Where IT
On 24.05.2016 Professor Volker Lohweg, Board Member at Institute Industrial IT (inIT) hold a speech to about 50 specialists from…
The research and development center CENTRUM INDUSTRIAL IT (CIIT) was recently selected as one of 100 “Selected Landmarks in the…
Already for the 4th time „it’s OWL Summer School“ will take place in Lemgo, Bielefeld and Paderborn in September. In Lemgo…
What exactly is Industry 4.0? How can digitalization be implemented to the own company? A question concerning many small and…
Professor Jie Wand followed an invitation of Professor Jürgen Jasperneite, director of Institute Industrial IT (inIT) of…
The finals of the national competition “Jugend forscht” take place in Paderborn at Heinz Nixdorf Museumsforum from 26. to 29. May…
The new Activity Report of our institute offers a concise overview of the institute, the research projects, our publications and…
It has been known for some time at CENTRUM INDUSTRIAL IT (CIIT) in Lemgo that collaborations between Universities of Applied…
(Lemgo, 26.04.2016) Natalia Moriz, graduated mathematician, of Institute Industrial IT (inIT) of OWL University of Applied…
On Monday, 25.04.2016 Professor Johanna Wanka (Federal Research Minister) and Svenja Schulze (Research Minister, Land of NRW)…