In: Namazi, N.M. (Hrsg.): Signal and Image Processing (SIP '98). Anaheim (IASTED/ACTA Press), IASTED/ACTA Press

Cellular Neural Networks In Active Vision System.

Ulrich Büker und Mariofanna Milanova,
Dec 1996
Literatur Beschaffung: Namazi, N.M. (Hrsg.): Signal and Image Processing (SIP '98). Anaheim (IASTED/ACTA Press), IASTED/ACTA Press
author= {Büker, Ulrich and Milanova, Mariofanna},
title= {Cellular Neural Networks In Active Vision System.},
chapter= {},
pages= {56 - 60},
publisher= {IASTED/ACTA Press},
year= {1996},
volume= {},
series= {},
type= {},
address= {Anaheim},
edition= {},
month= {Dec},
note= {},