Alignment of safety and security risk assessments for modular production systems
Marco Ehrlich , André Bröring , Dimitri Hader , Torben Auhagen-Meyer , Philip Kleen , Lukasz Wisniewski , Henning Trsek and Jürgen Jasperneite,In order to ensure the safety and security of industrial systems with regard to all life cycle phases from development through operation to disposal, specific regulatory and normative requirements are imposed. Due to the digitalization, interconnection, and constantly increasing complexity of manufacturing systems in the context of Industrie 4.0, the manual effort necessary to achieve the required safety and security is becoming ever greater and almost impossible to manage, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, this paper examines the existing challenges in this area in more detail and gives an outlook on the possible solutions to ensure safety and security much quicker and with less manual effort. The overall vision is a (partially) automated risk assessment of modular systems with respect to safety and security, including the alignment of the corresponding processes from both domains and the formalization of the information models needed.
author | = | {Ehrlich, Marco and Bröring, André and Hader, Dimitri and Auhagen-Meyer, Torben and Kleen, Philip and Wisniewski, Lukasz and Trsek, Henning and Jasperneite, Jürgen}, |
title | = | {Alignment of safety and security risk assessments for modular production systems}, |
journal | = | {}, |
year | = | {2021}, |
volume | = | {}, |
number | = | {}, |
pages | = | {}, |
month | = | {Sep}, |
note | = | {}, |