Professor Jasperneite

Thesis Topics - Professor Jasperneite

The Computer Networks research group at the Institute for Industrial Information Technology (inIT) at TH OWL offers a wide range of opportunities for students to engage and further their education in the field of communication systems. These opportunities include research papers, bachelor's theses, research projects, master's theses, and doctoral dissertations. Our focus areas include fieldbuses, real-time Ethernet, wireless communication, 5G/6G, heterogeneous networks, wide area networks, IoT technologies, and M2M communication.

In the realm of system analysis and the design of communication systems, we are involved in formal modeling, performance evaluation, verification and validation, interoperability, conformity, and testing. These aspects are crucial for the development of reliable and efficient communication systems.

Our research also encompasses networked embedded real-time systems, with a strong emphasis on real-time capability, quality of service (QoS), semantic interoperability, IT security, functional safety, fault tolerance, availability, reliability, diagnostics, system integration, and engineering.

The application of these technologies spans various fields such as manufacturing technology, process automation, building automation, home automation, logistics, telematics, infrastructure, and remote control technology. Through practice-oriented research and close collaboration with industry, we offer our students the opportunity to optimally prepare for their future professional challenges and to develop innovative solutions.

We are constantly seeking motivated students who wish to complete their thesis in our fields of study.

Contact us at: computernetworks(at)init-owl.de.