MoveInOWL: Vorstudie Vernetzte Mobilität in OWL

07.02.2019 bis 31.12.2019

The preliminary study "Networked Mobility in OWL" (MoveInOWL) deals with mobility in rural and urban environments, specifically using the example of East Westphalia-Lippe.

Mobility is a decisive factor for the quality of life and the economy of urban regions with rural surroundings. East Westphalia-Lippe is characterized by a heterogeneous regional structure with urban and rural areas that is subject to strong changes (demographic change, growing and shrinking cities, prospering and structurally weak rural areas). Mobility providers in OWL are therefore confronted with constantly changing requirements for time availability and reachable destinations in public transport.

Our vision of the mobility of the future is networked mobility offerings based on autonomous vehicles that are adapted to the individual needs of users, making daily trips easier and more flexible. Integral components are networking (geographic, social, traffic, digital), environmental and climate protection, and economic efficiency. A particular requirement is that the service be available on demand at any time. This poses a challenge, especially in sparsely populated rural areas.

Recommendations for action will be developed as part of the preliminary study. These recommendations for action also consider the creation of real laboratories in OWL to implement or test the described concepts in the real world.

This project is promoted by:
Ministerium für Verkehr des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Funding Lines: EFRE 2014-2020: Regionale 2022
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