Where IT


inIT News: You will find information on the latest research trends from inIT below. Find out more about the exciting world of information and communication technologies from various fields of application “made in Lemgo”. Stay up to date with the inIT topics.

The departments of Electrical Engineering and Technical Informatics organized a ceremonial farewell for the graduates of the last…
Latest developments, trends and challenges of Industrial Image Processing were discussed at the annual colloquium “BVAu” that took…
(Lemgo, 07.12.2016) It was about latest developments, trends and challenges of Industrial Communication: The 7th annual colloquium…
Lukasz Wisniewski, Research Group Leader at inIT, successfully completed his doctoral degree at the Department of Electrical…
(Lemgo, 01.12.2016) From a transitional accommodation in containers to working in state-of-the-art buildings: a lot has changed…
There was a strong interest in the expert conference “Big Data for Production” that took place on Wednesday, 16. November 2016 at…
inIT employees Marco Ehrlich and Uwe Mönks explained to the interested students, pupils and freshmen how to successfully manage…
A smart banknote that memorizes various information which are accessible at any time anywhere in the world as long as it is…
“How intelligent are machines becoming?“ Professors Dr. Oliver Niggemann and Dr. Jürgen Jasperneite from Institute Industrial IT…
Researchers of Institute Industrial IT (inIT) of OWL University presently receive company: it’s OWL School Camp stops by at inIT…