Accuracy of IEEE1588" in 2007 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS07), (best paper award), 2007 .
Jürgen Jasperneite , Markus Schumacher, und Karl Weber, "Limits of Increasing the Performance of Industrial Ethernet Protocols" in 12th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2007 pp. 17 - 27.
Uwe Meier , Stefan Witte , Kai Helmig , Michael Höing , Markus Schnückel und Hermann Krause, "Performance Evaluation and Prediction of a Bluetooth Based Real-Time Sensor Actuator System in Harsh Industrial Environments" in 12th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2007 .
Walter Dyck , Thomas Türke , Johannes Schaede und Volker Lohweg, "A Fuzzy-Pattern-Classifier-Based Adaptive Learning Model for Sensor Fusion" in , 2007 .
Carsten Röcker , Steve Hinske und Carsten Magerkurth, "Intelligent Privacy Support for Large Public Displays" in Universal Access in HCI, Part II, LNCS 4555. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII’07), 2007 pp. 198 – 207.
Carsten Röcker und Carsten Magerkurth, "Privacy and Interruptions in Team Awareness Systems" in Universal Access in HCI, Part I, LNCS 4554, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII’07), 2007 pp. 273 – 283.
Ulrich Büker , Rüdiger Schmidt und Stefan Wiesner, "Camera-Based Driver Monitoring for Increased Safety and Convenience" in SAE World Congress 2007, SAE Technical Paper 2007-01-1322, 2007 .
Dirk Stichling , Rainer Otterbach und Oliver Niggemann, "Effective Cooperation of System Level und ECU Centric Tools within the AUTOSAR Tool Chain." in , 2007 .
Oliver Niggemann , Ulrich Eisemann , Michael Beine und Ulrich Kiffmeier, "Behavior Modeling Tools in an Architecture-Driven Development Process - From Function Models to AUTOSAR" in , 2007 .
Thomas Pott , Matthias Tobergte , Kai Helmig und Uwe Meier, "Gehäuseintegrierte Antennen für drahtlose SAI-Module - Optimaler Entwurf symmetrischer und unsymmetrischer Antennen" in , 2007 pp. 47-49.
Heinrich Balzer , Benno Stein und Oliver Niggemann, "Diagnose in verteilten automotiven Systemen." in Paderborner Workshop Entwurf mechatronischer Systeme, 2007 .
Michael Höing , Kai Helmig und Uwe Meier, "Bluetooth ungestört - Erprobungstests der Bluetooth-Technologie am Beispiel eines industriellen Sensor-Aktor-Systems" in 6. VDI-Jahrestagung "Wireless Automation", 2007 .
Stefan Witte , C. Sander und H. Steffan, "Breitbandige drahtlose Netzzugänge in ländlichen Gebieten" in TRAFO Projekt AZ 221-80080905, 2007 .
Richard Etter und Carsten Röcker, "A Tangible User Interface for Multi-User Interaction" in Proceedings of the International Conference on Tangible and Embedded Interaction (TEI'07), 2007 pp. 11 – 12.
Carsten Röcker , Carsten Magerkurth , Steve Hinske und Matthias Lampe, "Designing User-Friendly Interfaces for Pervasive Gaming Applications" Pervasive Gaming Applications: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research , vol. 2 ,Jan., pp. 67 – 83, 2007.
Carsten Röcker und Richard Etter, "Social Radio – A Music-Based Approach to Emotional Awareness Mediation" in Proceedings of the International Conferences on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’07), 2007 pp. 286 – 289.
Matthias Gehrke , Martin Hirsch , Ulrich Nickel , Oliver Niggemann , Wilhelm Schäfer und Dirk Stichling, "Typisierung und Verifikation zeitlicher Anforderungen automotiver Software Systeme." in , 2007 .
Oliver Niggemann , Joachim Stroop und Rainer Otterbach, "From Function Design to System Design in Model-Based Software Development." in , 2007 .
Steve Hinske , Matthias Lampe , Carsten Magerkurth und Carsten Röcker, "Classifying Pervasive Games: On Pervasive Computing and Mixed Reality" Concepts and Technologies for Pervasive Games: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research , vol. 1 ,Jan., pp. 11 – 37, 2007.
Carsten Magerkurth , Timo Engelke und Carsten Röcker, "Novel Gaming Applications for Smart Home Environments" Pervasive Gaming Applications: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research , vol. 2 ,Jan., pp. 85 – 106, 2007.
Carsten Magerkurth und Carsten Röcker, "Prototyping Pervasive Games: A New Dimension of Complexity" Pervasive Gaming Applications: A Reader for Pervasive Gaming Research , vol. 2 ,Jan., pp. 5 – 10, 2007.
Norbert Streitz , Thorsten Prante , Carsten Röcker , Daniel van Alphen , Richard Stenzel , Carsten Magerkurth , Saadi Lahlou , Valery Nosulenko , Francois Jegou , Frank Sonder und Daniela Plewe, "Smart Artefacts as Affordances for Awareness in Distributed Teams" in The Disappearing Computer, LNCS 4500, 2007 pp. 3 – 29.
Michael Höing , Kai Helmig und Uwe Meier, "Erprobungstests von drahtlosen Sensor-Aktor-Systemen in rauen Industrieumgebungen" in , 2006 .
Carsten Magerkurth , Carsten Röcker und Timo Engelke, "From the Virtual to the Physical: The Gradual Transgression to Pervasive Games" in Proceedings of Future Play 2006, 2006 .
Stefan Witte , H. Glandorf und C. Sander, "Untersuchungen zur WiMax-Technologie als breitbandiger Internetzugang im ländlichen Gebiet" in Fortschrittsberichte VDI, 2006 pp. 7 - 16.
Carsten Röcker , Carsten Magerkurth und Maral Haar, "User Interfaces for Pervasive Games: Experiences of a Formative Multi-Method Evaluation and its Implications for System Development" in Proceedings of the Ninth ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All (UI4All’06); LNCS Volume 4397/2007, 2006 pp. 352 – 368.
Carsten Magerkurth , Timo Engelke und Carsten Röcker, "The Smart Dice Cup: A Radio Controlled Sentient Interaction Device" in Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC’06); LNCS Volume 4161/2006, 2006 .
Oliver Niggemann , Markus Suevern , Ulrich Kiffmeier und Michael Beine, "The Role of Behaviour Modeling Tools in an Architecture-Driven Development Process." in , 2006 .
Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "A Simulation Case Study of the new IEEE 802.11e HCCA mechanism in Industrial Wireless Networks" in 11th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2006), 2006 .
Benno Stein , Oliver Niggemann und Heinrich Balzer, "Diagnosis in Automotive Applications." in , 2006 .
Richard Etter , Carsten Röcker und Daniel Gilgen, "Supporting Emotional Communication between Multiple Users in Intelligent Home Environments" in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE’06), 2006 pp. 41 – 50.
Carsten Röcker , Steve Hinske und Carsten Magerkurth, "SPIROS - A System for Privacy-Enhanced Information Representation in Smart Home Environments" in Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE’06), 2006 pp. 267 – 274.
S. P. Karanam , Henning Trsek und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Potential of the HCCA scheme defined in IEEE802.11e for QoS enabled Industrial Wireless Networks" in 6th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2006), 2006 .
Carsten Röcker und Maral Haar, "Exploring the Usability of Video Game Heuristics for Pervasive Game Development in Smart Home Environments" in Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Pervasive Gaming Applications, 2006 pp. 124 – 131.
Benno Stein , Oliver Niggemann und Theodor Lettmann, "Speeding up Model-based Diagnosis by a Heuristic Approach to Solving SAT." in In Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA 06), 2006 .
Volker Lohweg , Johannes Schaede und Thomas Türke, "Robust and Reliable Banknote Authentification and Print Flaw Detection with Opto-Acoustical Sensor Fusion Methods" in IS&T/SPIE 18th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging - Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques VI, Proceedings(18) SPIE, 2006 .
Johannes Schaede und Volker Lohweg, "The Mechanisms of Human Recognition as a Guideline For Security Feature Development" in IST/SPIE 18th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging - Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques VI - Vol 6075, 2006 pp. 1-12.
Matthias Gehrke , Martin Hirsch , Petra Nawratil , Oliver Niggemann und Wilhelm Schäfer, "Scenario-Based Verification of Automotive Software Systems. Modellbasierte Entwicklung eingebetteter Systeme II (MBEES)." in Dagstuhl-Workshop 2006, Informatik-Bericht 2006-01 TU Braunschweig, 2006 pp. 35-42.
Carsten Röcker , Maddy D. Janse , Nathalie Portolan und Norbert Streitz, "User Requirements for Intelligent Home Environments: A Scenario-Driven Approach and Empirical Cross-Cultural Study." in Proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Objects Ambient Intelligence (sOc-EUSAI’05), 2005 pp. 111 – 116.
Norbert Streitz , Thorsten Prante , Carsten Röcker , Daniel van Alphen , Richard Stenzel und Carsten Magerkurth, "Smarte Arbeitsumgebungen zur Unterstützung verteilter sozialer Prozesse." in C. Stary (Ed.): Proceedings of Mensch Computer 2005: Kunst und Wissenschaft – Grenzüberschreitungen der interaktiven ART, 2005 pp. 111 – 120.
Tobias Henke und Volker Lohweg, "A Simplified Scheme For Hardware-Based Pattern Recognition" in IEEE International Conference On Image Processing (ICIP), 2005 pp. 349.
Carsten Röcker , Maral Memisoglu und Norbert Streitz, "How to Present Awareness Information on Large Public Displays?" in , 2005 .
Norbert Streitz , Carsten Magerkurth , Thorsten Prante und Carsten Röcker, "From Information Design to Experience Design: Smart Artefacts and the Disappearing Computer." in , 2005 pp. 21 – 25.
Jürgen Jasperneite und Lessmann Gunnar, "Integrationsplattform PROFINET." in , 2005 pp. 44-47.
Carsten Röcker , Victor Bayon , Maral Memisoglu und Norbert Streitz, "Context-Dependent Email Notification Using Ambient Displays and Mobile Devices." in Takamatsu Kagawa Japan, 2005 pp. 137 – 138.
Norbert Streitz , Carsten Röcker , Thorsten Prante , Daniel van Alphen , Richard Stenzel und Carsten Magerkurth, "Designing Smart Artifacts for Smart Environments." in , 2005 pp. 41 – 49.
Saadi Lahlou , Marc Langheinrich und Carsten Röcker, "Privacy and Trust Issues with Invisible Computers." in , 2005 pp. 59 – 60.
Jürgen Jasperneite, "INTERBUS means Speed - Connectivity - Safety." in The Industrial Communication Technology Handbook ISBN 0-8493-3077-7, 2005 pp. 10-20.
Ulrich Büker und Joachim Olk, "Future Trends in Biometrics for Automobile Applications" in Internationale Zuliefererbörse IZB 2004, (Abruf am 07.11.2004), 2004 .
Stefan Witte und M. Stanimirov, "Wireless in Automation." in , 2004 .
Thorsten Prante , Richard Stenzel , Carsten Röcker , Daniel van Alphen , Norbert Streitz , Carsten Magerkurth und Daniela Plewe, "Connecting Remote Teams: Cross-Media Integration to Support Remote Informal Encounters." in , 2004 .
Jürgen Jasperneite , Michael Theis und Kym Watson, "Echtzeitkommunikation mit Switched Ethernet." in , 2004 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Jürgen Weczerek, "Einsatz von Wireless-IO´s in der Automatisierungstechnik -Anforderungen und Realisierung-." in GMA Fachtagung "Funkgestützte Kommunikation in der industriellen Automatisierung", 2004 .
Volker Lohweg , Carsten Diederichs und Dietmar Müller, "Algorithms for Hardware-Based Pattern Recognition." in , 2004 pp. 1912-1920.
Thomas Türke und Volker Lohweg, "Real-time image-processing-system-on-chip for security feature detection and classification." in IST/SPIE 16th Annual Symposium on Electronic Imaging - Real-Time Imaging VIII, 2004 pp. 204-211.
Norbert Streitz , Thorsten Prante , Carsten Röcker , Daniel van Alphen , Carsten Magerkurth , Richard Stenzel und Daniela Plewe, "Ambient Displays and Mobile Devices for the Creation of Social Architectural Spaces: Supporting Informal Communication and Social Awareness in Organizations." ,Dec., . 2003.
Jürgen Jasperneite , Thorsten Prante , Carsten Röcker , Norbert Streitz , Richard Stenzel , Daniel van Alphen , Carsten Magerkurth und Daniela Plewe, "Hello.Wall – Beyond Ambient Displays." , vol. 51 ,Oct., pp. 97, 2003.
Roland Bach , Oliver Niggemann , Peter Winterling und Vitus Zeller, "Die Zuverlässigkeit der Q-Faktor-Messung bei beliebigen Signalstörungen." in , 2003 .
Kym Watson und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Kym" in , 2003 pp. 255-260.
Carsten Diederichs und Volker Lohweg, "An Image-Processing-System-On-Chip Based on Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms and Fuzzy Pattern Classification." in IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 2003 .
Florence Gras , Bruno Le Dantec , Olivier Trébucq , Bruno Cucinelli , Michel Leduc , David Simplot , Ulrich Büker , Gilles Barthe , Bruno Michaud , Pieter Hartel , Benoit Thevenot , Albert Moedl , Jean-Jacques Quisquater , Jean-Paul Thomasson und Enrique Canto, RESET Roadmap for European Research on Smartcard Related Technologies. Sophia Antipolis, 2003.
Markus Schnückel und Uwe Meier, "Innovative Präsentations-Steuerung - Vier PCs per Funk simultan gekoppelt." in , 2003 pp. 64-67.
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Switched Ethernet in der Industrieautomation - wie wird Echtzeitsicherheit gewaehrleistet ?" in VDE-Kongress: NetWorlds - Leben und Arbeiten in vernetzten Welten, 2002 pp. 251-256.
Jürgen Jasperneite , Peter Neumann , Michael Theis und Kym Watson, "Deterministic Real-Time Communication with Switched Ethernet." in , 2002 pp. 11 - 18.
Roland Bach , Vitus Zeller , Alexei Cheleg und Oliver Niggemann, "Assessing the Influence of Linear/Nonlinear Effects on Different Q-Factor Measurement Methods." in , 2002 .
Ulrich Büker , Heinz-Josef Eikerling und Wolfgang Müller, Proceedings International ITEA Workshop on Virtual Home Environments. Shaker Verlag, 2002.
Ulrich Büker und Michael Kuehle, "Virtual Home Environment: Security Architecture for Ticket Based Services" in Proceedings / International ITEA Workshop on Virtual Home Environments: February 20 - 21, 2002, Paderborn, Germany, 2002 pp. 41-50.
Ulrich Büker, "Using Java Cards for Virtual Home Environments" in Proceedings International ITEA Workshop on Virtual Home Environments, 2002 pp. 151-159.
Jürgen Jasperneite, "IP-Tunneling in der Praxis." in DFAM/ifak-Workshop "Flexible Internet-Anbindungen für Feldgeräte", 2002 .
Ulrich Büker , Siegbert Drüe , Nicolai Götze , Georg Hartmann , Björn Kalkreuter , Ralf Stemmer und Ralph Trapp, "Vision-based control of an autonomous disassembly station" , vol. 35 ,Dec., pp. 179 - 189, 2001.
Ulrich Büker, "Aktive Szenenauswertung und Objekterkennung." in Habilitationsschrift, Universität Paderborn, 2001 .
Angelo Grasso und Stefan Witte, Description of the FEBIS wire protocol. WCRR, 2001.
Jürgen Jasperneite , Peter Neumann und Kym Watson, "Real-Time Communication in Industrial Automation with Switched Ethernet Networks." in Echtzeitkommunikation und Ethernet Internet: Fachtagung der GI-Fachgruppe 4.4.2 Echtzeitprogrammierung (Pearl 2001), 2001 pp. 40-49.
Stefan Witte , R. Tione , A. Launay und C. Coulange, "FEBIS System Aspects." in , 2001 .
Marc Guigon und Stefan Witte, "Development of the FEBIS-System." in , 2001 .
Jürgen Jasperneite und Peter Neumann, "Switched Ethernet for Factory Communication." in , 2001 pp. 205 - 212.
Oliver Niggemann und Benno Stein, "Generation of Similarity Measures from Different Sources." in , 2001 .
Oliver Niggemann , Benno Stein und Jens Tölle, "Visualization of Traffic Structures." in , 2001 .
Jürgen Jasperneite, "Modulare Maschinen/Anlagenkonzepte mit IDA." in Ifak Workshop: Ethernet-TCP/IP in der Automation - Ein Vergleich der Lösungen, 2001 .
Volker Lohweg und Dietmar Müller, "Nonlinear Generalized Circular Transforms for Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition." in IEEE-Eurasip Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 2001 .
Oliver Niggemann, "Visual Data Mining of Graph-Based Data." in , 2001 .
Stefan Witte und F. Minde, "FEBIS: Kommunikationsbasierte elektronisch gesteuerte Bremse." Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau: ETR 50 (2001) H.5 ,Jun., pp. 256 - 263, 2001.
Michael Lappe , Oliver Niggemann , Jong Parl und Liisa Holm, "Generating Protein Interaction Maps from Incomplete Data: Application to Fold Assignment." in , 2001 .
Stefan Witte , Ralf Kleinsorge und Uwe Meier, "Funkkommunikation im Güterzug." in , 2001 pp. 26 - 31.
Uwe Meier und Kai Olthoff, "Echtzeitfähige Funkübertragung beim Interbus." in VDI-Berichte 1608, 2001 pp. 829 - 836.
Stefan Witte , Ralf Kleinsorge und Uwe Meier, "Radio Communication within Freight Trains." in Heft 3, 2001 pp. 46 - 50.
Ulrich Büker und Georg Hartmann, "Object Representation: on Combining Object-Centered and Viewer-Centered Strategies" in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000), 2000 pp. 956-959.
Ulrich Büker, "Cooperative Agents for Object Recognition" in Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2000), 2000 pp. 157 -160.
Oliver Hempel , Ulrich Büker und Georg Hartmann, "Agent-based Object Recognition" in Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, 2000 pp. 144 - 148.
Oliver Hempel , Ulrich Büker und Georg Hartmann, "PAWIAN - A Parallel Image Recognition System" ,Dec., pp. 502 - 511, 2000.
Ulrich Büker , Siegbert Drüe , Georg Hartmann , Ralf Stemmer und Ralph Trapp, "Aktive Objekterkennung und -vermessung zur Steuerung eines Demontageroboters" , vol. 1 ,Dec., pp. 25 - 30, 2000.
Kai Hanning , Kai Olthoff , Karl Weber , A. Tegtmeier und Uwe Meier, "Freie Kurvengänger - Der funkgesteuerte Zugriff ins Hochregallager." in , 2000 pp. 78 - 79.
Oliver Niggemann und Jens Tölle, "Supporting Intrusion Detection by Graph Clustering and Graph Drawing." in , 2000 .
Uwe Meier , P. Walther und J. Börner, "Radio Levelling System for Civil Engineering Applications." in Proc. of the 30th Europ. Microwave Conf., 2000 pp. 151 - 154.
Oliver Niggemann und Benno Stein, "Learning the optimal Graph-Drawing Method for clustered Graphs." in , 2000 .
Oliver Niggemann und Benno Stein, "Visualization by Example." in , 2000 .
Uwe Meier , M. Pulsmeier und A. Radler, "Schnell mit Produkten auf den Markt - Teil 2: Markteinführung im Ausland." in , 2000 pp. 68 - 69.
Uwe Meier , H. Hüllwegen , S. Röstel und F. Zeidler, "Schnell mit Produkten auf den Markt - Teil 1: Markteinführung in Deutschland." in , 2000 pp. 66 - 67.
Stefan Witte , F. Minde und J. Engelmann, "Zentrale Komponenten eines intelligenten Güterzugs." in Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau ETR 49, 2000 pp. 745 - 750.
Mariofanna Milanova und Ulrich Büker, "Object recognition in image sequences with cellular neural networks" Neurocomputing , vol. 31 ,Mar., pp. 125 - 141, 2000.
Ulrich Büker , Siegbert Drüe , Nicolai Götze , Georg Hartmann , Björn Kalkreuter , Ralf Stemmer und Ralph Trapp, "An Active Object Recognition System for Disassembly Tasks" in , 1999 pp. 79-88.
Ulrich Büker , Siegbert Drüe , Nicolai Götze , Georg Hartmann , Björn Kalkreuter , Ralf Stemmer und Ralph Trapp, "An Active Object Recognition System for Disassembly Tasks" in , 1999 pp. 79 - 88.
Georg Hartmann , Ulrich Büker und Siegbert Drüe, "A Hybrid Neuro - Artificial lntelligence Architecture" , vol. 3 ,Dec., pp. 153 - 196, 1999.
Oliver Hempel , Ulrich Büker und Georg Schriek, "Heuristics in Parallel Search for Knowledge-based Image Recognition" in Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC '99), S. 160 - 164, 1999 pp. 160 - 164.
Ulrich Büker und Björn Kalkreuter, "Automatische Generierung hybrider Objektmodelle" in Mustererkennung 1998. Informatik aktuell, 1998 pp. 572 - 579.
Ulrich Büker, "Hybrid Object Models for Robot Vision" in Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON '98), 1998 pp. 2045 - 2050.
Ulrich Büker und Björn Kalkreuter, "Learning in an active hybrid vision system" in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. (ICPR '98), 1998 pp. 178 - 181.
Ulrich Büker, "Hybrid Object Models: Combining Symbolic and Subsymbolic Object Recognition Strategies" in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Analysis and Synthesis, 1998 pp. 444 - 451.
Ulrich Büker , Mariofanna Milanova und Juan Manuel Ibarra, "Active Vision System for 3D Object Recognition" in Signal and Image Processing (SIP '98), 1998 pp. 624 - 627.
Oliver Hempel und Ulrich Büker, "A Parallel Control Algorithm for Hybrid Image Recognition." in Yi Pan; Selim G. Akl; Keqin Li (Hrsg.): Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems. Anaheim (IASTED/ACTA Press), 1998, S. 206 - 209., 1998 pp. 206 - 209.
Mariofanna Milanova und Ulrich Büker, "Celluar Neural Networks for Complex Object Recognition." in Proceedings of the International ICSC/IFAC Symposium of Neural Computation. (NC '98), Millet (ICSC Academic Press), 1998 .
Jun Okamoto , Mariofanna Milanova und Ulrich Büker, "Active Perception System for Recognition of 3D Objects in Image Sequences." in , 1998 pp. 700 - 705.
Ulrich Büker , Siegbert Drüe und Georg Hartmann, "Ein neuronales Bilderkennungssystem für Robotikanwendungen." Automatisierungstechnik , vol. 45/10 ,Dec., pp. 501-506, 1997.
Georg Hartmann , Ulrich Büker , Jürgen Dunker und Elmar Seidenberg, "Aktives Sehen mit einem hybriden Neuro-KI-System." , vol. Ahlers, R.-J. (Hrsg.) Bildverarbeitung '97. Technische Akademie Esslingen ,Dec., pp. 143-150, 1997.
Ulrich Büker und Mariofanna Milanova, "Cellular Neural Networks In Active Vision System." Namazi, N.M. (Hrsg.): Signal and Image Processing (SIP '98). Anaheim (IASTED/ACTA Press) ,Dec., pp. 56 - 60, 1996.
Ulrich Büker , Jürgen Dunker , Georg Hartmann und Elmar Seidenberg, "Aktives Sehen für die 3-D Objekterkennung in hybrider Architektur." in , 1996 pp. 174-181.
Ulrich Büker, "Wissensbasierte Bilderkennung mit symbolischen und neuronal repräsentierten Merkmalen." in Fortschritt-Berichte, Reihe 10, Nr. 425, Düsseldorf (VDI-Verlag), 1996 .
Ulrich Büker, "Wissensbasierte Bilderkennung mit symbolischen und neuronal repräsentierten Merkmalen." in Fortschritt-Berichte, Reihe 10, Nr. 425, Düsseldorf (VDI-Verlag), 1996 .
Ulrich Büker und Georg Hartmann, "Wissensbasierte Bilderkennung mit neuronal repräsentierten Merkmalen." in Sagerer, G. Posch.; Kummert, F. (Hrsg.): Mustererkennung 1995. Berlin u.a. (Springer), 1995, S. 586-593., 1995 .
Ulrich Büker und Bärbel Mertsching, "Parallel Evaluation of Hierarchical Image Databases." , vol. 31 ,Dec., pp. 141-152, 1995.
Ulrich Büker und Georg Hartmann, "Integrating Semantic and Neural Networks for Active Robot Vision." in Dreschler-Fischer, L.; Pribbenow, S. (Hrsg.): KI-95 Activities: Workshops, Posters, Demos. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 1995, S. 156-157., 1995 .
Ulrich Büker , Peter Haasper und Bärbel Mertsching, "Efficient Shape Recognition of Hierarchically Encoded Structures by Moments from Boundaries." in Dori, D.; Bruckstein, A. (Hrsg): Shape, Structure and Pattern Recognition, Singapore (World Scientific), 1994, S.109-117., 1994 .
Ulrich Büker , Hubert Austermeier und Georg Hartmann, "Verkehrsszenenanalyse in hierarchisch codierten Bildern." in Pöppl, S.; Handels, H. (Hrsg.): Mustererkennung 1993. Berlin u.a. (Springer), 1993, S.694-701., 1993 .
Bärbel Mertsching , Hubert Austermeier und Ulrich Büker, "Interpretation of Traffic Scenes Using a Hierarchical Data Structure." in , 1993 pp. 163-168.
Hubert Austermeier , Ulrich Büker , Bärbel Mertsching und Stefan Zimmermann, "Analysis of Traffic Scenes by Using the Hierarchical Structure Code." in Bunke, H. (Hrsg.): Advances in Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition. Series on Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 5, Singapore (World Scientific), 1992, S.561-570., 1992 .
Ulrich Büker , Bärbel Mertsching und Stefan Zimmermann, "Ein Kontrollmodul mit verteilter Methodenbasis zur Extraktion von Merkmalen aus dem Hierarchischen Strukturcode." in Grebe, R. (Hrsg.): Parallele Datenverarbeitung mit dem Transputer. Berlin u.a. (Springer), 1992, S.186-193., 1992 .
Bärbel Mertsching , Stefan Zimmermann und Ulrich Büker, "Ein Satz von merkmalsbestimmenden Basisoperationen zur Auswertung von Bildpyramiden." in Radig, B. (Hrsg.): Mustererkennung 1991. Berlin, u.a. (Springer), 1991, S.180-186., 1991 .
Barath Kumar , Andreas Toensfeuerborn , Oliver Niggemann , Wilhelm Schäfer und Jürgen Jasperneite, "Experience in deploying MBT for industrial automation" in ETSI Model Based Testing User Conference (MBTUC) 2012, 1970 .
Christopher Masjosthusmann , Ulrich Köhler , Nikolaus Decius und Ulrich Büker, "Ein Verhaltensmodell und ein Laborprüfstand zur SiL- und HiL-Simulation eines zentralen Steuergeräts für ein intelligent-effizientes Elektrofahrzeug" in Workshop der ASIM/GI-Fachgruppen Simulation technischer Systeme - Grundlagen und Methoden in Modellbildung und Simulation, ARGESIM Report AR41, Wien (ARGESIM Verlag), 2013, S.97-104, 1970 .
Christopher Masjosthusmann , Ulrich Köhler , Nikolaus Decius und Ulrich Büker, "A vehicle energy management system for a battery electric vehicle" in In: Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2012 IEEE, S. 339-344, 1970 .
Ulrich Büker , Tristan Eickhoff und Rüdiger Schmidt, "Biometric Driver Identification" in SAE World Congress 2008, SAE Technical Paper 2008-01-0196., 1970 .
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