In: IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency: Intelligent Methods for the Factory of the Future, Springer Vieweg

Anomaly Detection and Localization for Cyber-Physical Production Systems with Self-Organizing Maps

Alexander von Birgelen und Oliver Niggemann,
Aug 2018
Literatur Beschaffung: IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency: Intelligent Methods for the Factory of the Future, Springer Vieweg
author= {von Birgelen, Alexander and Niggemann, Oliver},
title= {Anomaly Detection and Localization for Cyber-Physical Production Systems with Self-Organizing Maps},
booktitle= {IMPROVE - Innovative Modelling Approaches for Production Systems to Raise Validatable Efficiency: Intelligent Methods for the Factory of the Future},
year= {2018},
editor= {},
volume= {},
series= {},
pages= {55-71},
address= {},
month= {Aug},
organisation= {},
publisher= {Springer Vieweg},
note= {},