Discover Artifical Intelligence, Springer
Sensor system for development of perception systems for ATO
Rustam Tagiew , Dirk Leinhos , Henrik von der Haar , Christian Klotz , Dennis Sprute , Jens Ziehn , Andreas Schmelter , Stefan Witte und Pavel Klasek,
Literatur Beschaffung:
Discover Artifical Intelligence, Springer
Bibtex: Download Bibtex
author | = | {Tagiew, Rustam and Leinhos, Dirk and von der Haar, Henrik and Klotz, Christian and Sprute, Dennis and Ziehn, Jens and Schmelter, Andreas and Witte, Stefan and Klasek, Pavel}, |
title | = | {Sensor system for development of perception systems for ATO}, |
journal | = | {Discover Artifical Intelligence}, |
year | = | {2023}, |
volume | = | {3}, |
number | = | {}, |
pages | = | {0}, |
month | = | {Jun}, |
note | = | {}, |