E-Health, Assistive Technologies and Applications for Assisted Living: Challenges and Solutions., IGI Publishing
A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Ambient Assisted Living
M. Ziefle , Carsten Röcker , Wiktoria Wilkowska , Kai Kasugai , Lars Klack , Christina Möllering und Shirley Beul,
Literatur Beschaffung:
E-Health, Assistive Technologies and Applications for Assisted Living: Challenges and Solutions., IGI Publishing
Bibtex: Download Bibtex
author | = | {Ziefle, M. and Röcker, Carsten and Wilkowska, Wiktoria and Kasugai, Kai and Klack, Lars and Möllering, Christina and Beul, Shirley}, |
title | = | {A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Ambient Assisted Living}, |
chapter | = | {}, |
pages | = | {76 - 93}, |
publisher | = | {IGI Publishing}, |
year | = | {2011}, |
volume | = | {}, |
series | = | {}, |
type | = | {}, |
address | = | {Niagara Falls}, |
edition | = | {}, |
month | = | {Jan}, |
note | = | {}, |